Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

I think (and I meant to address that part of your post, @ramblinrose, but I forgot haha) that it’s just an impossible thing, simply because we will never feel the way we did ten or twenty or thirty years ago, without the weed or with it.

Which doesn’t mean we shouldn’t search for that Unicorn haha. I’m down! I’m down to look for it! Let’s see if we can find it! Haha…

Right, I get that. Neither’s super-“strong”, but both are, I think, very good and unique. And strong enough for me. I always feel like, if I smoke something and don’t feel the urge to blaze something for two or three hours and don’t feel the urge to pound a bunch of alcohol, that means it’s good. And both the BD and the LJ work that way for me.

Matter of fact, I still have a little bit of that Blue Dream and I have to fucking foliar in a bit, think I’ll blaze some of the BD before I do that haha…


Haha those guys that never had ziplocks - tin foil, grocery bag, cig cellphane wrappers, napkins etc. Cartoon weed would be sweet to find, smoked some here n there that gives visual accents and brightens things up… but yea nothin like lsd for that! Haha.

Yup the unicorn hunt is good fun thats for sure, I think mine is doable as it was more of a specific flavor profile rather than RKS that stinks up a 5 mile radius with perfect lime green hairless bud. I remember finding a bit of the profile in bodhis Kodama too… a strawberry milk leaner… made me think Sour D influence. That bud had a bit of a visual effect now that I think on it ha.


Yeah, I think it’s an impossible thing for me to experience weed the same way I did twenty plus years ago. Maybe if I took a twenty year break… but that’s not for me! I have noticed that when I do smoke less, or take a break for a few days, I’m able to better determine the subtle differences in effects from each strain, but that’s about it. I think hunting the unicorn for me these days is more about finding fun stuff and sharing it, I’m not sure there is just one unicorn anymore… plus if I did “catch the unicorn”, I’d probably get tired of her and try to find something new anyways…

Yeah, exactly, I know where to turn if I need/want that experience nowadays!

lol, too true! you’re reminding me of all the crazy things I got weed in… cups from McDonalds… … “My dude, ziplocs are like $1.99 … take this money you’re making off this 20sack and buy some”.

That’s a good metric… and I agree those two I can blaze up around mid-day and still get stuff done and not feel the urge or desire to smoke more for a couple hours. The Blue Dream has a nice anti-anxiety effect too, which I think a lot of people dig, or at least I do…


Quick update/photo dump…

Bandaid Haze IX 3.0 Church


Bandaid Haze 7 with her distinct leaf hook.


Lav Jack - 31 days flowering

TK and Lav Jack

I’ve been blazing on some Ethiopian Flame V2 and it’s some nice, nice herb. It has a savory sweet banana bread smell, the taste coats your mouth and tongue too. Smokes like a very nice hybrid. Nice relaxation in my shoulders and knees, that creeped in after a few minutes. But also, mental uplift/expansion in a very kind way. Maybe a little CBD in there for how chill it made me feel. Nice find mystery amigo!


Really? I was planning on planting Doc’s Ethiopian Banana x A5Thai as the replacement for all the Zaps that turned out male until we started talking about the Oil Spill seeds on syzygy’s thread. Now I’m torn… haha.


The sample that I traveled across state lines to go enjoy was really good. It was the highlight out of what I sampled from this grower that is blowing in the wind. When I cracked that jar, I literally said “Whoa!”, Just from the smell. After the smoking it, it really was unique… it just hit the spot in a way that nothing has been today… maybe the CBD? I dunno, I really, really like this one…


Gawddamnit… You’re not making this any easier haha. Fuck it. I’ll plant them both and just stagger shit. And hope that it all works out.

That’s cool, I love that. Like I said, you’re not making this decision easier haha…

What else did you try? Just curious…


I very highly recommend the ethiopian banana.

I use my selected pheno of bodhi’s ethiopian banana x omg every day. The high never gets old. it’s reliably awesome every time, and the smell and flavor are amazing. I’m about to hit some concentrate right now.


Yeah, I know you like that one a lot; that’s like the main reason why that Banana x A5T is what I was gonna plant next. And I decided today, after thinking about it, that that is what I’m gonna plant and the Oil Spill can wait. I don’t have room to plant both and the Oil Spill’s supposed to finish in 60 days, so I figure if I plant some of those end of February or so, they’ll still finish up by the time I shut it down mid-June.

How long does your Ethiopian Banana x OMG take? I figure it’s gotta be at least eleven weeks or so, right? Sorry for not remembering haha.


It’s quicker than that, more like 8 to 10 on the outside.
Last week I harvested one that was flipped in early october, and that was at least 2 weeks late and way way overripe. It should have been harvested around 2 months.

And I’m sorry to say I never remembered to write down filp and harvest dates for this pheno haha.
I’m about to flip another one, so I’ll note the exact dates and flowering time.

My tester report to bodhi in 2018 says flowering time ranged from 53 days to 66 days for those phenos. And that’s harvesting everything on the late side, some of them could be picked sooner.

I pretty much always harvest very ripe and on the late side. Some phenos turn gold.

It’s worth mentioning though, with most phenos there are 2 harvest windows with this plant. You can take them for an early harvest when most of the pistils have turned red and the only white hairs left on the bud are the tips or foxtails. At this point, all the older material on the buds is fully ripe but most phenos will continue to bulk up or foxtail with some fresh growth.

