Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

Yep, I’ll agree with that. The Tahoe has more relaxation and crash, compared to the TK. I do tend to smoke the Tahoe in the evening.

TK is better at 11 weeks, I think. I ran some for 67ish days and it wasn’t as tasty as the 77-80 day stuff.

Soo… i got the results from FF (mostly).

Sample # Result (EZ-XY Sex Test)
EZ64637 F
EZ64642 F
EZ64648 F
EZ64632 F
EZ64633 M
EZ64634 M
EZ64635 M
EZ64636 F
EZ64638 F
EZ64639 M
EZ64640 M
EZ64643 F
EZ64644 M
EZ64645 M
EZ64646 M
EZ64649 F
EZ64650 M

8 Females, so far. Looks like I’m going to have to send in more samples for the ones they couldn’t analyze.
9 Males… pretty even split.

There’s also a few un-sexed ones, I’m undecided on how i should proceed with them, either transplant and flip, or transplant, and then top them, and sex the clone/top. I’ll sleep on it.


Males on left tray, not sexed in the right tray, runts at the bottom of photo.


That seems to be the general consensus. Or that’s also what Holy’s said, anyway haha. Interesting, if for no other reason than I’ve always read that TK is an “Indica” haha.

How much did that run you? And do you have to pay for the second samples of those three that were undetermined?

You could always just keep vegging them until they show pre-flowers, like normal people do haha…


For me, she doesn’t really smoke like an “indica”. More like a “sativa” leaning hybrid. I’m surprised that you haven’t sampled any of the TK… she’s worth a shot if the opportunity arises.

I’m grateful for our recently (temporarily) retired grower @Greasy for donating these tests to me, so I’m not sure on the cost. I know that they run sales, maybe around holidays, and that’s the time to purchase them. I do not have to pay for the additional test, they can credit my account if I do not wish to send in the additional samples, or i can send in the additional samples with my own envelopes, and they’ll process them.

Normal… me? haha… j/k that’s probably what I’ll do… just transplant, and grow them out in a veg tent… somewhere, maybe reducing the light to get them to show sex. The plan is to clone all the females, so the quicker i can get them to show, the better.


speaking of testing, the tahoe og and blue dream from your garden are certified clean from hlvd according to both farmer freeman and tumi genomics.

I don’t have anything else coming into the garden so I figured I’d compare the tests with these plants. They each got tested twice, with tumi test and a farmer freeman test.

It was interesting comparing the testing process. the farmer freeman tests require a very large sample of multiple leaves and long strands of roots all placed into specific labeled envelopes.

The tumi genomic test only requires a set of root samples, from which you cut off small 1/4" pieces, and place them in a vial containing a chemical solution.

anyway, thanks again for the nice healthy plants


Nice! thanks for sharing those results… I’ve been too cheap to test myself, but i do try to keep strict protocols for incoming clones, glad to see that some of that pays off.

That’s interesting, as I’ve read/heard that the highest concentration of the virus is present in the root zone. Maybe that’s why Tumi only requires the root samples now? I dunno? Maybe they’re running a more advanced testing process?

Side note: did you see that Archive is now carrying the Blue Dream? I saw a pic from their instagram, an it looks exactly like the SC Blue Dream clone… funny… what goes around, comes around…


that really is hilarious, it shows up for sale at the local nursery right after I finally got it back in my garden

Yeah they actually updated the testing procedures after I bought this batch of tests. Initially it also required samples of the petioles (leaf stems). They sent out an announcement that after further study, only the root samples were required because their testing method was so sensitive it could detect it with better accuracy that way. I think it was basically like including the stem samples was either diluting the viroid concentration of the sample material, or more likely to introduce contaminants that would interfere with the results.

The tumi test was much quicker to perform that way than the farmer freeman test, which is nice. But the chemicals in the tumi test vials expire after 2 years, and they are much more expensive than the farmer freeman test.


Haha, yeah, I was just kinda making fun of sites like leafly and allbud and whatever. All of those kinds of sites list TK as an “Indica.” And “Indicas” supposedly finish quickly and make you fall asleep. Etc etc, on and on, you get the gist.

Those sites are useless and dumb, is my point haha.

I really didn’t enjoy the smoke from the couple TK hybrids I’ve grown, Black Triangle and Nikah, so I haven’t been in any rush to explore them further or the straight TK. But between everything you, Holy and syzygy have had to say about it, I’m thinking I should give it another shot at some point.

I dunno. I’ve got a lot of stuff to grow haha.

Yeah, dude, just veg a few plants for a while haha. It’s not like other stuff won’t be flowering or anything.

I’d quote more of your posts, but I don’t want this to get too long haha. I’ll just say that I LOVE Blue Dream and Tahoe, but with all of that testing for the hPlvd and the clone weirdness and the sketchiness and whatever… It just seems crazy to me. It doesn’t seem worth the effort, but I commend y’all haha.


Yeah someone or ones have been going around rewriting everything about TK to, imo, match more closely to these rip-off wannabe TK’s than the real deal. She is NOT indica at all. Some fat blades, that’s the closest you’re getting to “Indica” on her.


