Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

Yeahhhhh, the thing with shrooms and reading about them and whatever is, like, I dunno what kind I’m eating, but they always make me feel the same way. Which is to say: AWESOME haha.

But I mean, I’ve been eating them since I was a kid, picked them in Florida in my friend’s parents’ cow farm, bought them in different parts of the US, from the Southeast to the PNW, whatever, and they’ve always made me feel pretty much the same way. No matter what kind I’m eating (and I really don’t and never have known), it’s always pretty much the same experience. And I’m fine with that.

I really haven’t noticed a difference, though, despite the fact that I’m certain I’ve eaten many different types of shrooms. They’ve all been great, though haha.


Haha, I’d say most people feel great on the right dosage of shrooms. But, I often get an upset stomach if i take too many, I’ll sometimes get undesirable effects from them (too introspective, feeling out of control, uneasy, anxious, body feels weird). I’m aware that’s part of the experience with them as well though.

I’d guess about 90-99% of all psychoactive mushrooms that are commercially available, or that are grown by most people that are selling them, or at home, as well as finding them naturally on cow patties, are the species Psilocybe Cubensis, so there’s a very good chance that’s what you’ve eaten. Unless you’ve eaten some really tiny mushrooms, that really fucked you up, or someone told you what they were, I’m betting they were Cubensis. Now, there’s a ton of different “strains” of Cubensis, just like with weed… there’s Golden Teachers, Penis Envy, B+, Texas Orange Cap, etc. It’s debatable if there’s truly different effects between those varieties, but obviously lots of different reports online. I personally haven’t really noticed a difference with any of the strains either, just the way they grow, and their potency.

So, what’s interesting to me, is there are different species of fungi that are psychoactive, syz mentioned Panaeolus Cyanescens, but there’s many others. They’re not cultivated as often, definitely not commercially. There’s many, many documented reports from reputable people of these other species, particularly wood-loving mushrooms, having different, and strange effects, compared to Cubensis. A lot of people report these wood-loving species give them partial, or complete paralysis while they’re tripping, immobilizing them until them until the trip is over (haha, does not sound like something i want to experience).

But, basically what I’m saying is, I think it’s plausible that different species, not strains or varieties, may truly have different effects. They could contain different levels of psychoactive compounds that interact in different ways with our brains. But, like I said, there’s only one way to find out :mushroom:


Fun mushroom book from my PNW days. Always loved the cover photo!


I have definitely noticed a difference between cubensis varieties. Golden Teacher’s were usually a lighter less forgiving trip. not a lot of visuals. B+ were usually… well… B+ :joy: probably my least favorite. The Penis Envy’s can get strong! and definitely more visuals IME than the GT’s can be.

I’ve also had some burmese(?) that were a really playful experience and potent! I really liked these but they can be a bit of a… trip :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: The whole trip came on in waves and stayed in waves until come down. ‘Playful’ is the best description I can give. Was insightful and a good time but definitely not what I’d wanna start with.

Phobos was another variant I’ve tried that was really potent like the PE’s and a lot of visuals. More Toadstool type look. Overall kinda like the GT’s in effect but way stronger.

I think I still have some :thinking: along with some hillbilly’s I haven’t tried yet.

IMO, you can’t go wrong with Golden Teacher. If you’re into psychonauting, i’d recommend hunting down the burmese and maybe some phobos.


Shroom are pretty unpredictable for me sometimes can be great sometimes not so much I find the best way to ingest Is lemon tek or a tea steep makes it easier on the stomach and not so upset as your not eating the actual mushroom just the Psychoactive parts


ooh yeah making shroom tea is one of the best ways to consume it. Very little if any nausea and a quicker onset.


Yeah, I’d always puke about twenty minutes after I drank the teas that we made from the shrooms we picked in Florida, but that was probably because we’d boil down like two garbage bags-worth into a gallon of water, just mashing and straining and mashing and straining haha. Coulda been from the Kool-Aid packets we mixed in to “improve” the flavor, too haha.

Puking wasn’t a big deal, though. It was always quick and painless and just meant that I was on the verge of tripping balls. I always associated it with what I’d read about peyote, same kind of deal.

Right. I’ve read a lot about all of those, just because I was planning on growing my own until I realized I just didn’t have any space to do it. I’m not sure what kind I have right now, but I’m pretty sure they’re Penis Envy. They look like the pictures I’ve seen of them, anyway.

Mhm. I understand haha. But

Yeah, that doesn’t sound like fun at all haha.

I’ve said it before, but those people who are looking for some sort of “enlightenment” from shrooms (or any psychedelic) are severely misguided. I often wonder, when I read people talking about stuff like that, like,”Do they even know who they are? Did they ever know who they are? They need to trip to figure that out?”

It seems weird to me, seems like they oughta figure their shit out first, then eat a handful or two. I’ve had enough “bad trips” (never from shrooms, though) to know that psychedelics are not something you wanna fuck with if you’re not mentally prepared for them, whatever it is you’re taking.

