Terpsnpurps very 1st grow thread. šŸŖ“

Iā€™m outta like already lol

Itā€™s one of the few rules the forum has. Just like they donā€™t allow political talk, for good reason. Some people canā€™t handle it and it ruins it for everyone else.


The only unknown in research recently was the effects of that worthless vax

What does that even mean?

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Oh so no like TRUMP/VANCE 2024 kinda stuff

I dont think every research is bsā€¦

Had your wife worked for pfizer we would have a much different convoā€¦

Who does she work for? Who is her lab funded by?

The side effectsā€¦ were unknownā€¦
Until releaseā€¦

Thats what it meant

Exactly :100: said perfectly an we all knew didnā€™t come from wet market also

Lmaoā€¦ so lets talk something newā€¦ i do not want to get in trouble folks.


Anywho time for a bowl dab than a J

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I didnt know Covid was off limits. Jeeez!

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You realize Iā€™ve had like 300 vaccines in my life. I get vaccinated so often the government refused to do it again last time because it had been less than 2 months since my last heh heh. Iā€™m Jonesin!! lol!


:rofl::sweat_smile::rofl::joy::joy::rofl::sweat_smile: lmao

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All those vaccines you mustā€™ve grown supper powers by now or at least a third ear or now have webbed feet no need for flippers
lol :joy:


No, but this one year I went to the drug store to get my medication and someone gave me the flu. There was a week before they did the vaccine so I wasnā€™t dosed. Fucking near died age 27.


I should talk I get what ever vaccine they suggest lol and Im still alive

Best wishes my friend


For now paps lolā€¦ just kiddinā€¦

I am the exact oppsiteā€¦ and here i amā€¦

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Honestly there is plenty of shit to toss on drug manufacturers and Iā€™ll tell you a non conspiracy story.
So the kid is born with a defect in their DNA so they need medication for life just to survive. The drug manufacturer has purchased the patent on the cure for the childhood disease. Except the bean counters told them the child would require 2 million dollars in medication for the treatment instead of the cure. So they declare Yo the cure is worth 2 million, take it or leave it. Thatā€™s the kind of crap that makes me secretly boil.


Wowā€¦ thats just sickening