Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

That’s always been my thing when I’ve considered it, is that, as much as I love growing, I just don’t want to deal with it sometimes. I like shutting everything down for a little bit. I don’t wanna have to be like,”Oh, I better get in there and water my mother plants again…” even though I’m not flowering anything haha.

Still, though, I think you’ve got a couple legit keepers. Or one, anyway. And you may wanna see how that Tahoe turns out, too haha; I always liked that one a lot. Of course, I’m not the one “keeping” them, so that’s easy for me to say.

Take a few snips from a few plants, finally, and root them haha! I don’t even care what plants they are, I’m just gonna do it! I’m finally, really, really gonna do it haha.

I actually didn’t have any weed-growing goals this year, other than to grow it, but you’ve given me one, Iamyou…

Plants look good! Haha.


Welcome back! :city_sunrise: How was your trip? Glad the SIPs and watering system worked out. How’s Coco?

What day are the TK & LJ at in your pic? Looks like somewhere in the day 42F range? They both look fantastic. I think they both like more food than what I’ve given them, and it shows in your happy garden.

I’ve really come around to the BH7. Church puts me to sleep without any of the noted trippiness or swirly effects, and it doesn’t taste nearly as good as it smells. BH7 is also extremely relaxing for being a “haze,” but more potent and much longer lasting than Church for me. That said, I still think it’s worthwhile to grow each again and really nail them so I know I saw them at their best.

I think your Church and BH7 are a great example of the difference between an 11wk flowering variety and a 15wk flowering variety. But also the difference between organic and salts. Are they performing any different for you this time around? BH7 doesn’t seem to stop stretching until like week 6 or 7! I wonder when is the optimal time to pollinate her, and by when do the resulting seeds reliably ripen? Things to ponder…

Hope we continue to have above average temps for another few weeks so things don’t freeze in the mail…but would also welcome some snow since this year’s fall and winter have been very dry.

What seeds are you considering hunting this new year? I’m tentatively thinking Malawi Purps x Kashmir, some CBD crosses, and Destroyer x Wookie.

:sun_with_face: :rainbow:


Season’s Greetings @iamyou_youareme

It has been a while and I just wanted to stop-by and confirm with You that I’ll be growing some of your Rainbow Belts this Summer; 2024.

Always appreciated your sharing them with me.

Have a Great finish to 2023 and lets OverGrow next year !!!

Cheers and Thanks,


That’s a good one, I’ve been slacking on smoke reports and general documentation too.

Gracias amigo!

No doubt! Makes me think I need to get away more often!

Good goal! I think that now that you and I are acquainted with some of those older cuts, we’ll be able to use that hindsight to make better selections going forward. I’ll be scoping out your crosses!

Yeah you were telling me about that, I think that’s a solid plan!

Thanks! The Lav Jack may be the best plant I’ve grown in a SIP to-date. It’s just in full beast mode and the lowers are so heavy they’re flopping everywhere, I had to get in there today and really secure some branches to the cage. It stunk up the whole house, I had to close the door to upstairs because my girl started complaining. The TK didn’t stretch as much for me this round, I may have flipped her smaller. Her buds are also gonna come out bigger than last round. I think both plants benefited from all the light and space in the new 8x4.

I know that they’re out there, and I know what to look for now, at least in my personal selections.

Yup, that’s solid, and generally what I plan on doing long term with a few of the mother plants I hold.

For sure, I think ideally I’d like to keep 2-4, but it’s nice to be able to grow what you like at anytime and know it’ll come out decent.

That’s a good plan, why hang on to something, if you like what you found better? What are your current favorite clones/moms?

Thanks! You’ve churned through more clones than just about anyone else on here, the Stank Bank has seen it all. Anything you plan on keeping long term?

Ya, I feel that. When it becomes a chore, it’s no longer a hobby to me. When it begins to feel cumbersome and boring, I know it’s time to take a break a get my focus again.

Yeah, haha, there’s a few. Just gotta narrow it down.

That’s awesome! It’s pretty awesome to watch 'em pop roots. I get up in the morning and usually check them while I’m drinking coffee, as part of my routine. It’s always exciting to see nice fresh white roots pop out.

