Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

Yeah great report on the pinesoul.
This is very accurate to my experience with the pinesoul from archive pdx as well.

(Although my outdoor garden always makes things fruitier smelling. Pretty much everything I have grown in this spot gets a tinge of overripe fruit.)


Thanks dude! Yeah, I moved to Oregon about 2.5 years ago, and love how appreciated cannabis is here. Archive definitely has the cleanest and healthiest clones I’ve found around, though I wish their selections weren’t so heavy on the cookies stuff, although that’s just my personal preference. I really wish they’d release their Sour D clone again, not sure why they’re holding out unless they lost it.

Yeah I was… smoking Mexican brick then. Haha. I didn’t get good weed until I dropped out of college, around 2003-2004… but even then, it was just what the black market had. I didn’t really get exceptional weed until I started growing it for myself…

Thanks! Yeah, your extraction of it looked killer, I bet she would do really well on the extracts. Next time I grow her out I’m gonna try to press some or make hash, or maybe try a quick alcohol extraction like you do.

and speaking of Pinesoul…


Great review and pictures as always. Are you still excited about going through your pinesoul crosses after having sampled it for a while? Definitely interested to see what you find in those and how it compares to the mom. Seems the Pinesoul crosses B made always had overwhelmingly positive feedback. Also appearing to be a nice plant so far over here.


IAYYAM’s Pinesoul Project

If you haven’t been following along thus far… last summer (August 2023) I reversed the clone Pinesoul (Goji OG F2) using STS spray that I made following a simple and common recipe. The clone reversed easily and produced pollen without issue.

Pinesoul reversal success …

Bubba Kush x Pinesoul

Irene x Pinesoul

Chem D x Pinesoul

Chem 91 x Pinesoul

Triangle Kush x Pinesoul

Pinesoul x Pinesoul - Pinesoul S1

I pollinated a couple of clone-onlys and another clone of the Pinesoul, making S1s and a few feminized crosses.

After shucking everything, seeds sat in the fridge for a few weeks before germination testing. Germ tests went well, with over 90% of seeds sprouting tails in paper towel method.

That brings us closer to today… I spouted the following directly into seed starting soil:

2 x Pinesoul S1
2 x Triangle Kush x Pinesoul
2 x Bubba Kush (Berger) x Pinesoul
2 x Chemdog x Pinesoul
2 x Chem D x Pinesoul

All sprouted without issue, the Pinesoul S1, TKxPS, and BKxPS were all sprouted about a month or so ago, and topped once. The Chem91xPS and ChemDxPS, sprouted about 2 weeks ago.

Chem x PS as of today.

PS S1 1

PS S1 2





As these are all in smaller pots, with organic soil, today (Feb 9th) is when I’ll be flipping them to 11/13 lighting. I’ll wait for the ChemxPS crosses to catch up and may throw them in with these, or possibly in the other tent.

So far, they are looking pretty uniform height-wise. I haven’t done stem rubs yet, but will do that this weekend to compare with the Pinesoul mother in veg.

Welp, let the fun part begin! Veg pics are boring, I want to see those flowers!

If you’d like to participate in exploring Pinesoul S1s, or the crosses, just hit me up via PM. I’m kinda doing my own internal testing before offering them to a wider audience, but if you’d like to test, I’d be glad to send a few your way.


I think when breeders find something really good they hold it tight for breeding stock. Kinda like square one quit releasing the Banana Butter Cups that was in almost all his crosses. That my guess anyhow.


Plants look happy and healthy. What a frickin awesome run you have going, beautiful crosses that I’m sure will be nice smoke! Sending positive energy your way growchacho :green_heart::100::fire:


Thanks for stopping by and the good vibes!

Quick weekend update:

Afgooey - this one still in veg… those that have grown her, how much stretch? I’m guessing I’m going to need to veg for a long time.

Bandaid Haze ix 3.0 “Church” @ 68 days - She’s done, could probably chop at 65 days… I’m waiting for space in drying area. Very rich smelling, I’m gonna try and nail the dry to capture some of that richness.

Bandaid Haze 7 @ 68 days - slogging along… smells slightly different running in coco, slightly more floral, than wet basement, but still both there. she gonna sit in the corner like a bad girl for the rest of her time… I may do a three week flush on her, looks like she’s about done putting on weight.

Legend OG @ 42 days - smooth sailing with this one, though some fan leaves are starting to turn purple. Looks like it will fill out nicely!

Tahoe OG @ 42 days - I like how she’s looking and smelling - this one more sweet than the Legend, but I’ll try and give better descriptors at the end.

