Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

No doubt that’s what has been on my mind.
I need some new solo cups for seedlings, then I’m ready to go.
I am going to run a few more clones out in SIPs, and I’m undecided about how to run through a bunch of seeds… coco and small pots seems like the easiest way to me, though.

Nice! Thanks for growing them out. Have you chopped them yet? Cool to hear you’re going to go through more of them. I’m hoping to run through some myself, hoping to maybe find a keeper, or to just see what is there. I’ve only flowered out two of them so far, one definitely had the overripe fruit thing from RB going on, with a nice mouth coat… could have been a little more potent though. I hope they end up smoking alright for you.

Yeah, unless you’re doing breeding projects, or have sex tests, regular seeds can be tough on those with limited space. I think fems have their place, for sure, but if i was going to be a “weed breeder”, then I think I’d stick to regs for breeding. Something about that process feels better to me for some reason :thinking:

Bodhi - Triple Sunshine A (from syz)

It was an easy plant to grow, no special treatment required. She stretched about 2.5 to 3 times her size after flipped. She did great in a SCROG setup and looks like she’s doing great outside from syz’s recent posts.

Smells are rubber, gassy, herbal, dank kush… just straight-up ‘good weed’ smells. Tastes translates nicely, it’s a little sharp on the inhale from the gassy/astrigent part, but the exhale is all smooth kush. Reminds me a little of the TK on the exhale.

Effects are strong, on-set is quick. I only need one or two bong hits to get me pretty lifted. It puts me in an elevated happy state, but not too much body stone to her, although, I do get a bit of pain relief in my joints. Maybe by not too much body, I mean that I don’t want to lay around on the couch or anything. It’s a pretty functional high for me. Reminds me of the TK in a lot of ways, at least the good parts of her. I can smell a little bit of the SSDD influence there, but I don’t get the ‘warm blanket’ high I’ve experienced before from straight SSDD.

All around though, an excellent plant. A total keeper, found in one pack of seeds… nice work @syzygy and bodhi ! If I lost the TK, this one would be a close enough replacement, maybe even better than her in some ways… that would be up to the individual smoking her though :slight_smile:

I plan on keeping her around for a bit, I may throw her in the SIP and flower her out a little bit larger.

and just for fun, some outdoor stuff…

Strawberry Ethiopian from @zephyr


Hope everyone is staying cool!


Thanks again for taking the time to grow her out and post your thoughts! The outdoor lighting for the bud shots worked out really well too. Awesome to hear you’re getting ready to explore seeds again!


Let’s go!

Meangene hooked up both of these packs, one had 13 seeds, and the other 18… 31 seeds. Never popped this many at once before, should be fun…

Added just a little bit of Fulivc to tap water, will let the seeds soak for 16 hours or so and go from there.

Thanks again to @Greasy for gifting both packs to me :slight_smile:


Should be able to find some killer plants in there, but do stay on intersex watch with those genetics. Best of luck!! I hope you find a winner in there!!


Damn! That’s, um, a lot of seeds… haha. I agree, though, it should be fun.

Any particular reason you’re popping so many at once? Are you looking for something specific?


You trying to jinx me?! Haha j/k… I’m always on the lookout for intersex stuff, though it doesn’t really bother me unless it’s a full blown ladyboy.

Nah, no particular reason other than trying to find the “best” plant out of the bunch. I’m expecting half or so to be male, so hopefully that will leave me with 12-16 females. I’m thinking I can find something pretty good/unique there, but even if I don’t, I’ll have fun trying. I have 20 Farmer Freeman Sex test, so I’ll be able to determine the sex of most pretty early on, and maybe hang on to a few males to make F2s. I’m also running LA Pure Kush (clone) right now, and it will be interesting to compare the lines.

Most of the beans had popped tails after 18 hours.

Into the solo cups they go…


That’s a LOT of Solo cups! I have eight going with five popping the surface of dirt.


Dang thats a nice seed pop! Ive been meaning to sprout a few more meangene seeds soon, hes definitely got some nice ones. Will be cool to compare to the LApk, its a really nice cut. Seems halfway between an OG and a bubba in growth.


The couple meangene things I’ve grown have been pretty dang good, so god speed deciding between 12-16 plants haha! One of them (pretty sure it was the Sky Cuddler Kush #3 f3) definitely threw sacs around day 21, but they didn’t come back after I plucked them.

Still annoying, though… haha.


When did that happen? Haha.


when doing fems, do you have a method or a general rule of thumb in terms of choosing which plant gets to be the donor and which gets to be pollinated?

EDIT: i found this from Holy… and thats what i believed made sense too but since i have never done it, was (and still am) curious regarding peoples experience with this


@the_bot I too am curious about this!!!


