Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

Fook, What a beast!
Those close up shots :yum:


Installed the new Apache LED… MFer is bright! I thought it was 700w, but it’s 800w. It’s easily putting out 950-1000PPFD at 80% power @ canopy level. At 100% power it’s hitting about 1200PPFD in the center at canopy level. I’m gonna run at 80% for now, I’m not sure I need more. The color temp is probably around 3700K-4000K. Much bluer looking to my eyes, compared to the 3000K Timber. Apache did ship quick, I think, I got my order is less than a week from ordering.

Dragon Hammer (NN’s Clone) - manage to wrangle her into the cage, beat her up pretty nicely in the process, but she’ll recover fine… the Tahoe and Legend bounced back quickly.

Tahoe OG - just about done stretching it looks like. Stacked up pretty nice, maybe a little lopsided, but all good.

Legend OG - She’s kinda bushy, a lot more leaf than the Tahoe. No smells yet.

Bandaid Haze 7 - swinging around the Maypole, haha! Trying to keep her together, holding her up with copper bonsai wire…

Bandaid Haze ‘Church’ - filling out nicely, might yield a bit more than last time.

T-1000 - put a fork in 'er… has the Purple Urk smell, but it’s got a little TK in the backside. Super frost, but smaller nuggets. It was my first time running Jacks 321 all the way through… think she looks pretty good, could have eased up a bit on her I think. I didn’t prune any of the lowers, but they’re nice and dense anyways.

GG#4 - gonna need a couple more weeks, but surprised at how much she filled out later in her cycle. She’s one that hardly needs any fan leaves, and still grows big, sometimes fox tailing colas. Smells on point, def Chem in there, but smells better than Chem 91 to me. I’ve never smelled Chem Sis, maybe some of the stank comes from there? Glad to have some head stash her again.

Triangle Kush - 70 days flowering here, looks almost there. Trichs are still a little clear though, gonna go to day 77, I think. Smoking some TK right now, she a strong plant… it’s taken me like an hour to day this post, haha.

I love growing weed!

Hope y’all have a great weekend.


I’m not the greatest at liking pics or commenting but that TK looks sexy as a mf :crazy_face:


Yeah TK on point :ok_hand: I also go 77ish.
For sure no sooner than 74 ^^

I do think the GG4 gets her smell mostly from the Chem Sis but I also haven’t had her to know for sure. That’s just what I’ve read.

Have you had the T-1000 before? Interested to know what you think of it. Maybe I asked you before :sweat_smile:


Wow, fantastic growing on all of them! I’ll be referencing your grow for benchmarks of what these cuts can do at their best.

Huh wha? Yeah, he smoking that TK.


Love seeing that T-1000 in action, she really shines in the crosses you made, I still have clones of the A. Orange and GG#4 crosses going, wild to think I popped them more than a year ago! Treasure trove of information as always thanks for your continued updates :slight_smile:


Oh, FUCK YES. I didn’t realize you actually bought one of those, I don’t think, I just remember you letting us know that they were having a sale a while back haha. Anyway, how exciting! I loooooove those lights, although I don’t use that “bar” style, still have the 65-pound beast and the two AT200’s. But this’ll be interesting, can’t wait to hear what differences (if any) you notice between that light and the ones you’ve used previously.

Yeah, to me it just looks like (relatively) “regular” light. Definitely doesn’t have that orange HPS glow or blurple or anything like that.

Anyway… Plants look good! Haha. I really am sorta hyperventilating over here haha knowing that at least ONE other person is finally using these lights that I’ve been saying for years,”I dunno, y’all, I think these lights might be really good…”


I know I sound like a broken record, but you consistently have the nicest grows on Overgrow.


That TK looks phenomenal. How do you like the smoke? It looks like it could be done now based on bud looks, but I see what you’re saying about the trichs.


New light looks fookin bright! It better be with 800w to work with. Would definitely flower out a 5x5 no proble. May want to lower the intensity if you see any light stress cuz 1000ppfd is a lot for plants that ain’t used to it! Interesting that it looks like a higher color temp than the Timber, but makes sense since Timber used Bridgelux LEDs which are known to be warmer color temp.

Curious to see how you like the Legend and Tahoe. I suspect you’ll want to defoliate both in the top 12" of their canopies because they really shade out the lowers with their huge leaves. Both are gorgeous plants in flower, though. I’m right behind you with my Tahoe - it’s on day 21F today.

What do you think about the Dragon Hammer when flowering it out? I was mentioning to Windy the other day that it’s kinda a leafy mess and doesn’t really stretch much. It doesn’t bush out a ton when you top it, either. Not sure how I like it, but we’ll see how it looks in a few weeks.

:sun_with_face: :rainbow:


haha! seems to me you do a pretty good job :slight_smile: Thanks for dropping by, TK is an awesome plant, I think it’s one that almost everyone thinks is good, from novice to seasoned smokers. Try it, or grow it if you get the chance… I’m really torn between popping CSI’s TK5150 x TK or Bodhi’s Space Monkey next.

