Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

Yeah… that’s gonna be interesting how it shakes out if that happens. It won’t stop any federal arrests as it’ll still be a controlled substance like prescription opiates. I was also reading an article saying all the dispensaries across the country, at least the ‘medical’ ones for sure, will need to register as pharmacies, among other things. Seen theories about, they don’t let you make or have any other Rx drugs at home, so why would they allow cannabis to do so, and maybe they’d try and lock it down again :man_shrugging: idk, just gonna have to see. Still have time to change their minds. It needs to as regulated as a Tomato tho imo.


What would you do if you could? Lower the VPD near the end? I dunno what PPDF is haha, although I’ve seen a lot of people mentioning that lately. I’m getting the impression that it has something to do with light intensity or something? Like PAR? Would you lower that, too?

Yeah, that one’s looking tasty for sure.

It’s probably just because you’re nearing the end of another cold and wet winter, probably start feeling better once it starts warming up. Have you been smoking any Black Triangle lately? Haha. That weed always made my hands and feet feel arthritic for sure.

Well don’t leave us in suspense, dude! Do tell! Haha.

Failure’s relative. So is “success.”


Yeah ppfd is basically how much par is hitting a specific spot.


Hm. Okay. So it’s an even more specific way to freak out over light intensity or lack thereof? Because PAR wasn’t good enough?

Whateverrrrrrr… haha.


@iamyou_youareme Your garden is looking spectacular! Is the OG kush clone the Ghost? I just got a clone of that after I’ve been on the hunt for awhile.


Yeah, I’m not expecting some major change or anything, just baby steps in a better direction.

We’ll see how that pans out… could be good if it opens access to better banking options for the industry. Could be restrictive too, but I’m cautiously optimistic.

Nah fuck that… haha. Cat’s out of the bag here… if they try to take away home grow, people are gonna get pissed. In my mind, that’d be like the government trying to all of the sudden outlaw handguns and scoop them all up… not gonna happen! Not that I’m exactly following the law anyways though :wink:


Haha, yeah it was a typo on PPFD - but basically I meant lowering light intensity, which also helps lower temps, and better control the ripening environment of the tent.

Found this video interesting recently that talks about temps being a large factor in how the buds finish:

lol! No, just a bunch of Legend, Tahoe, TK, MM31, BH7, Church, Lav Jack - maybe that has something to do with it. Probably just getting old though, runs in my family too…

@Greasy is super awesome and gifted me two packs of Hollywood Pure Kush (HPK) x SkyCuddler Double Kush - each pack has like 15 or 17 seeds in there. He also gifted me a bunch of the farmer freeman sex test things… what a guy! So the plan is to pop all the seeds, around 30-something, sex everything ahead of time and try to find the best female out of the pack, and possibly find a male or group of males to make F2s. I also just received a clone of LA Pure Kush - so i may throw that in the mix when making F2s - haha, what would that even make… ? LAPK + HPK + SKDK = LA Hollywood SkyCuddler Triple Kush? The ultimate kush?? haha we’ll see what happens…

Thanks man! Good to see you drop by! The OG Kush I received only labeled as OGK through a Discord contact. I’m checking with him on the origins and will update my posts once I confirm. I’ve not grown the pure Ghost OG, only a cross of it, Casper OG. To me, it’s not resembling much from what I saw in the Casper, but I know that doesn’t really mean much. It’s also not resembling the photos I’ve seen of the 92’ OG, which I originally thought it to be… hhmmm… :thinking: I’ll let you know what i find out.


Or trying to outlaw home brewing, which also isn’t gonna happen.

Oh, that sounds cool. I’ve really liked the couple Freeborn things I’ve grown. Seems like he breeds more towards flavor than effects, although the effects haven’t been anything to sniff at, either haha. Either way, yeah, that sounds fun.

I’m here for it! Haha.

Hm. I’ve definitely noticed that the plants I grow in the winter, when temps are cooler both outside and in the room itself, end up having more “bag appeal,” so that doesn’t seem surprising or anything. It’s why I don’t wanna grow in the summer anymore. Or one of the reasons, anyway.

I guess you’ll just have to stop constantly growing or something… haha.


Yeah, I am actually going to stop for the next two months (aside from the Triple Sunshine) or so, it’s going to be nice to take a little break and regroup.

End of grow photo dump…

Blue Scream - smells like candy Blueberry paint thinner… haha. She’s a looker. Hope she’s a smoker…

OG Kush - meh, I think the Tahoe OG came out better. Could have been a poor attempt at growing her. Hopefully the smoke is alright. The buds have this weird thing where the calyx are extra swollen, but has a lot of extra plant matter in it… it’s hard to describe, I’ll try and take a pic of it when i bring it down. The leaves and buds also almost pop right off the plant… it’s strange.

