Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

Sure looks the part too :face_with_monocle: I think this is the same cut I just got :thinking:
I think it was said that she’s supposed to be TK’s sister…


The trichomes are really standing out on that last Afgooey picture. TS-F is looking nice and vibrant as well!


Wrapping up the Pinesoul stuff, about 62 days here. I’ve kinda neglected them the past couple of weeks, but they didn’t turn out too bad. About what i expected outta of the crosses, but cool to see the Chem genetics dominate the Pinesoul, they’re shining through clearly on both crosses.

Pinesoul S1 2 - smells similar to the mother… sweet piney OG, less on the sweet side though, just different enough to know that it’s not the exact same as the mom. Tiny Yield.

TK x Pinesoul 1 - Tall and lanky, PS dominate, hints of TK in the smell though. 75%PS / 25%TK. Yield bumped up a little from the PS S1 2.

TK x Pinesoul 2 - surprising stubby plant! Reminds me of Bubba almost… looks that way at least. Pretty frosty. Smells good, mix of TK and PS smells, but not super loud.

Bubba x Pinesoul 1 - pretty chunky buds, gonna yield on the average side. Smells like a minty bubba kush.

Bubba x Pinesoul 2 - prob the most impressive plant out of the bunch. Lots of frost. Strong, but weird smell. Doesn’t smell like pinesoul, more on the Bubba side, but with something woody in there… it reminds me of walking down certain aisles in Micheal’s, or some other craft store that carries craft wood and paints. Haha, we’ll see how she cures up… Her looks remind me a lot of Baba Kush 5 that i grew.

Group shot:

On the Chem side of the crosses…
Chem 91 x PS 1 and 2

Chem D x PS 1 and 2

Triple Sunshine F - Flipped to flower today :slight_smile:

Triple Sunshine A - Flipped as well.

Rudeboi OG 7 x T-1000 - smelling killer… strong Irene/Faceoff smells, but some purple smells coming in too… hope the buds fill out. Hope she smokes well too.

Shit, back to work tomorrow… wish i could have done something else, for a lively-hood, but here we are. At least i can grow weed… y’all take care!


Edit: Wrong Thread sorry

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That might be a question better suited for the Bodhi Seed Discussion thread, not sure why you decided to post that here.

Plants look good, @iamyou_youareme! Haha. I’m super-curious to see how that Triple Sunshine F does in your area.


Hey @40ampstofreedom , I’m guessing you meant to post this in the Bodhi Guide and were browsing my journal at the time. I’ve done the same thing myself.

Anyways, as far as value of older seeds… 'bout $3.50 … heh heh… i kid.

Goji and SSDD were always sought after, but I’ve run packs of both of those and wouldn’t pay anything over the original $60 a pack. For older seeds, especially ones that don’t come first hand from a reputable bank, i think the most value to be had in those seeds would probably just be to pop them and see if they germ at this point. There’s already been a big Goji OG f2 project here, but you could always donate to the cause and let someone else F2 them, if you have no intention of running them.


tree fifty :joy:

Is the TS F a Clone? or from seed? Looking forward to seeing the A and F side by side in a tent. I really like the expressions TS A throws. I just started to get a taste since its just dry enough. The buds are like rocks on branches on all three ladies. Wild.

All the others look nice and dank!


Ahh yeah man I am sorry I couldn’t figure out which thread and chose the wrong one! Everything is new again to me on here very sorry!


Happens to the best of us I do it from time to time and been here awhile where stoners after all welcome back to overgrow @40ampstofreedom

Also those pinesoul crosses looking killer that bubba x ps 2 is just a looker real curious how that one will smoke for you the pinesoul s1 looks so much like the mom I have in flower cool to see how similar she’s turning out the outdoor seeded girl I had really started to stink up more the last few weeks took her like 73 days before her chop put out more skunky notes then just the sweet pine and very slight citrus she had most of her growth after seeing some of her crosses you made makes me wanna try a few of my pinesoul x pagoda cross sooner then later @iamyou_youareme


It’s the clone only :slight_smile: I actually had the labels reversed too, I corrected my original post, but I have both Triple Sunshine F and A.

Thanks man! Yeah I’ve been checking out yours here and there, excited to try them on this end, you’ve done great with them over there.

Yeah me too! From Syz’s grows, it looks like they should be pretty manageable, even if they’re lanky plants. I may try and SCROG them out a bit with the net, during stretch. Hopefully they like the SIPs!

No worries dude! I recognize you from over at RIU. There’s gonna be a lot of debate on what you can get from those seeds… as you’re finding out. In my mind, seeds lose their value with each passing day, and the only real value they have is in being planted, and finding great plants. Then breeding with the best plants, and/or sharing the clones you find. The way I see it, is they don’t age like a fine wine, and I’d rather see awesome plants, than the potential for awesome plants. Sounds like you’ve done plenty of work with them though, and found what you wanted to find, and you’re ready to move on, and pay the bills. I get that too. The seeds are worth what someone will pay for them…

Thanks dude! Yeah I’m curious on the smoke from that one too. Looks like a good hash maker maybe…

Yup, very similar looking… I but you could run through 100 S1s and find something better than the original… maybe…

Interesting that she smells more skunky outside… one of the Chem cross is pretty skunky smelling, i can smell it when i open the tent. But yeah, all the Pinesoul stuff has surprisingly funky smells too them, especially the TK and Chem crosses. Get to poppin’ those Pagoda crosses, I’m sure there’s something cool there!


That background on the Bubba x Pinesoul 2 looks mesmerizing. Plants look good too, haha!

I didn’t make any seeds with F and don’t plan on it really. Not a slight against F, I just don’t feel like doing it and am content with my options for exploring TS x SSDD , SSDD x TS , and TS x TS. I am pretty sure IAY is the only person that got a cut of F. TS-A was circulated locally a bit.

I ran all 3 of my TS-F plants without support, but the one I took pictures of yesterday was leaning pretty hard though. Larger and healthier plants is a big unknown from me from both F and A. I expect A will need support as the flowers appear to be at least double the size of F flowers and is lankier. My friend seemed to be really impressed with his A scrog. I’ve only ever grown it in 1 GALs single stemmed before.

TS-A does not seem finicky at all over here in 1 GALs so I doubt there will be any major issues. My friend grew it in a 4x4 grassroots bed and it performed well there too.

Hope they smoke alright for you when all is said and done!


Yeah, that’s really what I meant haha. It’ll be cool to see her grown in pots that’re bigger than the one-gallons that syzygy’s been growing them in.

And that’s no offense to you, syzygy haha. You were actually my inspiration for the current grow.


My TS-F plants were grown under a 125w~ quantum board style light also - probably only 400umol at most at canopy. I wouldn’t be surprised if they turn out much different with a stronger light as well.


Mhm, yeah, that’s what I was thinking. Just the overall totally different conditions under which Iamyou is growing that, with the different pots, bigger pots, stronger lighting etc etc… It’ll be really cool to see what happens. I’m here for it! Haha.


Nigerian Rafiki #8 - Doc D/MSSC - nobodysnursery’s selection

All the good smells from Jack Herer and Super Silver Haze, with little bit of sweet carrot and sharp pine in there, astringent and powerful. Taste translates really, really well to the smoke, lots of credit to the grower on this one, they did a great job in the drying and curing… way better than what i can pull off. Very smooth on the exhale and burns very very clean. Coats the mouth with flavor.

Bud is stringy calyx, but they’re absolutely caked with big headed resin glands. You don’t need to bust out the grinder for this one, easy to break up by hand and stuff in the pipe.

The high is strong, but in layers, kinda like when you first take shrooms or something, and you can feel the high building and building, until plateau. Very strong mental stimulating effects, not quite psychedelic, or visual, but definitely electric, and perhaps almost a little racy feeling, though that could be the caffeine I constantly consume. Feels good though, no negative thoughts, very happy feeling, upbeat… great weed. So far the crash hasn’t been too bad on it, though there is a little bit of body to it, nothing like an OG/Kush/Chem. It’s long lasting too, toked three hits outta the bong yesterday afternoon and I was cruising for a couple hours, never felt the need to re-dose or anything.

Awesome find! Not sure the grower could have grown it any better either, great freakin’ work! It’s such a wild looking plant too, I’d grow it just for it’s looks… and the challenge of taming her.


Hope everyone had a good 4/20! I somehow managed to smoke less weed than I normally do yesterday, but was cool to see a lot of people out in Potland celebrating. :partying_face:

I’ve got some thing finishing up over here… we’re gonna need a bigger boat! (I’m gonna need some more jars). I bought a cheap vacuum sealer for my jars, not sure it’ll make a difference or not, but it does seem to suck all the air outta the jar and seal the lid. You have to almost pry off with a bottle opener to get them open. I tested it by putting a tied off balloon in the jar with just a little bit of air in it. Sealed the jar with the vacuum sealer, the balloon expanded to fill the jar, and seemed to hold for 48+ hours… we’ll see if there’s any noticeable difference in the bud though… prob not :joy:

Chem 91 x Pinesoul - all chem, no pine… maybe just a very small amount in the back… chem genetics seemed to shine through strong.