Yeah I went day 67 last time, and while she’s still good, I think I had room for improvement. It’s funny cuz I was going off the recommendation of from TK Origins guy, he takes it at 67, but, maybe that’s just his preference or what they’re running for commercial.

Oh yeah, definitely, I posted a review in the CSI:Humboldt thread, probably in this log too, but will have to search for it :wink: I think it’s like TK dialed down with more body added from the Purple Urk, from memory. I’m excited to compare here again to TK side-by-side, having smoked the Purple Urkle some now too.

Haha, thanks dude… the SIPs really do make the plants shine… lots of root space, all the water they want, it makes it super easy on my end… I’m over here thinking I’m not doing enough sometimes… “Do I need to spray something”? or “Surely I can add something to the top dress” or maybe “If I dump something down the res, they’ll grow better…” But this round, I did none of that, literally all I did was setup the SIPs, filled with water only, top dressed once at flower, that’s it. No teas, or anything…

hahaha! no doubt, it got me yesterday… I was taking small hits from the bong and by the end of the post I was a little cross eyed. :crazy_face:

thanks for dropping by dude! Awesome that you still have those clones going over there. Happy that you found something you like in them. I’m gonna setup a thread for the Pinesoul stuff later today… I know I keep saying I’m gonna do it, but, for real this time… Happy to get some of those Pinesoul crosses your way to check out too. I’m growing a few now. I’m going to pop some more T-1000 fems this year too.

Oh yeah buddy! Thing is a beast in terms of brightness… it’s super light too, def not 65 pounds, I think more like 25 or 30. I like how it folds up too. You could probably separate it into two halves, so you could hang them at different heights if needed. Also able to hook up an external dimmer controller…

These are more for my reference later…

100% power -

80% power -

60% power -

40% power -

My only complaint was a short power cord, but it still worked for my setup, so no biggie really.

Yup, it’s definitely “full spectrum” and while the majority of the LEDs look bluer to me, this one is dotted with very red LEDs, so while it may look bluer overall to my eyes, the plants could be “seeing” the light a little bit differently.

So far so good! It was cheap (especially w/ no sales tax here), quick shipping, it was packed nicely, it’s turned on for three days consecutively, haha! Also five year warranty and made in USA.

Only cuz so many people here have helped me along the way! I’d be growing mids if it weren’t for y’all!

It dig it! It’s consistently strong for me, but not debilitating, unless I over indulge. It tastes great, burns well, definitely a “keeper” in my book. It’s amazing to me that these plants have been passed around for so long and still produce fire. I’ve also been wondering about what sort of diseases these plant may have that we haven’t even picked up on yet… but that’s a thought for another day! Yeah, it’s hard to judge all the trichs through the photos, but definitely some clears here and there.

Yeah, definitely keeping an eye on them to see if they get stressed, may have to go down even further. I mounted the light at the ghihest point, so there’s no room to play there.

Cool that your Tahoe is close behind! I’ve been plucking leaves here and there, mainly on the Legend, but may need to be a little more aggressive. The Tahoe has bigger lower fans with the unique sawtooth pattern on them, I love the look of them! I’m excited to see them here in a few weeks, they’re in the fun stage right now, no doubt!
I really liked the smoked of both them from the samples I tried. I think I tend to like OGs in general, so no surprise for me there. I did prefer the taste and smoke-ability of the Tahoe, but felt the effects of the Legend were a little more intense.

It’s a sort of weird plant to grow… floppy lowers and kind branchy stems will need support. She doesn’t stretch. too much, but I’m interested to see what happens to mine now that’s she’s flipped. Her smoke is good though, sour tasting, mouth coating… I’m not sure about the high being in keeper territory, we’ll see after I flower her out again this round a little bit better, hopefully!


Ah, yeah 67 is missing a decent amount of power in my experience. Caleb/NSpecta says “never before 84” but I’ve never been able to hold out that long :joy: 77ish I usually good enough for me.

Ah that’s right! No need to search for it, that’s definitely the one I remember. More like an improved urkle instead of a better TK. Definitely interested to hear the new comparison tho when you get there ^^


That’s good, sounds like they’re finally getting with the times in that department haha. Mine only had a 90-day warranty, but the dude who I talked to about those lights (tags420 on thcfarmer, he disappeared years ago) was such an advocate for Apache (maybe he secretly worked for them? Haha) that I didn’t really worry about it. And I haven’t had to.

Yeah, that is annoying. It was fine for a while here, too, but then I rearranged my room and ended up buying some fifteen-foot cords.


TK looks great you nailed er!


Sneaking a quick update in…

Dragon Hammer - just starting to develop flowers, hopefully not stretching too much more.

SR-71 Purple Kush - looking funky…she was throwing singles and weird leaves before I threw into flower. Hopefully she works it out…

Legend OG - just starting to get smelly, smells really good, like cologne kinda… it’s gonna change so I’m not making any comparisons to anything now. I like how this one stays pretty compact.