And that won’t be a premature harvest- if it was seeded early on those seeds will be ripe by this point. This is how you would harvest it outdoors.

Or you can wait until new growth or foxtailing has slowed to a crawl or finished growing. At this point the fresh growth or foxtails will be fully ripe, and the older material on the buds will be mostly yellow or gold.

It can’t go this late outdoors, I can only get this late harvest in my indoor grow.

The ethiopian banana x a5t will probably be more sativa leaning than the omg so you’ll probably see some variation on these themes. I think the ethiopian banana is fairly quick for a landrace/heirloom sativa.


Yeah, as I was reading what you wrote, I was thinking,”8-10 weeks has gotta be because of that OMG male…” Most of the OMG stuff I’ve grown finished within the same time frame, but yeah, I fully expect the A5T cross to take longer. I hope it does, anyway.

That’s also assuming that I get any females at all :joy::weary::joy::weary: haha.

That’s okay. I was just curious. I’m gonna go back and re-read the info on your thread. That kinda stuff always gets me super-pumped haha…


I also have samples of the Spell Caster - which I grew myself, but nice to try someone else’s work, and Garmr V1 from Ill Eagle Birdseed. I haven’t tried the Garmr yet, but smells close to TK to me. The other grower on the Spell Caster did a better job than I did with mine, and while I enjoyed the smoke, I didn’t think it better than the BH7. The other grower had more of the sour kush notes come through, while mine was more on the basement/mildew/plastic side of things.

I did smoke some Chemdog earlier in the day, and maybe a puff or two of Lav Jack, and was still able to feel the Ethiopian Flame pretty strongly in the afternoon. That’s pretty good in my book.

That’s cool to know. I wanna pop some of the crosses we made next year!

Yeah, I’d expect the flowering times to be slightly longer with that A5/Thai (or is it Mirikal now?)

I think you’re due for a pretty good F to M outcome…


Hahaha… At this point, I’m kind of starting to buy into the idea that maybe it is something I’m doing. I’ve always thought that that whole idea about being able to influence M:F ratios by doing certain things in veg was total bullshit, but now I’m not so sure. I don’t know what it is I might be doing “wrong,” but it’s almost impossible to end up with as many males as I end up with grow after grow after grow.

In any event, I won’t be holding my breath on the Ethiopian Banana x A5Thai plants, but I will maintain a positive attitude haha…

Oh, that’s cool. I’ve “known” stank for a while now, from back when I was on thcfarmer. I follow his threads here, but I haven’t grown any of his gear. He’s asked me to haha, but I’m not interested in the genetics he’s working with. Good guy, though, for sure.


I hope everyone had a good Christmas or whatever. Just got back from my break, it was nice to come home and see all the plants still alive. SIPs FTW!

Lav Jack before I left

Lav Jack Today

Triangle Kush left and Lav Jack right

TK side view

GG#4 got hungry while I was gone, she’s in a 3 gallon pot, so not much room for her. Gonna try to whip her in shape with a little bit of supplemental feed from Pure Blend Pro Bloom.

T-1000 chugging along, she’s in coco and was on the auto water system, it worked out great.

Bandaid Haze Church - bigger pot and much happier with just water only while I was gone.

Bandaid Haze #7 - 1 gallon coco

SR-71 Purple Kush :: Tahoe OG
Dragon Hammer :: Legend OG
Before I left

And today… holy schnitzel! Gonna need to do some pruning before I throw them in the flower tent this weekend.

All my moms made it, threw them in the cold garage and they basically didn’t grow at all, but also didn’t drink much either, so it worked out. I’m seriously considering trashing most of the mom’s though… too many new things to grow and try. It was nice to reflect on that during my time away from the grow… do I really want to keep dealing with keeping these plants alive forever? It’s a pretty big commitment, and it seems to cause me more stress than just planting seeds. I also feel that I can find whatever in seeds, nothing has been special enough to me to think that there’s not something else out there that is close enough. If I did promise you clones, I’ll make sure I keep them around long enough to hook you up.

What are y’all’s goals for the new year?! Mine is … plant more seeds!


New years plan is to try to spend more time here on OG, been slacking on posting lately. Garden looks great man :heart::v:t2:


Always a good feeling to come home and see the garden not only alive but thriving!

Seeds for 2024 is a good one! Moms are a lot and the lingering feeling of not wanting to lose them is tough - Im hoping to make a few crosses with cuts and then enjoy the seeds from that!


This is what I’m after too, got a bunch of stuff that I wanna hit my Good Medicine male to this year after I grow out the clones that I haven’t gotten to yet.


Awesome colors on that Lav Jack! TK looks great as well… Those are the 2 I’m most excited to try at the moment. Really interested to see what you make of the Legend / Tahoe OG and how they compare to TK.

I’m impressed you’ve kept so many of them for as long as you have. It’s a huge spacial & maintenance commitment for sure. It’s nice to hear that you’ve found the plants in seeds have been close enough in quality.

Gardening goals for me in 2024 : I want to try out the clones I’m sitting on, pick out a few (2-3) moms to keep and then resume looking through seeds for standout plants.


I like to keep 4-6 moms. That way I know what to expect from those clones. But also drop seeds a couple times a year. If I find something worthy of keeping, I cull one of the current moms.

I can explore new strains, but always have tried and true to fall back on. If I don’t care for a new strain, it doesn’t hurt as bad!


Same here, actually! Garden looks bangin.