Bubba Kush (Berger) - finishing up nicely… I’ve got the lights really dim, trying to ease her to the finish line.

Rudeboi OG 7 x T1000 - gassy funky amped up Irene Kush smells. Great little plants… I like how the Rudeboi dom one came out.

Chem 91 x Pinesoul - Chem cleaner smells. Chem 91 bumped up the yield.

Chem D x Pinesoul - more Chemmy smells - lots of nanners from Chem D - seem to be sterile, but not a keeper regardless.

Triple Sunshine F and A

Trip Sun F

Trip Sun A

Both plants seem to be really happy and easy going. Hopefully the smaller boxes have enough juice to get them to the end!


Dang that blue scream looks awesome! Rest as well haha.


Beautiful flowers, mate~ That Blue Scream is looking real sweet and “candy blueberry paint thinner” sounds dankk! :zap::blossom:

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Yeah, I’m looking forward to a legit break myself. “Regroup” is a good way to put it. The current grow has left me feeling disheartened and bitter haha, kinda feel like I need to start thinking positive again and voila! No more 75/25 M:F ratios. Because thinking positive really affects M:F ratios…

She is definitely a looker. That may be the frostiest A5T cross I’ve ever seen haha, can’t wait to read the smoke report.

She looks pretty “legit OG,” though, don’t you think? With those sorta calyx-y “berry”-type nugs and stuff? I hate to be the one to ask, but, uh… What kind of smells are you getting off of her? Haha…

Plants look good!


It’s been a minute… figured I’d throw up a few pics of the Triple Sunshine A and F finishing out. Here they are @ 57 days. I’ll probably bring them close to 65-70.

Triple Sunshine A

Triple Sunshine F

Both plants look really frosty, but I’m liking Trip Sun A better. The overall structure, and bud structure are superior to Trip Sun F. On the Trip Sun A, I smell similar smells from the TK… piney, rubbery, dank forest… but I also get smells of the Appy dad shining through on the tail end of her. It’s something sweet, and more delicate, that I also smelled in the MM31 clone. The Trip Sun F smells more like OG to me, not quite as piney, I smelled similar smells on some phenos of Bodhi’s Baba Kush and in some FaceOff OG crosses… I’m guessing the Trip Sun F smells more like the SSDD in general, and the Trip Sun A smells more like the TK. What’s funny is when i open the tent i get a lot of baby poop and garbage smells, but when i squeeze the buds of both phenos, i don’t really smell those notes… huh… :thinking:

Either way, I’m looking forward to sampling both of them soon…

Yeah, she smells pretty OG-ish to me, and the nugs look the part… there’s not much of that real cologne-like smell coming from her, more like dank forest smell, some piney kush. TBH, i haven’t’ had time to trim her up, nor much of my recent harvest… everything is still in the drying tent, even the Afgooey, which, i can’t even remember when i chopped.

I’ll get around to sampling the Blue Scream, Afgooey, Banana OG and OG Kush soon… I’ve been content blazing on my previous harvest though… I’m getting ready to blaze up this well cured nug of Bandaid Haze 7 … love this weed! I don’t smoke it everyday, but she’s stayed in the rotation!

Anyways… hope everyone had a good spring, and you’re geared up for summer, i know i am! I can’t wait to pop some seeds after the summer heat!


Awesome shots and well grown as always! Both of those are looking pretty frosty. I like the growth traits of A more as well, but all the females of the pack seemed pretty nice. Thanks for trying them out!


Thanks man!

Thanks for sharing them. I still have both backed up in case you need a copy of them, but will probably let Trip Sun F go after this run.

Trip Sun A does seem like the superior plant, though I’m sure each female in the pack presented something slightly different. I see a lot of similarities in Trip Sun A to the Triangle Kush cut we both hold, I know there’s been some conjecture about the legitimacy of FJ420’s cutting. The coloring towards the end is similar to the TK I hold, smells are similar, bud and leaf structure remind me of the TK, though not quite as noodle-y. I dunno, i think FJ420’s is the same one Bodhi used, but of course, there’s no way I, nor anyone of us could be absolutely certain. What do you think, do you see what I’m seeing in the Triple Sun A compared to the TK clone we both have?


I think your original comments about the TS last year were spot on. Like a more elongated (flower) TK with a bit of ssdd hybrid presence. Closer to the TK for sure, but not a carbon copy. I like both flowers but last round the TK was more annoying to trim than the TS has been. When grown as a scrog it’s an unknown for me - could be leafier in that scenario. Single stemmed TS-A is a breeze. I initially didn’t think TS had that much passive odor last year until I had a power outage and could smell it down the street. Guess my carbon filters are working. To me it’s not the strongest smelling bud but its above average. On frosty leaf rubs they both smell very similar but slightly different. Same general smell-type.

