Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

Why not make fresh frozen hash? Wet trim your fans and chunk the buds off and toss it in the freezer?

Just a thought. Plants look great!


Dude, that’s fucking insane. I didn’t realize you had her in that little one-gallon grow bag, I don’t think. Coco, right? If you tell me that’s soil, I’m gonna lose my shit and quit growing haha.

Plants look good! As always, I’m like,”Wait, when did Iamyou start growing that???” haha.



Everything looks great man! Is that lavender Jack the NN cut? Looks delicious


Thank you friend!
I hope to show the plants of this seed soon!
much respect!


I’ve thought about it… every time i have tried that, my yields are pretty poor… it could have been the cultivar I’m choosing to wash, or could be my freezer doesn’t get cold enough, I’m not sure. If i had a dedicated freezer to use, i would try it, but my freezer sucks as it is and it’s full, ain’t no way all that Bandaid would fit in there!

lol, yeah, coco with auto water 2 times a day, jacks 321… this is going to be my last time flowering using salts for a while though, I really prefer the organic smoke. I am still keeping my mother stock in coco/jacks, becuz it’s the easiest/cheapest way to maintain. I would run salts for flower again, but only if i was going to do something crazy like SOG a whole tent with the same clone and then wash it all to hash.

I know … I have been running through them! I may dial it back this summer, though, i really just want to pop as many seeds as i can…

Thanks man! Yup that’s the NN cut. Your Lav Jacks look great from seed… what do you think of them so far?

Hell yeah! Glad they make it across the world… and likewise, i hope to plant some of your seeds too soon. Thanks for trying them!

I’m glad to send any of those Pinesoul S1s and crosses out to anyone who wants to try them :slight_smile:


So far I’m impressed, all four are pretty drastically different. I’m thinking the stretch short flowering pheno that smells like sour orange gummy worms will probably be the keeper but Smells could change after dry/cure too so there’s that… one looks like it could be a 10-11 weeker


Really? You’ve actually noticed a difference?


I was wondering the same. Having recently switched to salts, I’m hoping that’s not the case. Doing water only soil, my plants were pretty much dead and curing already by harvest time lol. Always smooth tasty smoke right after dry though. I’d hate to lose that over having larger harvests.


The only difference I noticed going from salts to organic, was a smaller yield and some dominant terpene flip flop. Some plants just come out tasting better one way than the other. Like the skunk tangerine, absolutely horrible with salts. Sweaty armpit with a hint of menthol tangerine on the backend, but I hear in soil that she actually tastes good and like tangerine up front with a bit of skunky funk on the backend instead.

The only time I ever “tasted salts” was a buddy growing with Fox farm. No matter what he grew it all tasted florally. I’ve also noticed a similarity in flower I’ve sampled that was grown with Jack’s, but I can’t quantify it.

The soil grown stuff all had their own scent component in there from the soil too. I wouldn’t say any of it tasted better or more complex compared to being grown just as well with salts in hydro. I’d say best way to grow the best bud, is grow it however you can to make it come out as good as you can.


Yeah, the only reason I asked Iamyou was because I was thinking of some of my favorite batches of dispensary weed that I’d bought over the years, which I’m almost certain were “salt-grown,” if for no other reason than, you know, what commercial grower doesn’t use salts? Although now that I think about it, that was before Prop 64, so maybe they were just random batches of weed that people brought in. I used to occasionally do the same thing pre-Prop 64 and I’ve always grown in soil.

Still, I do think those favorites of mine were probably grown hydroponically or in coco or whatever.


That’s cool you’re getting a wide range of phenos… I’ve only run one other wookie pack (Purple Wookie V2, and only one female from that pack), definitely think there is some nose burning stuff in the wookie lines… the sour orange gummy worm sounds a lot like the wookie to me!

I’m not gonna take the Pepsi challenge or anything, haha!