Tahoe OG - This one is stacking nicely. Stems got really red, but I think thats from the new light. We’ll see, I’m pushing them through the tent so they finish under lower lighting.

Bandaid Haze ‘Church’ - my clone of this one randomly died… so last run of this one. Glad I grew her to see if there’s anything similar or better in my Bandaid Haze 3.0 pack.

Bandaid Haze 7 - kinda fucked up the nutes, and in small pot, etc. but she’s still doing OK. Fell over this morning because I changed the watering timer and she dried out last night. Gonna have to tie her to a tent pole or something. Not gonna be done until mid-March…

GG#4 - what a beast… chunky flowers for a small plant.

Triangle Kush - Day 75 - chopping Thursday… I’m ready, haha.

Pinesoul S1s and crosses… just topped them… had a lighting accident and they got kinda cooked, but they’re doing better now. Also a few other plants vegging out. Pinesoul S1s seem touchy, exhibiting traits from their mom.


Pulled the TK out of the tent today, she’s looking about done to me, but will probably be this weekend before I get around to chopping her. I needed the space to put the dehuey back in the tent, humidity has been really high here lately. Photos are at day 76 flowering…

You can see she’s got big ol’ trichome heads… might have something to do with her potency :thinking:


She looks perfect :heart_eyes:


Man I hope my TK looks like that in 8 days!! Hoping to pull at day 77. Beautiful plant!


Nailed that TK! lookin great man as always


Thanks dude, I just gotta not fuck up the drying this time! Thankfully the high humidity here means it’s the perfect 60/60 in my drying space right now, so I think I’m good this go round.

Nice dude! She’s a good plant, interested to hear your thoughts on her after you finish her up!

Thanks! Excited to see what you do with it too! Everyone should try TK at least once :slight_smile:

I got a wild hair today and wanted to smoke some hash rosin and didn’t feel like making any… can’t believe how unbelievably cheap it has become. I got these two upper mid-shelf grams on legal market for 60 bucks… Oregon is awesome! We’ll see how they smoke, though, I’ve never heard of either strain, one is Kombucha and the other 24K… can’t say I have high hopes for the Kombucha, with the purple punch in there, but we’ll see… smells and looks good though!


Bodhi’s Pinesoul (Goji OG F2) (Archive PDX Clone)

Growth - this one is a tad touchy, seems sensitive to high amounts of N, quick to curl her leaves down. Likes to grow three bladed leave sets, like a lot of OGs do. Tall and lanky, in veg she’s not too bad, once she hits flower, expect 2-3x stretch. Thin stems, they’re pretty study, but once they’re in late flower they will need staking or support. Large, pointy bracts form tight clusters that stick close the the stem… they don’t build atop one another outwards, instead shaping a spear like appearance at the tops of the main colas. Further down the buds are rounder, or more triangle shaped. Trichome coverage is above average, sugar leaves are coated to the tips. Below average yield, at least from the grows I’ve seen and my personal experience so far.

Smell/Taste - well, it’s in the name… PINE. That’s the predominate smell for me. The floor cleaner Pinsol smells different to me, but I could make some similarities. I mainly get a spruce pine tree smell, maybe a little lemon, and then the OG smell fills in the background. It is pretty LOUD. Holds on the smell well, though some of the sweetness is lost in cure, a lot is still present. I wish the taste was more present… the smoke is smooth, but I’d like there to be a sharper pine taste that smacks the tongue and lingers for a bit, kinda lacking in that department. Could have been my drying and curing too, so take that part with a grain of salt.

High/Effects - it took me a while to figure this one out, and now that it’s been in the jar for a good few months I think it’s hit it’s sweet spot. I’ve grown out Goji F1s and tried some of the other Goji clones (from dispensaries) and I think this is one of my favorite of the Snow Lotus crosses, which is my least favorite male that B uses. She’s not a day ender or anything like that. Quite the opposite, I find her high pretty functional, sociable, and easy going. Sometimes with OGs (or Chems) I get waaayyy to into my own head, this one allows me to continue on with my day, knowing that I’m high, but cruising along, clear headed. I’m able to be easily inspired, or motivated to do things that I’m normally not. The high comes on quick and stays up for about two or three hours, depending on one’s tolerance. There’s definitely some body effects, but I feel this one more in the head. Interestingly, it’s one of those highs where later, I’ll forget I even smoked, but it’s not like I’m forgetful or anything, just that it tapers off really nice.

It’s cool that Bodhi continued to work with this clone in some of the his crosses, I’m excited to run a few of them and see how his other males work with this girl. I’ve seen a few other member’s grows using the Pinesoul x (Bodhi Male) that look stellar!


Great write up man! I love archives genetics. I think they’re right up there for the best strains. You must be up where I’m at. I’m not sure if you were smoking around 2000 but I used to get some stuff we called lemon pine. Of course there’s nothing like it anymore. Super strong pine and lemon scent. Not too frosty but had a strong high. I’m sure it was outdoor.