Thanks! It’s was great to catch up with friends and family back in NC, it went by too fast! Back and forth between three different families, then visiting friends… it was a nice reset. It makes me thankful to have great people in my life, but also gives my a nice appreciation for the freedoms I have here.

lol, she’s as crazy as ever. I think she was pissed that we left her for a week! She stayed with her original owners, thankfully they watch her for us, but she had an, let’s say… adjustment period after she got home :slight_smile: Here she is being weird with a chew stick I gave her.

The day after my girl left (she flew back home before me), I passed out drunk on the couch, and left a cup with fudge on the table… well the next morning Coco took full advantage of my carelessness. I came back upstairs and she had a huge piece of fudge in her mouth and was drooling everywhere. I think she came to me freaked out, like she had bitten off more than she could handle. Of course, she wouldn’t let me get it out of her mouth and wouldn’t drop it… eventually she choked the whole thing down… Thankfully it was white fudge and didn’t have cocoa in it… still not a fun way to start the day!

Nailed it, 43 days flowering.

Thanks! and yeah, they can both EAT! I’ve top dressed the Lav Jack twice and the TK only once, seem to eat up everything, but I noticed the TK doesn’t have many surface roots this time, so I skipped the second top dress. We’ll see if that bites me in the end. I have noticed a difference with adding the Gaia Green as well.

Yeah, I’m excited to have some more of that one around. I may process the whole plant to hash, after hearing YoSammy talk about BH7 hash on the Potcast. It gets me high in a very positive way, and gets me way up there. I haven’t been smoking the Church as much as I have the other jars, but still visit it every now and then.

The Church seems a little hungry, the leaves are paler than the BH7 with Jacks321. I top dressed before I left, but will again soon. The stretch seems about the same so far… I topped the BH7 right before flipping, and it’s got these long spider legs spreading out from the bottom. The BH7 is probably going to surpass the Church in height, though it may not look it now, it’s still going up daily. I’m going to have to figure out a way to support the limbs, I’m thinking a tall plant stake near the center and stringing all the tops to the stake, but we’ll see.

Definitely. I pollinated both he Church and BH7 last round at the normal time you’d do any other pollination, about 25 or days in, I think. I did notice that the BH7 seeds were mature before the target harvest of 105-110 days flowering. I think they were done around day 70 or so, just like any other plant. Interesting… as I really don’t feel she’s ready until over 100 days, but I’ve also not sampled any 70-80 day BH7, so I could be wrong.

Yeah, I’m not complaining about the unseasonably warm weather, I’ll take it for now… You guys can keep the snow though :wink:

Space Monkey is up there.
Pinesoul crosses (I just started a germ test on some)
Freeborn Selections - HPK x Skycuddler Double Kush
Jack Herer x A5/Mirikal - Doc D and Nobody

Oooooh, nice picks! Especially interested in the Destroyer x Wookie - that could be really cool!

Thanks for stopping by and seasons greetings to you as well! @Vagabond_Windy is growing a few of those Rainbow Belts 2.0 x Baba Kush right now. A sample made it his way and I think he liked it, so I think there could be something cool there. The fruity mouth coat flavor really comes through on that one.I may pop a few this year, there’s some sitting on my desk right now actually. My suggestion is to run a few smaller plants, if you’re doing them outside, as the cross is basically un-tested, so you may need to cull any herms or under performing plants. Can’t wait to see what you do with them though, best of luck!


Plants like that you can do two seed runs on per flower cycle. Yosammy and others talk about that on old haze cuts. Beans only take 4-6 weeks to mature regardless of when the plant is pollinated. There are some outlier plants tho that will only mature as the plant matures, but overall, yeah ^^


Ahhh, that full tent feeling!

Was able to squeeze the Legend OG and Tahoe OG in SIPs on the right right side of the 8x4. I think I’ll be able to fit 6 SIPs with no issue, and I could cram in 8 SIPs if I really wanted. I did notice that the TK and Lav Jack enjoyed having all the space to sprawl out a bit, so maybe a perpetual cycle of 6 SIPs going through the tent would work best.

Legend OG (not sure which cut, Crinkle cut? It’s the one from FJ420) - Flipped to flower on 12/30/23 - I love this stage when they’re putting on fresh yellowish bright green growth everyday! She looks so happy and fresh and clean. The sample I got to try of her was impressive, it was the first thing I tried when I got back from my trip, thanks to some newb grower. Very OG type high to me, where it’s a strong and fast come up, I feel my head starting to get light and expand in a way, some pressure behind eyes. It levels out though… the intensity fades, and you’re left at cruising altitude for a while, pleasantly observing the world pass you by, or lost in thought/daydreaming…then crash and burn later, maybe some munchies and a nap. I like this one for afternoon/evenings. I’ll be able to comment more on the smell once I can experience it fresh.