Holy shit that is some killer looking buds !
Looks like it was grown to perfection and dried like a pro !

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I don’t know about THAT haha. I feel like I’ve always read that TK is an “Indica,” at least as far as those generic, filler-type weed sites are concerned, the ones that come up as soon as you Google whatever it is you’re Google-ing. Maybe on some other sites that I’m not privy to, but the idea that those BS sites like leafly and allbud are concerned, there’s no way they’re changing what was written ten years ago to fit the current “clone rush” or whatever.

Even before AI was a thing, whenever I’d read any strain descriptions on sites like those, I’d wonder,”Did a robot write this? What is this? None of this information is correct and it reads super-poorly, too.”


Specifically seedfinder and the current clone-seller descriptions are all saying she’s this heavy indica plant, short and stout with strong branching, etc etc. Basically complete opposite of what she is and what the descriptions used to say just a year or two ago. i pretty much never look at and kinda actively avoid sites like leafly et al.

HigherThought still has the best current description of her I can find.


Ah, okay. Isn’t seedfinder kinda like the old-school wikipedia, where anybody could just add whatever they wanted to, even if it wasn’t true? That’d make sense haha. I still use it occasionally, though, just to remind myself what the genetics of whatever I’m curious about are. I just ignore the things that are clearly wrong on there.

For sure. I’ll sometimes read them though. Bored, maybe haha.

Yeahhhh, I wish he’d write more, but he’s clearly over it. I left a comment on his thing a year ago (after he hadn’t posted for a year before that) to try and encourage him and all of a sudden there were, like, six new reports. There haven’t been any since haha.

The thing with TK (besides just not totally enjoying the hybrids I’ve grown) is that “forehead sweats” descriptor that everybody always mentions. I don’t wanna sweat haha, unless I’m working out or something. “Forehead sweats,” to me, has always implied a rushy-sorta comeup and I don’t like those at all. I like it better when it takes like thirty minutes for me to feel really baked, nice and easy haha.


Kinda. If you have an account you can add/edit stuff but still has to be approved by the owner. And the owner can get stuff wrong even after you tell him explicitly, like my lemon cheese haze on there :sweat_smile:

For sure! She’s definitely got a rushy come-up. She gets less rushy the longer you take her but still always there for me. I like it. Don’t need much to get there compared to other stuff. I dont like the particularly long creeper high’s as it’s hard to guage how much to use to be medicated but still functional :sweat_smile:


Are you still running the same Blue Dream clone I sent way back at the end of 2022 by chance? Just inferring that means it was likely clean coming from me too. I certainly don’t have any suspicions about it after all this time, but it’s nice to see it. I think @zephyr mentioned this to me a while back but, well, my short term memory ain’t the best LOL.

Very fun following along with your projects! That was a generous gift from The Greasemaster. Even on heavy discounts those Farmer Freeman sex tests are around $10/each. I’ve been popping lots of seed recently and I long for a big phat stack of those tests :drooling_face:


Yup that’s the one, thanks again for sharing it schmarmpit

Yeah I tested it last year as well with the tumi genomics “mother panel” test, and it was clean for pythium, fusarium and hlvd.

So I’m thinking with a clean test last year for hlvd and fungal pathogens, and two clean hlvd tests this year, no symptoms in three gardens over 2 years, should be very safe.


I’ve actually gotten that BD cut tested as well and it was clean 2x, so I’d say all good there :rofl:


Yup, that’s the one, thanks for sharing it! Cool to see it travel around, and maintain it’s good health! I actually just lost it while on vacay, but now that Archive carries it, I’m not too worried about maintaining a copy in my garden. It’s funny to see the SC Blue Dream make a come back… it was soooo played out, and now people are requesting it again.

No doubt! his generosity made this whole project happen… the seeds, the sex tests… what a guy!
The sex test are pretty slick… i wouldn’t mind having a bunch stacked up myself, for projects down the road.

Yeah, def give her a shot, just pure TK… i think there’s a little bit of a rush there, but it doesn’t give me the forehead sweats. GG#4 has way more of the white-knuckle come-up than TK does, imho. It’s more just like a rush of pleasant feelings, instead of anxious feelings, if that makes sense?


I don’t get white knuckles or forehead sweats from TK either. It comes on fast but I don’t think it even stands out as unusual on potency. Effects are spectacular and do stand out though for me!


Been really enjoying the sc blue dream cut going on my second run of it smells out of this world and really nice wake n bake weed been smoking it before my morning runs thankful the grease man tossed it in with the pinesoul cut :pray:


But it doesn’t take too long to figure out how much is enough. I’ve got a pretty standard “two bong rips or 4-5 hits off of a joint, then wait and see” method haha. Only takes a couple times with the new stuff before I figure out exactly how much’ll satisfy me, even if it means waiting for 30-45 minutes. I like the wait. I like that whole “not feeling like I even smoked any weed at all and then a half-hour later I’m baked as shit” thing.

This is all very intriguing, but even if I was okay with bringing in clones, I just can’t. I can’t! Haha. Gawd, I wanna thin out my seed fridge sooooo badly… If and until I do, though, there will be no growing of any clones haha.