Terpsnpurps very 1st grow thread. 🪴

I agree it the biggest mistake most growers do

Always check the trichomes

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Id have to say… it looks like about 10 percent right now … more on leaves but on buds… 10 15 percent tops. Mostly cloudy some clear… some amber


Morning all!

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Goodmorning mo… hows it going over there?

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Man im just glad youre doing ok brudda!!

Slowly. lol. I haven’t even smoked anything this morning or had a cup of coffee. Just dragging my ass from lack of sleep and I think if I smoke anything I’m going back to bed. lol

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When i feel like that i just do it and get it over with… lol… if i can that is

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I gotta say… even with a jewelry loupe… its kinda hard to look at them all over… is that what you all use?

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I use one of these.

But I find the 120 to be too powerful. A 60X-120X would be better. It’s not too tight and you can back off to see more trichomes. The 120 zooms in too close and is hard to get into focus for me.


I feel the same way

I think with the 60 you see a wider scope of the trichomes ( more in the viewer the the 120 )


Exactly @Papalag . I’m buying a new one that is adjustable down to 60X.


The 120 is great to focus in on 1 trichome but I want to see a selection :+1:


The 120 is helpful when identifying bugs though.


I use these until i get real close. Then i use a telescope that goes wth my phone. I took the cover off because it was a pain in the ass.


Hey bud my I phone has more zoom with a wider area so I use it for all inspections. Much easier and I can view more and take pics for further evaluation.
I was going to get one of these magnifying scopes But I got a new phone Before that, and it works excellent no need for the scope.


Very few are completely cloudy, you want to see them completely cloudy and about the same amount amber. That is when they are ready to harvest.
You can harvest when they are all cloudy and very little amber if you like a Sativa high in a strain. 75% amber is couchlock for that particular strain.


Oh ok so even a sativa sided strain will drain the energy too ambered out?

OldJoints has some great advice here! :100:

You may encounter from time to time that some cultivars dont turn amber trichomes. Another pointer you are getting close is the stigmas on the flowers start to turn colors. Keep watching daily as you are getting close in my opinion and wniu more ofnthe Sativa effects unless I am being an insomniac :rofl:

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Thats exactly the 1 i have been using to look … and a digi microscope to take pix… the digi is adjustable

Nope not exactly like that. A 100% Sativa is not going to be couchlock no matter how amber. It will just be less racy. Go to far with the amber and you start losing potency as the trichomes degrade.