But I looooooove shrooms! Haha! I actually haven’t eaten any in a while, probably oughta do that soon…

I can’t decide if that’s a guy I’d really LOVE to have around while I was tripping or if he’d be somebody who seriously got on my nerves haha. Funny pic, though, for sure.


See my post above re nausea and teas haha.


I’m betting that was the cause :thinking: I mean, it can cause vomiting regardless, but i was pretty sure it’s the body of the mushroom itself that the stomach can’t process that causes the nausea. I don’t ever mash or anything, just drop them in and wait 10-20 minutes or so.


I’ve definitely had different trips from all the different varieties of Cubensis that I’ve grown… Albino Penis Envy, B+, Golden Teachers, some from Thailand. But I’ve also had very different trips from the same batches of all those different strains, so it always made me question if there was truly a difference between them, or if set, setting, and mindset were playing more of a part.

It’s one of those things, like cannabis, that has been illegal for so long, it’s impossible to have a good body of science to back up some of these claims. Hopefully as they become more studied, we’ll be able to figure out which active compounds effect us in certain ways.

Yeah Teachers are easy to grow and are my favorite as well.

I’ve done the tea prep and still puked, haha :man_shrugging:t4: It does seem to help, but I think I just have a weak stomach, or that’s just how my body processes those drugs. Even when I take MDMA, I always have to puke… in fact, I look forward to it on MDMA, because as soon as I do, I start feeling like a million bucks!

Yup, just figured it’s part of the process, it’s a natural part of the experience. Though, if I could eat some and not puke, I’d prefer that.

I think people should be able to use them for whatever purpose they choose. I do think that preparing yourself mentally, and, this is gonna sound corny, but being in a comfortable place with yourself and loving yourself, has a huge part in the outcome of the experience.

I’ve known plenty of people that take mushrooms/acid and treat it like a party drug, I’ve used them that way plenty of times myself. It’s fun as fuck, especially if you’re with a good group of people and you’re all having positive experiences. It is absolutely valid to use them to have fun and party.

I’ve also taken them when I’ve been in terrible places mentally, alone, and had terrible trips, like nightmare level shit for 7-8 hours. I also came out of those experiences with new insights, even if they took weeks to realize. Maybe I didn’t know myself before, but really started to after some of those powerful trips? I guess I’m saying, I don’t think you’re gonna take shrooms and become some “enlightened” person, just because you took mushrooms. Especially if you’re an asshole already, and unwilling to change. But, I do think they can be a tool to help people change, if they’re receptive, introspective, and willing to put in some work.

lol, last time I was tripping on mushrooms in the mountains of NC, we were walking around with this book (and a few others) trying to identify mushrooms we were finding… i kept laughing at the guy on the cover, and was wondering how people were trying to ID stuff, while i could barely read the words on the pages.


I’ve toyed around with at least 15-20 different cubes in the past (including syzygy) and strongly feel that a cube is a cube when it comes to the psychoactive effects. The isolated strains grow differently and with different vigor for sure though. Never had any wood loving species before.

As for pan cyans being difficult - I think people were just saying they aren’t aimed at beginners who haven’t figured out grain yet (as opposed to pf cakes) or applying a casing layer.


I don’t think so. I mean, I haven’t made a tea in decades, always just eat them now, and I haven’t puked or even felt nauseous in years. If you wanna get technical, I actually don’t even “eat” them, just swallow them whole haha because I can’t stand the taste and texture of those dehydrated shrooms. Chewing on those things really grosses me out.

They totally do.

Haha! So you still get sick, even now? Hm. Yeah, maybe you do just have a weak stomach. But you drink and stuff, right? You’ve mentioned that to me, anyway. Do you get sick from that?

Of course! I just meant that looking to any drug for “salvation” or “enlightenment” or whatever is, to me, a fool’s errand. Any insights gleaned from a psychedelic experience seems like a sort of “side benefit” or whatever, as opposed to the actual “goal.” Or however you wanna put it.

Hahaha! Been there, love it. In fact, if I’m not “there” when I’m tripping, something’s wrong haha.


I haven’t taken any in probably over a year… last time I took them I got a little queasy, but never puked. I do drink, but have been off the booze again since the beginning of the year, aside from a handful of beers. But, yeah, alcohol will wreck my stomach too… especially the heavier beers. I do love them, but my body does not!

I think that’s often what happens initially… people go into the experience with the expectation that they’re gonna see pretty colors, hallucinate, party, whatever… and then end up getting blasted mentally, the experience isn’t quite what they expected, or prepared for. But, afterwards, they gain insights into themselves and the world around them. At least that’s what happened to me.

I will say though, I think there is a place for guided psychedelic use, where you’re setting an intention for use before-hand, and then using them in a therapeutic setting, with a guide present, to try and work through problems in your life, whatever they may be… fear of death, grief, addiction treatment, or just to be a better person in general. I’ve not personally experienced any guided sessions, but I see some promise there from talking with people who have experienced them.

I’ve heard it repeated many times, and I’m inclined to believe the same.

Yep, they didn’t seem very newb friendly when i started, but now they don’t seem like they’re that much more difficult than cubes. I’ll give them a shot one day!


what grains you using ? :grin:

What LSD did to users


right now, i’m using oats… i may try out wheat or rye next, I’ve never really experimented with other grains.

LSD is awesome :slight_smile:


Afgooey @ 64 days - ready to go… gonna get in there and chop soon. I’ve read she’s pretty medicinal, I hope she’s got some pain relieving qualities, my feet and hands have been bothering me lately, feels like arthritis. Fuck. There’s a little bit of green left in there, but not much, haha. One downside of doing perpetual - I can’t steer the tent PPDF/VPD to to optimize finishing the plants, while having others in there mid-flower. Still the Afgooey finished alright. Smells great. Prob make some excellent hashish.

Banana OG - 57 days. Still not sure why she’s called Banana OG, but whatevs. Smells good though, like a sweeter OG. The Ethiopian Flame I tried smelled more like banana. Chunkier nugs, good trich coverage… prob a one a done grow in my book. Can’t keep 'em all. Plus, there’s good work being done on modern cannabis, no need to keep growing shit from the past… unless it has a special place in your heart.

Bubba Kush (Berger) - 36 days. Man, that chocolate smell is undeniable… so good, love it! It’s coming out better for me this round, the buds are more full, stronger smells. The effect is hit or miss for people, but I love it when it hits right. It’s very soothing to me.

OG Kush - 57 days. Still unsure of the clone. Smelling killer… like, lemony, earthy pine, nail polish, rubber… powerful. Smells stronger than the TK (FJ420) cut. Maybe little stronger than the Tahoe too, but I don’t have it fresh to compare. I coulda grown her a little better, I can see signs of stress here and there, and maybe little underfed, but she’s gonna be good enough for me to try out at least.

Blue Scream (DJ Short Blueberry x A5/Mirakel BC1) - 57 days. Impressive plant… she got a little outta control on me. Too tall, and I could have removed more of the lowers, haha, like always… but I’m a lazy grower. I like getting them setup and then just letting them do their thing. Strong smells of blueberry acetone with a faint musty smell, it’ll stink up the place brushing against it. Cool looking buds… i like the color and shape up them. Easy trim! Gonna be interesting mashup of the BB and A5 smoke… one of these days, I’ll actually write reviews again :slight_smile:

Rudeboi OG 7 x T1000 1 - 55 days She’s got the uberfrost from the T1000 going on… smells fuckin great though, mostly like the T1000, gassy purple kushy, but nice bit of the Irene/FaceOff funk in there too. Hermed on one of the lowers, tiny nugs, weird structure, not a keeper!

Rudeboi OG 7 x T1000 2 - 55 days - this one has more of the Irene/FaceOff funk going on, it smells really good as well. Not quite as caked, but still plenty of trich coverage. Gonna need a bit more to finish.

Triple Sunshine F and A - both plants responded well to training. The TripSunA def has more of a TK thing going on with her, stretchy, lankier stems, longer internode spacing. Stem rub smells more like the TK… i smell dill pickle smells, but I know everyone smells something different. The F is more compact, stacking up a little different.

Trip Sun F

Trip Sun A

I’ve got friends and family coming into town soon, so I’m not planning on popping any new seeds or anything until August, maybe Mid-July if timing works. We’ll see. I wanna pop a few of those TK x TK 5150s and I’ve got a special project planned for some Freeborn stuff. I’m always worried about starting a project, and then having to tear everything down, but i guess i should just get over it… if it happens, it happens.
Anyways…enough of my stoned ramblings… gotta make some tacos! Or maybe hit the barria spot… stomach lead the way!


Love the OG KUSH & Blue Scream shots. Really appreciate the overall look of the OG buds.

Think that’s a good way to look at things - at the end of the day there are more seeds that can be popped if something happens.

Didn’t know you had those, just popped a few of them a couple hours ago. Sounds like a fun cross to explore for sure! Going to try and see if I can find any logs of it later on.


I’ve always gravitated towards OG-type buds… even when I was a smoker only, that’s what I preferred. I’ve expanded my tastes a little bit now, but I’m still drawn to them.

Haha, no doubt, there’s no shortage of those. After doing the clone thing for a while now, I’m ready to explore more… even if it means failure.

I got them when he first released them… I’ve been wanting to pop them for years, but I kept coming up with a reason not to do it. But a few are going to get popped soon… maybe before July if i gotta scratch that itch. I’ll be excited to follow along on your experience with them though. Now that you have a baseline with the FarmerJoe TK, it’ll be interesting to hear your comparisons. I didn’t see many reports of them being grown out… there may be a few in the CSI thread, but seems like most people have grown the crosses and not the TK x TK5150.


Me and you both… haha nonetheless everything looks great man! Especially that blue scream… yum


Some good news coming through on a rainy day…