Terpsnpurps very 1st grow thread. 🪴

No, the nutrients are the same and you feed them pretty much so just like regs, nothing special to them at all just pay close attention to what they are telling you. Don’t top them, just LST. Inside under LED lights they will need Cal/Mag. :blush::wink::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::v:


I hardly need cal mag my ppms of tap water come in around 320 ish … if anything just magnesium maybe but definitely not calcium @OhNo555


Good morning :sun_with_face: @Terpsnpurps, here is some helpful information to run autos. The set up came from a friend on RIU. I have had GR8 success with it. When I run autos I only use EWC, Great White, perlite, cal/mag, Doctors Earths All Purpose during veg and Doctor Earths Flower :cherry_blossom: girl during flower. Here is my pot (3 to 5 gallon) set up. :blush::partying_face::wink::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::v:


Thanks bro … ugh I found fungus gnats last night… this means war


H F and OF both come with there own bugs
That’s why I use promix


I did not get any fungus gnats until I bought locally sourced worm castings, they looked like dirt and were not refined and left mud in the tea bucket… I’m positive that’s where they came from… I made it through veg and added ffof during veg… without any bugs at all…


Here’s an update on the clones today…

They were topped the day before yesterday

#1 and 2 black and blue Skunk

3 and 4 London pound cake X bubblegum

#5 and 6 London pound cake X bubblegum

#7 and 8 London pound cake X bubblegum


Last but not least plant zero because I didn’t think it would make it… the week later black and blue Skunk it’s top was a week sooner obviously lol

Wish I’d done that with all


The whole tent as 1


It’s good you took the initiative to top them, it was done at the right time and looks like it was a good job.

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Thanks man… soon they’ll go up in 3 gallon pots

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Looking :eyes: good buddy! Hell Yeah! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::blush::wink::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::v:

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Good job TnP.
If you can get them this far, you should have no problem. The next couple months will be interesting I guarantee it.


Wishing all the best to you, in your maidens voyage.

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Thanks you guys… those clones got a drink today… they seem like they’ll be pushing into the flower tent tent before the flowering plants are done… they are really growing fast! It’s crazy :crazy_face:


Ok here the flower plants are today.
Bruised but not broken… lol

The fungus gnats are so far non existent … and yes that’s aquarium sand in the tops of my pots :grin:

The 1 in the back got watered yesterday … this was it’s normal back and forth… feed… then water etc…
630 went in on the 15th and 400 came out yesterday

So it’s hungry… really hungry…

The other 2 haven’t gotten their water yet…

I turned my light down from 70 to 60 percent… waiting to correct feed before it goes up

Today is day 31 of flowering


Glad you defeated the fungus gnats. They sure are annoying little critters. BTW, nice tent. :wink: :pirate_flag:


Thanks man that’s a gorilla 5x5 … it is a tall bustard! And can get a foot taller but as u can see there is no friggin way

At 7 foot 11 inches… it cracks me up how close to the ceiling it is … I had to do BAD things to it to get it there

As far as tents go gorilla is all I’ll ever buy


Yeah I know they are nice tents.
I have a gorilla 3x3. My ceilings are too low to put the extension on but it’s plenty tall without it.


You taped up holes in pots and they also sit tight to floor plus sand on top ?

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