Terpsnpurps very 1st grow thread. šŸŖ“

Nice, I love those conspiracies. Terminal thought processes.

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Thatā€™s all part of the plan to make millions

Sorry to hear that

Rightā€¦ thats my point as wellā€¦ thats normal reasearch times and release timesā€¦ unlike the rushed covid vaxā€¦

On the other side of the coinā€¦ how long did they sit on that hiv cure before releasing it?

Pretty sure he got it way back thenā€¦ magic johnsonā€¦ amazingly the only 1 cured before the releaseā€¦

Yep those damn conspiracy theoristā€™s but itā€™s funny how itā€™s a I TOLD U SO lmfao just as the vaccine told u not to get it

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Speaking in general terms, RNA vaccines have been used in research for a while now. They arenā€™t really all that new, mrna vaccines have been studied since the mid 90s.

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It was rushed now look at all the side affects world wide an people canā€™t get no help for it cause it was a vaccine

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Whos flagging??? I find that childishā€¦

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Can tell who will take the chip n who wonā€™t when it comes cause ITā€™S COMING

Only one person lmfao he got the vaccine

Joe did u flag us

My wife is a nurse and has been for a lonngggg timeā€¦ had i not been with herā€¦ id have gotten that friggin vax
ā€¦ and then who knowsā€¦ its a gamble for sureā€¦

Never in my entire life did i see the world scramble over such bsā€¦

Misdirection at its finest

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Kidding lol

lol! In case you were wondering, I never flag people. Thereā€™s a reason I donā€™t, because people type in things I find are hilarious. Thereā€™s a saying that goes with it.

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And my wife is a scientist whoā€™s done cancer research and now lupus research. MRNA vaccines arenā€™t some big unknown. And they certainly donā€™t work in the way that some people think they do.

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Lolā€¦ so were getting offended over covid now? Ugh.

Well you all know where i standā€¦ discussion over

Heres what to do.
Go out in the kitchen. Crack open a beer. Smell it. Does it smell like beer??? Good. Now taste it. Does it taste like beer?? Yes???
You dont have Covid. Now go enjoy your beer.

Youre welcome. .


Lol my bad no COVID talk damn that censorship really screwed with people lol

Same here brother