Terpsnpurps very 1st grow thread. šŸŖ“

Thank you man ā€¦ Iā€™m hoping to do good with them!!


Looking great bro.

Whenever Iā€™ve popped seeds and rooted clones at the same time, the clones always end up much further along than the seed plants by the time Iā€™m ready to flip, definitely faster, and they seem to stretch more as well. Youā€™re going to have a jungle on your hands here soonā€¦ very nice. Are you going to top them?


Yes definitely topping them!! For sure haha @methodanon

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Think of autos like plants you throw in to fill holes in the canopy. Also, remember that you can flower them with your vegging photos. They can help you maximize your space.


The clones are looking great!


Thanks @Blackbeard they just got a nice drink today ā€¦ they were bone dry I could have watered yesterdayā€¦ in the beginning I severely overwatered 2 years agoā€¦ and now itā€™s like Iā€™ve gone the other way lolā€¦


Ahhh okā€¦ that makes sense. I may entertain autos in the future with that being said!


Good looking clones :kissing_heart:, I wonder that if you top them they will have more horizontal branching and occupy more space ā€¦ icon_e_confused|nullxnull

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One more thing before I shut upā€¦
In addition to taking up space, occasionally youā€™ll find the uberist of the dank like this Meph Super Orange Haze.

That was a tasty one. That plant was 3-4 oz.


Yes i figured I could do it that way as wellā€¦ top and train a little for bushy wide plants šŸŖ“

The clones are in a 2x4 until flowering plants are doneā€¦ then theyā€™ll go into a 5x5 ā€¦ and that 5x5 is 7ā€™11" tall lolā€¦ itā€™s literally coming out of my ceiling with zero room aboveā€¦ so I wonder how many I can fit in that?

Regular plants I can get with zero walking space around 9ā€¦ I have only seen others do thisā€¦ I usually stick to 5ā€¦ but I may go 8 of these clones in there ā€¦ maybe all 9ā€¦ but 1 is a week younger and considerably smallerā€¦ about half the size. So I may just give that away to a friend or something


Na donā€™t feel like you ever have to shut up lolā€¦ everyone is very welcome to post here, i enjoy all feedback

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Also getting feed today are the 3 ladiesā€¦ they are absolutely pissed but I believe this hug will help

They got a tea today at 630 ppmā€¦ I was aiming for 800 ppm teaā€¦ but what happened was I have been messing teas up as I said before so now that Iā€™m making them correctly ppms are lower than expected due to not adding the wrong things in bigger amountsā€¦ dammit I didnā€™t think about that partā€¦ so itā€™s still 250 ppms higher than they were and high in nitrogen to help the yellowing and dying of lower leaves

Theyā€™ll still like it though Iā€™m sureā€¦ lesson learned againā€¦

This marks 26th day of flowering


I hope you wonā€™t see this as ā€œhelping harassmentā€ :see_no_evil: but I donā€™t think adding more N is a good move (specially in mid flower stage), it would only give energy to the plant to promote leaves instead of focusing on buds,

If you watch carefully you will see yellow veins:


a quick search will tell you ā€œvascular system of the plant starting to shut downā€ and ā€œpossible manganese, iron or magnesium deficiencyā€ā€¦

So I think the messing with the tea may have locked down in some way the nutrient intake and that yellowing on the leaves just means the plant is hungry and taking nutes form them ā€¦

I remember @Simdadon giving you the advice to flush the plants, that would reset the soil and would be a good beginning to put things on place, just think about it ā€¦ beer3|nullxnull


I definitely want to hear more about strains as dank as that!

Yes that is what I did by the water only feed last timeā€¦ and I had them taken down to mid 400ā€™s on ppms ā€¦ this is after a lockout due to improper tea being madeā€¦ I added 3 times the kelp , molasses, and AZ trace minerals ā€¦ Iā€™m positive a lockout happened thereā€¦ so now just giving a simple veg tea to slightly help leavesā€¦ and will be going straight back to the flower feed againā€¦ this veg feed was lower than anticipated also at 630 ppm

I should be around 7 or 8 hundredā€¦ no I never consider it harassment haha ā€¦

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They were extremely low ppms for about 5 to 6 daysā€¦ so I figured thatā€™s the bottom leaf feeding cause at this pointā€¦

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You should try a foliar feed, fastest way to recover them ā€¦ beer3|nullxnull


I was scared to foliar with the flowers present lolā€¦ I thought about it man and I almost did itā€¦

I could have foliar the higher N and gave a tea of flower nutes instead :thinking:


I think foliar in flower should be avoided while using pesticides (like Neem oil :nauseated_face:), some diluted Epsom salts donā€™t think it would affect much ā€¦ icon_e_confused|nullxnull


Oh ok right on man