Chem D x Pinesoul - same deal, mostly Chem smells here, the Chem 91 smells better though, strong and more Chemmy…

Pinesoul S1 - chop 71 days

TK x Pinesoul - chop 71 days

Bubba Kush (Berger) x Pinesoul - chop 71 days

Rudeboi OG 7 x T1000 - nice belnd of both parents smells coming through, but Rudeboi dominate, which smells like a stronger Irene/OG combo.

Afgooey - 56 days - faded pretty quick. She smells strongly of berries/fruit, but there’s also some tangy citrus if you really get in there… The power actually went out yesterday for a good couple hours and the filter wasn’t running, so I opened the tents to get some air in there and the whole house got filled with the smell from the Afgooey. Pretty cool. Looks old school, but I’m sure she’ll smoke alright. I can see where some smell from the Snow Lotus comes from, if this truly is the same Afgooey that Bodhi used in the cross.

Banana OG - not sure i smell any banana anymore, maybe like a fried plantain chip that mostly smells like OG.

OG Kush - I’m now questioning if this is the 92 OG or not, when i got it, it was just labeled OGK… I’m gonna have to double check. It doesn’t quite look like other photos I’ve seen of the '92, but it could be underfed and a little un-happy in my setup. Smells good though! More like on the Tahoe side to me, which I like, but there’s definitely other familiar OG smells.

Blue Scream - what a babe! strong blueberry smells wafting from her. If you squeeze some resin, you get something a little metallic/astringent too. Nice open structure, I prolly could have gone harder on some of the lowers/inners though. Slight bluish/purplish hue to buds.

Put the screen in for the Trip Suns. Gonna bring it down some once I get those Chem x PS crosses out of there, then spread out the TSs.

Trip Sun F

Trip Sun A

Other fun shit going on…

Anyone grown P. Natalensis?

Y’all enjoy your sunday :slight_smile:


Those Pinesoul crosses/S1 look like they’ll be a super-easy trim, if nothing else. Good calyx-to-leaf ratio for sure.

That one looks cool, too, almost BAH-ish, with those “trident” sorta tops.

What is that? The very early beginnings of some shrooms? Haha.


Yup, basically just knock off the big fan leaves on some of them. There was nothing I would consider a keeper from these testers, maybe not even real high quality plants, I was basically testing for sexual stability, and also just kinda seeing what happens when you throw stuff together, just for the experience of doing it.

Yeah that one cola right up next to the light is foxtailing quite a bit, but also in general, it just has that same kinda look to the buds. It looks cool in person with the blue hue around everything, kinda like the buds are glowing blue.

Bingo! That is Psilocybe Cubensis var. Golden Teacher mycelium ripping through some hydrated and sterilized grains. It’s about halfway done actually, once the rest of those grains are colonized with the fungus, you take them out of the jar and mix them with hydrated coco coir. That will provide a substrate for the mycelium to grow on, while not providing many nutrients, only hydration and support to spread out it’s growth network, while it munches on the remaining nutrients in the grain. In about two or three weeks, the shrooms pop outta all that. I’m attempting to to also grow another species closely related to Cubensis, P. Natalensis… we’ll see how it goes. Maybe Pan Cyans will be next!


Panaeolus cyanescens are fun : tiny and very potent. Have you tried them before?

First time hearing about Natalensis, but I haven’t dabbled in that hobby for ~15 years or so. Read a few threads on Shroomery after seeing your post earlier and it sounds pretty cool.


I have not… I’ve read they are more challenging to grow than cubes, and that always kinda turned me off, but I think, that’s probably old info now. I’m sure there’s some updated teks, I may delve into them if the Natalensis aren’t what I’m looking for. Pan Cyans grow naturally in my area, I’ve always wanted to seek them out in the wild, but have yet to do that.

It was interesting to read about people experiencing slightly different effects from Natalensis, particularly less body load, and more acid-like effects. That’s kinda what drew me in, but as people often do, they could be exaggerating, or just parroting someone else’s experience with them, so I’ll have to find out for myself. I’ll try and take some prints if I can get to the fruiting stage with them.