Cool! Seems like that so far, she’s just coming around after being transplanted into the SIP… i think my soil pH is slightly out of whack, hopefully it’ll correct after getting some water and life going in the SIP. Yeah, I’ve seen some nice stuff come from MG, his description of the SKDK sounds really good.

LA Pure Kush

haha yeah that’s the thing, what I select for may not be what someone else does, but that’s OK. I’m gonna select for what i think is best, if there’s anything at all…

Oh you know… little birds just drop plants in my mailbox and i can’t help but to grow them.

To clarify, do you mean, which clone of the same plant that gets to be the pollen producer versus receiver?


Do you mean, in general selection terms, choosing which plant to reverse/change sex and then which plants to pollinate?

I’d say if the latter, then just choose a plant with qualities that you want to explore more of. Make S1s of the genetic itself, and find the best plants out of those. As for crossing (A elite clone) x (B elite clone), i think that will only get you so far. It’s fun to do, it will produce some good plants, but you need to explore a lot of them to find the absolutely stellar ones. I guess the same with any breeding really…

I also have all these “elite clones” locally available to me so that does guide my decisions. Thinking about trying out Kush Mints and Duct Tape next, they’re up at Archive… haha… then I look at my damn seed collection… smh!


yup, this

lol yeah im very impatient. i want to get good shit from every seed, and will expect great plants from the first cross i ever make, without exploring first. lol. but this hobby has taught me a lot about my impatience, and i guess this will be another lesson. Thanks!

lol the perks of being close to them. that one sounds really interesting or petrochem.

im actually thinking of doing a gg4 x moonbow fem and a bandaid haze (if i can find a proper pheno) x moonbow fem… thinking theyre both worked, so maybe the cross wont be that wild in diversity but who knows…


Everything Bot said :arrow_heading_up:


The donor is always the one that you like best and want better chances his traits passing forward.
So if you have a high potency clone, and potency is your ultimate goal, you make him the donor.
If you have a goal of reaching multiple traits, you apply the same method just in stages.

As an example, you have 3 plants, one is potent, the 2nd has excellent taste and the 3rd has killer smell

Let’s say your goal is a plant that has all three traits but potency is first for you, taste is 2nd, smell is 3rd
So you cross your potent cut with your taste cut, grow the seeds, cross the keeper to your smell cut, grow the seeds, and so on, always making sure the donor is the one that has your most desirable traits.

Just adding, if you have 2 killer cuts that hold same traits you desire, it’s never bad to change donors and even recommended to determine which cross is more successful.


Wisdom… thank you! :pray:

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Little update on the Hollywood Pure Kush (HPK) x SkyCuddler Double Kush

All the seeds popped, one stalled out and didn’t make it past the seedling stage. Another runty one randomly died this morning from some sort of infection, it was wilted and soft, maybe mildew or fungus got it. There’s a few runty ones, but overall, they’re pretty good looking. They’re starting to take off and will need a transplant before too long… these are vegging under 315W CMH.

I sent in the Farmer Freeman sex test for the twenty best looking plants, haven’t received the results yet. Hoping to get them early next week. Going to grow out all the plants that I can, but will probably discard some of the males. Going to keep the runts to see how they turn out.

Tahoe OG getting ready to flip to flower.

LA Pure Kush getting ready to flip too…

Sunflowers from Ukraine gifted by @Shevchenko - hopefully they open up soon!


How far along are they again? I don’t think you mentioned when exactly you’d planted those? If you did, I forgot (big surprise).

Wow! She’s really bushy, huh? I dunno why, but I’m super-curious to read how she turns out. Maybe it’s just because I’m obsessed with all things “LA” haha, but yeah, I’m really intrigued.

I don’t give a shit about the Tahoe… haha. Just kidding, I love Tahoe, one of my favorite OG’s ever.


It’s about 15 days since they germinated… that’s partially why I keep a log, so I can keep track of when I planted them.

Yeah! She was super bushy, I took a good bit out of her today, but still pretty branchy! Flipped to 12/12 today, along with the Chemdog 91 SkVa.

Haha, more like Tahoe is the shit.

Love this bud…! While not the most potent or anything, she smokes really nicely. Flavor is on point, with a kinda lemony cleaner thing going on with the taste. It’s like a sociable OG, I don’t get too locked in my own head, just lifted enough to start appreciating what’s going on around me. I love the firey red hairs… just good weed, all around, I think. Obviously… that’s why I’m growing her out again.


The tahoe is indeed very nice bud! Ive been really liking it as an evening high - really nice buzz but doesnt get my head spinning haha. And yea pretty buds that taste really nice. I get a little less lemon cleaner than TK, a bit more pine-hops forward.

Compared to TK the high is more body buzz evening for me, TK being really nice for anytime… at least harvested a bit early at 65. Growing out some more TK to see how it is at 10-11wks.