Buuuut, just anecdotally, from my personal grows over the years, I’ve come to prefer the way that the organic stuff dries and burns, over the salt stuff. That being said, I’ll go ahead and say up front, that I’m not the best salt grower either. I tend to want to over-fertilize and I’m not super accurate when it comes to pH and all that, I only use the pH drops to measure my pH… i also have always been very simple with my salt stuff with no extra additives (Just straight Jacks 321, MegaCrop, or Canna A and B). I’ve smoked plenty of salt grown weed that I thought was way better than my own, so I’m just putting that out there. For me, the organic stuff works best and is easiest for my situation. I don’t think the smells, taste, or high come out that different between the two methods, though I have noticed differences in smell dominance, like Holy was referring too.

:100: very good take-away. In my situation, the organic stuff works for me, and i like the flow of chopping, and recycling the soil, setting up the new batch, setting up the SIPs, etc. If i was doing it for money, I may think differently?

Yeah, like i said, I smoked plenty of salt grown stuff and enjoyed it. Hell, I’d guess that 70% of the indoor weed grown in Oregon is salt grown. You gotta think that a lot of the salt grown stuff is never even sold as smokeable buds, a lot of it is going straight to extracts, so it doesn’t really matter what the buds look like at the end, if the resin is your end goal. Once it extracted, i don’t care who you are, I don’t think there’s a way you could physically tell the difference between salt and organically grown stuff.

I think I’m just a better organic grower than salt grower, so I’ll just stick with what works best for me, for now…


Nah, no way. There’s definitely not a chance somebody could tell the difference once it’s turned into concentrates. I’d say that that’s what’s happening with 90% of outdoor-grown stuff now, too.

I hate that they’re doing that, just BTW. I used to know this dude, a regular at my last after-work bar in Beverly Hills. He was one of those corporate motivational speakers, like with the ”Teamwork: How Does It Work?” seminars haha, making bank spouting bullshit in conference halls. But he was also heavily invested in multiple outdoor grows in NorCal, told me once that from just one of his grows they took 6000 pounds and turned it into, like, those vape pen cartridge things. Broke my heart… haha.

He gave me a few of his cartridges along with one of the pens he was selling to dispensaries; I wasn’t impressed haha. I’ll take flower over those things every day of the week.

He also offered many, many times to set me up with my own 20-light grow (“Just to start…”) down here in SoCal and I always turned him down. And I really, really regret that now haha. I shoulda taken him up on his offer…


No doubt! Those carts are only useful if you need to travel and be discreet about smoking… they suck compared to the full effect of flower.

Hindsight’s always 20/20… but, you never know… once you have to start doing something for a living, it does have the tendency to start to be soul sucking. Not saying that would have happened for sure, but, I do like growing without any pressures. If I faceplant and fuck up a grow, then no one is gonna be upset, except me, which I can handle (usually)…

Afgooey @ 31 days - continuing to dominate the tent… I’m getting a little worried about her branches, and the weight of the buds, they’re already starting to get some lean in them. I propped them up for now, but my need to tie them up with yo-yos or something. Smells like some sort of grapefruit/citrusy candy, maybe something like PEZ. Sugar leaves are getting lots of sugar!

Cool you can see some anthocyanins creeping up into the trichs…

Banana OG - not stretching as much as anticipated. May have to prop her back up. Hoping to hit her with some reversed TK pollen… Bubba Kush is behind her just going into flower two days ago.

92 OG Kush - looks like her flowers are gonna bulk out nicely. Not much smell yet.

Blue Scream - yeah… I’m gonna go ahead and need you to stop stretching. kthxbye!

Pinesoul stuff… 47 Days… unfortunately found some hidden nanners on both Bubba x Pinesouls… I caught them too late and see a few seeds forming on their lowers, and some of the other crosses, but not major seeding event or anything… pretty bummed, but that just the way it goes.

Almost every fem seed pack that I’ve run has had nanners, my own, other breeders, etc. It’s typically not full blown herms either where the flowers are clearly displaying both sexes, usually with fems, I find tiny, tiny male flowers tucked in the lowers of the buds, almost impossible to scout sometimes, unless you’re pulling everything out daily and inspecting (which i prolly should have been doing with plants this small). Might be done with fems for a while.

On the plus side, the Bubba x PS are super frosty, and smell really good, kind like minty or piney cocoa kush. The other Pinesoul S1 is almost identical to the mother plant, which is pretty neat to see, no nanners on her either. The TK x Pinesoul is good too, no nanners on the second one, i caught some early ones on the first plant and plucked them. TK seemed to up the bud size a bit, the smell is good too, pinesoul dominate, but can gets whiffs of the TK shining through here and there.