The effects have been a bit spotty and haven’t figured out the best time to take it, but when TS is at its best it reminds me a lot of what I like about the TK. I’ve only grown the TK out to completion once so far, but I like both for sure. I find the TS is more vigorous than TK and significantly easier to clone.

As for the authenticity topic, I just know I like both and intend to keep them both for a while as long as I can keep them alive (TS / FJ TK). Not doing any breeding or selling clones so while I find the topic interesting it doesn’t affect me thankfully. I already got rid of F as well over here. It’s a nice plant but I don’t want to dedicate the space and maintenance.

I’ve been told by a family member that they think the TS is actually stronger than (my) TK flower, but that’s not my take. I think the TK gets me where I want to be in less inhalations. Sometimes for me the TS is a bit sleepier than the TK but that may be set and setting.


:thinking: Do you get that from your TK cut as well?


For sure, TS-A has that conical bud shape, more elongated than the TK, but still similarly shaped. TSA looks like an easy trim, basically just knock off the big leaves and the buds will be close to done.

I didn’t really think they smelled that much either, until the end. I’ve been away for about a week and came back to the tent yesterday, when i opened it up, I was hit with a wall of smell. It was unexpected for how little the buds smelled before i left, or perhaps i was nose blind to them…

It’s hard to really say, as i ran it with so many other plants in the tent, I don’t know which one was causing the most stank. But i don’t get much of those smells from the TK buds when i squeeze them. They smell more astringent, less poopy to me.

Understood… effects are something I’m looking forward to comparing. I have some 65 day TK, and some 78 day TK to compare the TS’s against. I’ve been using the TK a lot in the afternoon, it’s consistently strong, but not day ending, so it’s nice to smoke before walking the dog or doing something outside. It doesn’t leave me in a stupor.

Yeah, honestly, it doesn’t really matter that much to me either. Any crosses I did make with the TK, I simply label as the FJ420 TK in my mind. I’m not selling seeds, nor clones, so it’s not super important to me. It’s a good plant, regardless of it’s origins. One thing I like about popping seeds from trusted breeders is that I know that i personally popped the seed, and can trace the origin of the plant, there’s no bullshit involved.

Yeeeeah… I take all reports on effects with a grain of salt… I only know what i like personally, and what feels good to me. Don’t get me wrong, I like reading about them, and i like trying to describe how plants effect me personally, but i don’t expect everyone to feel the same way i do about smoking the same plants. You’ve gotta find your own magic carpet and ride it…


Finally got around to chopping the Triple Sunshine F and A this weekend. I took them to 69 days. The pistils on Trip Sun F faded pretty early to brown, but the trichs still look a little clear to me, surprisingly. I still think they are both done though, or as done as they gonna be in my case.

Triple Sunshine F - I feel like this one leans towards the SSDD in terms of smell. It’s not quite as pungent as the Trip Sun A, and smells more delicate, less astringent, more of what I consider the Appalachia smell, as i can smell a little bit in the MM31 clone. The buds were smaller and not a conical shaped, more like little golf ball nugs. Did well in SCROG setup and looks to have yielded slightly less than Trip Sun A. I would still consider it a high quality plant, but not on the level of Triple Sunshine A, nor the TK cutting from FJ. Excited to sample, regardless of smell and nug shape, still looks super frosty and if the SSDD traits shine through, I’ll be ok with that.

Triple Sunshine A - this one leans more towards the TK in my eyes. The buds are more elongated, the calyx/bracts are more bulbous/swollen, and primarily the smell… lots of “good weed” smell, but I smell gas, astringent, piney forest, dank… smells super good, can’t put into words because I suck at describing smells. It is a step above the Trip Sun F and I would consider it the superior plant, even without smoking them. It’s also very frosty in person, though I didn’t get very many good macro shots of her for some reason.

Thanks again for sharing @syzygy ! Can’t wait to try them once I get back from Canada, they should be nice and dried up by then.

I’m gonna take a little break for awhile, so I’m sorry if I’m slow to respond to any messages… I’ll be back in a few weeks, to a month, and then gonna start going balls to the wall again. Hope everyone is well out there, enjoy the summer!


No problem at all, I really appreciate you trying them out! Love seeing it grown out in different environments & styles. Trip Sun A is one of my favorite plants I’ve found from Bodhi so is really cool to see you grow them both out. Both plants look really well grown! That F looks a bit better than the ones I grew as well, but still agree with your take on A being the superior plant.

Looking forward to seeing what projects you start up on your return - hopefully more seed popping!


the two rainbow belts x baba kush look pretty damn good, it was a quality pair you did.

ill be popping the rest of the seeds starting august to go thru them completely, im confident there will be something nice to keep. Ill post the report on the discussion thread. thank you so much!

Ill also be popping the rest of the pinesoul and KLP/T1000 fems. lately im siding with getting more fems. the space taken by regs is no joke if youre not planning on using the males.