Tahoe OG (one from FJ420) - the leaves are a little beat up from getting her in the cage. I had to prune a good portion of her back to make her fit, too. Hoping she’ll rebound ok. I’ve tried a couple of samples of this one, one from a BM dispensary and one from a friend. I’m favoring the Legend over the Tahoe so far, but I’d rank them similarly in the effects dept. I prefer the taste and smell of the Tahoe, though. I can’t wait to smell it live. Both OG cuts loving the SIPs so far.

Bandaid Haze IX 3.0 Church - flipped on 12/4/23 - stacking up nicely this round. Pruned some lowers around day 30, but left most of her intact, the lowers produce pretty well anyways. Just starting to get her unique smell, better live than dried though.

Bandaid Haze 7 (Doc’s Cut) - flipped on 12/4/23 - continuing to climb upwards… gotta get a plant stake in there soon, otherwise she’s gonna start flopping on the floor. She’s a mess of a plant, haha… huge stretch, doesn’t finish under bright LEDs… we’ll see how this round turns out, I may have to stick her in the corner somewhere to let her finish…sometime in April :skull:

T-1000 - flipped 11/25/23 - cool to grow this one again, especially side by side with the TK, one of her parents. I can see way more of the Purple Urkle in her, now, having grown that one too. The smell is more Purplish… similar to the Irene granny perfume smell, but not quite as bright floral, more musky floral… and none of that onion smell, just some rich dankness. She’s a frosty girl, with even her fan leaves getting a little triched out. Tiny nugs, but dense. Gonna be fun to have this one around again to compare to the TK smoke and to some of my T-1000 crosses.

Gorilla Glue #4 - poor little thing… kinda got neglected while I was gone, and she’s buried back there, but she’ll put out enough for my head stash. I’m retiring her, but may grab a fresh clone of her when I start my Space Monkey seeds :thinking:

Lavender Jack - Every time I walk in the tent and look at this one, I say to myself, or sometimes aloud… GOD DAMN! I mean, not that I should should be damning God or anything (if there even is one?), but she just makes my jaw drop. I may have said it somewhere else, but I think this may be the best plant I’ve grown in a SIP, so far. Going to produce at least twice as much as she did last time, with huge buds spilling over the cage and flopping over. I really hope I can get her out of the tent while she’s still in the SIP for some better pictures… truly an impressive plant!

Triangle Kush - Doing much better this round! Excited to see her finish properly. I dig her smoke, but I fucked up the drying last round, and perhaps chopped a little early, so hopefully I’ll nail it this round. She likes to eat, but I don’t notice many surface roots with her, compared to the Lav Jack. Smells delightful, rich, and full of complexity. It’s like all the best smells from every “OG-style” plant, smashed into one plant, when you squeeze her buds, it’s like peeling layers from an onion, but each layer is a different smell. Scrumptious!

Pinesoul S1, Bubba x Pinesoul, TK x Pinesoul - all my germ test went well, all the crosses and S1s had good germination rates. I chose the one’s that had developed the longest tails, and put them in cups. I don’t have space to run all the crosses right now, but hoping these 6 will will be enough to give me a glimpse and see if they herm out or not. I’ll be starting a new thread for these shortly, I know a few of you may be interested in popping some soon and I’ll be happy to get them out to you.

I’ll haveta try this at some point… she def likes to throw late pistils, so it shouldn’t be an issue, I’d just worry about pollen cross-contamination, but there’s ways to mitigate that.


She’s jaw dropping!!! What a plant!

That 8x4 is a weed wonderland! What a fun show to watch. Keep up the great work over there!


What was the stretch like on your LJ? I grew one seed out but forgot to make a note of the stretch.


Can’t speak for @iamyou_youareme but, since we’re running the same cut, I can provide some insight I just wrote on another post of somebody running this NN cut of Lavender Jack.

I’m impressed at how well that cut will produce if you veg her enough, but she does NOT stretch hardly at all, so plan for that with your distance to the light. She goes wide rather than tall. She will also eat a lot during flower, but isn’t too hungry in veg. If you like the flavor and effects, she’s a legit keeper.