Pinesoul S1 2 - tiny nugs like her mom.

Bubba Kush x PS 2 - not grown the best either… hah!

Bubba Kush x PS 1

Chopped the Dragon Hammer today at 69 days… stinking up the place. Has a sour undertone to her that just reeks…

Hope y’all are blazin’ on something good out there! About to spark up myself…


How hard was it for you to reverse the TK, or are you still in the process of doing that? I really want to try out some TS-A x TK beans in the future & TK S1s without having to buy them… Never reversed anything before though so wondering how accessible it is. Awesome shots as always!


Found this to be the case for me as well about 70 percent of fems I’ve grown throw some sort of intersex tends to be just a few anthers or lower sacks really have had more luck with the regular stuff I’ve hunted

The blue scream looking great my sc blue dream cut is a beast tried to overtake everything in my tent

Love the purple stocks on the afgooey pez candy sounds tasty :drooling_face:

The bubba x ps looks super killer too!


I didn’t personally reverse it, but another OG member did, and is sending some pollen. I’m not sure if they want to be named or not, so I’ll keep anonymous for now. They told me they started spraying really early, and they were still worried about the pollen sacs opening… ended up doing a manual pollination on their end, by physically opening the sacs. But, now they say it’s dumping, so we’re going to try sending some thru the mail and hitting a few things on this end. I think they sprayed several cuttings of it in hopes to get one to reverse.

Yup, me too, not everything will herm, but I’d say about 70%, like you were saying will form small sacs on the lowers. Frustrating, but that’s just the nature of the plant, especially if those genes are already present somewhere in the line.

Yeah the SC Blue Dream didn’t stretch anywhere near as much as this Blue Scream… much larger inter node space on on this Blue Scream… hopefully I won’t have to bend the colas over.

Thanks dude! Yeah def some of that A5 whatever in there making her stretch… hopefully she’s about done though.

bummer on the intersex stuff, but you’re right that all those OGs, Chems, Bubbas are known for for being tocuhy. Hopefully the smoke still comes out alright for ya, they still look good from what I saw you post up in the CSI thread.


Lookin good man! Looks like you nailed the dragon hammer. Blue scream looks like a haze leaner with that stretch ha.

Ive noticed similarly with fems - lots of intersex. Though most ive grown include OG, chem, urkle, and bubba, all of which are known express intersex. Usually lower balls around wk 3-5. Ive noticed a decent amount of those isolated big calyxes will sprout nanners out of the calyx. My recent fems - 3x sfv x bubba and 2x headband lemon tree all have had some intersex issues.


That was my concern. Or one of my many concerns, anyway haha.

I really, really like the way those TK/Pinesouls and the one Pinesoul S1 plant look in that picture. They’re gap-y, but also very nug-y. Love it.


Yup I expect it at this point. Oh yeah they usually deliver on the quality bud, just gotta pluck balls and shine lights under regularly. The headband LTs look sick just harvested them - super foul stinky.


Hope everyone is having a good weekend…

Getting some work done in the garden here.

Afgooey @ 41 days - smelling fruity, getting more on the rotten, overripe fruit side now. Getting some color in the buds too. Had to throw up a net, her lowers are sagging, probably should have pruned more. Gonna be a fun one to trim…

Bubba Kush doing her thang. Received the TK pollen and hit her a couple of times, gonna continue to use the rest of the pollen until i hopefully see some swelling happening…

Banana OG @ 34 Days - little bit of a green banana peel smell? We’ll see. Hit with TK pollen too.

92 OG Kush @ 34 Days - smelling similar to TK and Tahoe, somewhere in between. Tops are getting a little weird, might not like that much light.

Blue Scream @ 34 Days - lots of Blueberry coming through, but also something meaty/savory/leathery. Like the structure though.

Triple Sunshine F - looking good! Diggin the new digs!

Triple Sunshine A - May prune those tops a little more before flip. Gonna veg a few more days and let them rip.

Back to trim heaven… and a BH7 smoke break :slight_smile: