Terpsnpurps very 1st grow thread. šŸŖ“

Well until finish, there isnā€™t that much time left.

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Well yeah lolā€¦ but say i started this earlyā€¦ how long would you say is good for a water only schedule? A week or so?

Yes about a weekā€¦ā€¦

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Right onā€¦ well it wont be too far off from that ā€¦ im excited as hell to chop it!

Just donā€™t butcher it when you trim itā€¦ā€¦

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I havent had much trimming experienceā€¦ but ill be sure to be very careful with itā€¦

How do you trim when you trim?

I trim wet not dry. First thing I do is pull all the fan leaves off. Not cut actually pull them off. Then using trim scissors start at the bottom of the bud and work towards the top. I trim as much leaf out as I possibly can tight to the bud.


Ok right on thanks man

Lol we aint gonna talk about why i do not need to do this part so much :joy: :rofl: :weary:

Here is a pic of how it should look:



Very nice manā€¦ thank you oj!!

Yours probably wonā€™t look quite like that but I might have a little more experience at it.

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Lol thats very trueā€¦ it is a sweet job there on that for sureā€¦ that pic says it all bro

GR8 looking :eyes: bud porn Oldjoints! :facepunch::+1::blush::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Thank you kind sir, little does Turps know that it is the same strain he is growingā€¦ā€¦


Morning Oj.
One thing i might add to the trimming process. Leave enough stem on the flowers to use as something to grab and use it to twirl between your fingers. The less you handle the bud, the better.


Good point, I donā€™t touch the bud at allā€¦ā€¦


Haha no shtā€¦ thats lpc in that pic?

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Yes sir it sure isā€¦ā€¦ LPC x BG


Also, get a few pairs of small spring loaded scissors. And a small jar of alcohol
Trim until the blades stick together. Swap out with clean ones and put the sticky one in the alcohol to soak while trimming with clean scissors.
Oh, if they are really caked up dont forget to scrape off the scissor hash before stickin in the alcohol.