Terp boosing humidity packs? this legit or what?

So i just seen this on amazon and wanted to know if anyone has any experiance with these.


Boveda has “terp” pack you put in jars while curring - there are about 9 different terpene pack


I don’t have any experience with them. I’m skeptical but am interested to see if anyone has used them and what their experience has been.

This is from the link -

Thanks for starting this thread!


That’s different. I’m gonna go with people gonna use these to artificially enhance bags to sell on the street…just like Massachusetts dispensaries lol. I could just be being a hater but someone needs to try!


Totally agree. The only question is who will be the one to dive in??? :rofl:



Very generous of you! G8PxQ8j


I had a sampler pack of terps in a bottle.
They all seemed to ruin the weed in my opinion.
I am not a fan of adding back moisture to weed it seems to change the smell and taste ect.


another money grabber !!! surprised that Boveda" came out with this product - yea ! there are many companies that one can get liquid terps which are used in flavoring WHAT NEXT ???


Wont be me. After trying “terps” for my carts, from cheap shit to THE BEST…they all SUCK and add ARTIFICIAL TASTE to the bud/cart.

New smokers, or i mean younger smokers, raised on carts and bunk dispo dry bud, will prolly like it. They were brought up on “flavored” shit! Glad i wasnt, crap is uesless to ANYONE HERE growing theri own bud




one used the cheap “stuff” (vaps) younger folks don’t know /have no idea what the difference is - flower is the answer


No doubt one of the best things about high quality homegrown is it simply tastes better, but that doesn’t stop my mind from being wondering. And you’ll note that I didn’t volunteer to dive in! :laughing: :rofl: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Weed does not smell like any of those terpenes.

Claim: Myrcene smells like mango, skunk and purple kush.

Reality: Mango smells like Ethyl butyrate, Purple Kush smells like methyl anthranilate, skunk like methyl butene thiol.

Claim: OG Kush smells like limonene and borneol.

Reality: Real OG Kush might contain limonyl acetate and bornyl acetate, but the fake kush/sd products are laughably obvious with their non acetated limonene borneol mixtures.

Claim: Peppery weed smells like caryophyllene.

Reality: Peppery weed smells like Chavicine

Claim: Pine weed smells like pinene.

Reality: Pine weed smells like tetradeca lactones.

Claim: Aroma therapy oils taste good. Weed tastes like aroma therapy oils.

Reality: Aroma therapy oils taste like shit. Weed tastes like sugars and acids.

Claim: Aroma therapy terpenes are good for you. You should be directly inhaling them.

Reality: Aroma therapy terpenes are hardening lungs tissue, “chazzing bangers” and giving headaches.

The Cannabis community has been lied to for a century straight. Faking weed and they won’t even attempt putting the right components together. Should tell you who is behind the lies.


Thats alot of big words, mostly not useful information The first thing i looked up was Ethyl butyrate, says it smells like pineapple not mango. the point is clear but still sounds bougie AF


Much more smooth as well.I always get a compliment on how smooth my smoke is and I run TLO soil I don’t even flush lol


Wtg @Ris. Takin one for the team! Lol. :yum:
I’m interested to hear your results.

What things smell like are not clear cut, and if it was you probably wouldn’t find it clearly explained on the interwebz. In fact, most things ARE described wrongly on the internet. Fuck even so called experts get their shit mixed up. Noses are tools but not readable instruments. Your brain recognizes smells on the basis of experience. What Neopetal says might be very much correct. It’s likely more correct than what you’ll find online.

And mango does taste like pineapple… With some additions and detractions. When we say “tastes like” we actually mean “this taste fits in that category”, because the person who said it can likely differentiate between mango and pineapple. But when someone writes an article online, they don’t KNOW or DIFFERENTIATE or DO or TRY. They WRITE. It’s the 2000’s. We’re all in our armchairs, all of us. So writers often just look up what they think they need to know, without actually knowing the shit they write about.