Dragon Hammer @ 23 days - she’s a leafy girl, I’ve pulled a bunch of BIG fan leaves out, though you can’t really tell it. This is gonna be a beast… looks at those roots!! They’re crushing the surface layer, I had to top-dress today…

Enjoy the weekend!


I’ve never grown her, so I couldn’t tell you haha, but I really like the structure on that one. It looks like you trained her to grow out and sorta “open,” even though you didn’t. Unless you did haha, but I don’t see any ties or anything. Cool-looking plant.

Dude, that’s craaaazzzyyyyy… Is that a SIPs thing or a Dragon Hammer thing? Are everybody’s roots doing that in all of their SIPs? Pretty wild. And awesome.

Plants look good!


I think it can use a slightly longer veg time. I think it’s comparable to the Bubba cut in terms of stretch. Probably a little less stretchy than the Bubba. I had to put her on a stool in my last run to keep her at canopy level with others.

How much did the Tahoe stretch for you?

Great looking plants as always!


wow, I’ve been searching for those frosty edged leaves since I left the bay area.

the tahoe is looking fantastic.

That’s classic OG. the way the leaves look dark and waxy/glossy on top, with most of the resin growing on the underside, growing so much trichome coverage on the underside that it increases the surface area so much that it starts to curl over, and then the frost just builds up at the curled edge of the leaf.

(horrible run-on sentence, but you get the point haha)


Yeah she’s done that all on her own, that’s just her natural structure and branching. I’m going to clear out some of the lowers, and try to get her to shoot upwards somewhat. It may be one that I have to prop up in the flower tent.

Cool, thanks for the info, I may end up doing the same. Your’s came out crazy colorful, I’m hoping mine does the same.

Here she is at flip:

Most tops are half way between first and second rung on the cage.

Here she is today:

So looks like 2.5x at the most maybe?

Yeah it’s wild! Not all of the plants will do this. A lot of those older clones won’t push surface roots like this, unless I’ve let them sit in the box for a long veg period. The more vigorous clones definitely will cover the surface like that… Mother’s Milk 31 did it, Lav Jack, etc. Definitely means that I can cover them up with some fresh compost/peat/craft blend and feed them some more.

Haha thanks man! Yeah, she’s looking pretty OG, no doubt… much more than the Legend does to me. I love the super fat and wide calyx on the Tahoe, and how they curl up like little lotus flowers. Also the frost on the upwards curling sugar leaf is cool looking…super cool looking. Definitely has the smell to go with the OG look!
There’s no grammar nazis over here!

And since I forgot about her yesterday… sitting in the corner is the SR-71 Purple Kush… she decided to behave and shaped up into a nice little bush! I think Bodhi made some crosses with this one, I’m gonna have to go back and look to see which ones.


Outstanding report on the Pinesoul! Thanks.
I’m bummed to see the low yield on it, as I’m sure mine will be even worse lol. But I’m excited for that pine. Haven’t had that in a while.

Nice work on the Pinesoul crosses too! I’m especially keeping my eye on those TKxPS. I love TK crosses. Haven’t run a bad one yet.

What @Greasy said about Afgooey is spot on. Keep trimming the lowers to get her to go up instead of sideways. She doesn’t stretch much and I almost always got her in a booster seat to match the others. Not being a huge fan of the Snow Lotus male, it will be interesting to eventually get your thoughts on it’s mother.


Always looking awesome over there, man! Nice DH3 roots.

Yes @minitiger as IAYYAM said, this is one of the features of SIPs - those top feeder roots develop under your plastic shower cap and devour the topdress. Worms also feed and breed up there. You encourage that root development with fungal and microbial inoculants like rootwise on top of ground malted barley, neem/karanja cake, oats or other seed meals. When the mychorrhizal fungi visibly bloom, they invite the roots to the top to eat their exudates.

Do you get those roots under your straw mulch? Not all plants do it in SIPs, but quite a few do. It doesn’t seem to confer any particular benefit other than the plant’s spending a lot of calories on roots and can feed faster if needed. I haven’t seen any big difference in the plants which do it. Giesel was one that does it for me reliably, but then doesn’t have a big yield.

Glad to see you rocking that Tahoe OG. It doesn’t stretch very much for me. Maybe 1.75x-2x but I pruned to have multiple tops. My Tahoe went from 4.5ft at flip to about 6ft tall now with training and supercropping.

I’m so happy you were able to get this one back in your stable! :green_heart:

Do you differentiate between OG and Kush? This one seems more afghan/kush, so maybe an OG x Kush hybrid?

:green_heart: :peace_symbol:


Yeah, I know, but I haven’t really seen pics like Iamyou’s before. Maybe I’m just forgetting haha. I do follow Crunch’s SIPs thread and I don’t feel like I’ve seen anybody posting pics like that, but maybe they’re just not taking pics like that.

Hell no. I mean, there’ve been a few plants where some of the roots grew like that, but that was when I was growing in smaller pots, like three-gallons, maybe five-gallons, I can’t remember. But no, in general, roots exploding like that are not a feature of growing in seven-gallon air pots haha.

I’m sticking with them, though! Never gonna change! Haha…

It’s still really fucking cool-looking, though. It’d be interesting to grow two of the same plant, one in a SIP and one in whatever, a “standard” seven-gallon or five-gallon etc and see if there actually isn’t any difference. I have a hard time believing that there’s zero benefit to having that Serious Root Action going on haha.


Sliding in a quick update…

Afgooey || Blue Scream ( Original Blueberry x A5 Haze / Thai bx )
’92 OG Kush || Bubba Kush (Berger Cut)

Afgooey is kicking ass and taking names back there… about doubled in size over the past week. Still pretty squat, but I’ve been pruning lowers and directing growth upwards.

The Blue Scream smells just like Archive’s Original Blueberry on the stem rub, gonna be cool to see what the A5/whatever does to it.

The two seedlings are Rubeboi OG 7 x T1000 fems. One is kinda runty, but gotta let her live. Probably gonna need some extra veg time on these.

Bubba x PS || Chem 91 x PS || Bubba x PS
TK x PS || Chem 91 x PS || TK x PS
Pinesoul S1 || Chem D x PS 2x || Pinesoul S1

Not looking like the best start I’ve had, but they’re all still green. I think everything in the black bags got dried out at some point and the leaves got kinda funky, the ones in the white bags are doing much better. I went ahead and flipped the smaller plants to flower as I’m only using this grow to gauge the crosses, not for yield.

Legend OG @ 50 days

Bud structure seems more rounded and compact, doesn’t remind me much of an “OG”. Smells like a mix of Chem and OG though, like Chem91 combined with a perfumey OG. Smells good! Not too much further on this one it looks.

Tahoe OG @ 50 days

Loving this one! Something about the bud structure is appealing to me, really like the huge swollen calyx/bracts. Smells awesome, there’s some hint of orange blossom or tangerine maybe, something sweet buried in all that OG funk. I was digging the Legend smoke more at first from my samples, but after a while the effects and the taste of the Tahoe really grew on me. Planning on running this one again already. Maybe done around 65 days? I’ll have to consult Higgins…

Dragon Hammer (NN Cut) @ 31 days

Well, the day after I top dressed her lower leaves started yellowing, so either she needed the top dress and I was a little late, or the top dress messed up the PH, or the root zone dried out. Not entirely sure… but looks like she’s still doing fine. In fact, the top roots have already busted through the surface layer again, so I know they’re expanding and eating… debating top dressing one more time. This one smells supreme… sour candy apples, savory sun tan lotion… yum!

SR-71 Purple Kush @ 26 days

Not much smell yet, beyond generic purple weed smell. Not going to stretch much it doesn’t like like. Might turn purple if I can get temps down, but the sample I tried didn’t look too purplish. We’ll see how she turns out , I haven’t been super impressed by purple stuff so far…

Triple Sunshine clones doing well and starting to get some new growth… looking healthy and clean!

Since I missed the Valentine’s Day update…

Love all you guys that drop by the log regularly, and all the other OGers out there doing shit right :heart: :peace_symbol:

Thanks for peeking in… y’all have a good week!


Can’t wait to hear your thoughts and critique of the Trip Sun. Glad they’re doing well and still alive. Those tahoe pictures are unreal. Great job as always!


Where did that one come from? I don’t recall seeing that on any of Doc’s emailed lists. Sounds really good, though.

Also, when did you plant that? Swear to gawd, every time you update, I’m like,”Wait… What…?” haha.


That should be one of the things NN made with the last of the A5 BX pollen :thinking:


That’s what I was thinking, but I didn’t wanna speculate.

Sounds very intriguing, anyway. Maybe not up your alley, though haha.


Ya, that’s it…it’s his selection. I’m a clone junkie man…I just can’t say no. Someone get me off this train! Haha!

I’m pretty familiar with the Original Blueberry, so I’m curious as to what the A5 BX does to it… I’ve got a bunch of those A5 BX crosses…

Also grabbed some new Bodhi gear, mainly for the Lav Lemonade freebies… the Caramel Afghan x LL was too tempting. Plus, I hadn’t bought any bodhi seeds in like four years, I was due to send a little love his way.