If you’re running the LJ from seeds, you will likely find some bigger stretchers, but overall it’s not a ridiculous stretch in most cases from what I’ve read. I’ve only grown this specific cut, though. Hope that helps!



Yeah I have a few seeds I’m vegging out right now… most are pretty similar structurally but one of them is a much larger fatter broadleaf type plant.


The one I grew out seems to be super chill almost xanaxy type effects if you smoke a lot of it. Antidepressant/Antianxiety. Not sure if that’s the norm for this strain.


Yeah there may be some outliers, but for me the Jack nor the Wookie have crazy stretch, so I wouldn’t expect anything out of the normal 2x to 2.5x stretch.

For me personally, I don’t get any benzodiazepines type effects, but just a general “enhancement of life” effect, mood lifts, music and art appreciation enhanced, mind stays clear though, no cloudiness… not much crash with at the end. I can smoke a good bit of her throughout the day and not get tired of her. In fact, I’m going to enjoy some of her right now…


Lost power for most of the day here… hopefully nothing freaks out over having the lights off during the lights on period… I did use a flashlight to get some light in the tent, to at least keep a little light on everything. Power just came back on, thankfully…

It did give me a chance to get in a take some lights off photos though.

Lav Jack - 63 Days… pull her out tomorrow and chop?

Triangle Kush - Looking and smelling good… gonna let her keep on truckin’

Bandaid Haze ‘Church’

Bandaid Haze 7

Tahoe OG

Legend OG


Hope everyone is warm and enjoying the weekend…I’m gonna make some hot cocoa and smoke a doob!


Dude, what’s going on up there? Between you and zephyr with the power outages and shit… I’ve been watching the news (I’m obsessed with the weather, already like,”Okayyyyy, is it gonna be warm soon? I’m ready for summertime…” haha), didn’t see anything about a crazy-ass storm up in y’all’s neck of the woods or anything.


Believe me, I’m counting the days 'til spring… haha!

Yeah, big arctic blast blew threw here, it wasn’t so much the sleet/snow that was an issue… the winds were howling, like 35-45mph gust from midnight Friday until yesterday evening. Trees down in every 'hood here, thankfully none on my road. I haven’t really ventured out to check the damage, the roads are still iced up and it’s gonna be below freezing for a few days until more snow on Tuesday. Bleh! Oh well, it gives me an excuse to stay in and work on gardening stuff… there’s always stuff I can catch up on.

Also realized I miscalculated and the Lav Jack is only at 60ish days… I chopped a lower sample branch, but letting her go another few days to wrap up. I could probably take the whole plant now… I’ve been running one light in the tent on 11/13 and the other one on 10/14 (that the Lav Jack and TK are under)… and it does seem to help the plants finish faster.

Also, I scored a new light! Going to replace the Timber COB unit in the big tent, not that there’s really anything wrong with the unit, it’s nearing 5 years old and still chugging… if I remember correctly LEDs only lose something like 5% brightness over five years, so it still should be plenty to flower plants in the 4x4. New light is 700w too, versus the 600w COB unit.


Lookin solid man - good job on the TK looks like some healthy buds! Lav jack looking really nice as expected - such a nice cut.


Thanks man, she’s a nice cut, no doubt. Just throwing up a few last pictures for documentation, I managed to get her out of the tent intact. Giving her the chop once I get the dry room setup here in a couple hours…


Incredible job as always - both pictures & growing out to that level of health at the end. That last picture looks like it will be a breeze to trim too. Here I thought after reading the B thread that there were no good plants from the w15 father (joking).


jeez, absolutely stunning job on that Lavender Jack. I bet she’s smelling some kinda good right now…


Thanks guys, but as I always say, the plants really do the work… thanks to those who created them and shared them.

lol, yeah… I’ve had to tune that thread out the past couple of days… I think there’s good plants everywhere these days, regardless of the male used, or even breeder. I’m not a legal producer, that’s growing out rooms of B’s plants, like some people over there, but even if I was, I don’t think I’d I could say with any authority that any of the males B used were bad or crap. I’m sure I would notice some trends, but to generalize and say that the Snow Lotus or Wookie is bad… I dunno, I just couldn’t make statements like that. There’s too many possibilities with each of those males to ignore them entirely. I do think though, that certain males do pair better with certain females, and their progeny will have consistently better plants in the mix, but there’s always outliers too…