Terpsnpurps very 1st grow thread. 🪴

Ido3 to 4 oz at a time


I take trim and put it in gallon bags and put into the freezer until i get an afternoon’s worth. But my trim is like , 80% sugar leaf, larf, and buds that are leftover.

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Yup i know johnny uses dry ice… i like both methods… the dry ice seems ez pz


Ok that is about how I’ll do… use the lowers to make it… plus the trim


Ok so about a qp then?


One tip i can give you about the bubble bags. They are very strong, but not invincible. Try to remove as much stem material as you can. Just a little insurance. Those bags are expensive…dont wanna poke a hole in it.


Right on that makes sense for sure

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Doing it in the washer with store bought ice gets expnsive on the ice. So i wait until i have quite a bit. I know its enough when my freezer reeks when i open it, through the bags.

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If you have access to an ice machine… Like at the office breakroom, or maybe your church has one in their kitchen area. Or if you know someone who works at any hotel or motels, they have ice machines too.
Just saying.

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Haha i wish… no ill have to just buy ice… how much ice is needed?? I suppose that’s all in how much i plan on doing huh?

Yeah. And how warm it is you need to keep the water ice cold. I wash about three or four times per sack of weed. I would say each batch will take two sacks of 7-11 ice. Cant rember the price.

Right on… it should be around 70 ish where i do it… itll be inside here… most likely in my 4x4 drain table (used to be the floor of my 4x4 tent)


Im outta likes @Papalag and @BigMike55

But :heart: :heart: :heart:


Did not mean to walk on your conversation with @Papalag


No man i didnt see it that way… i hope paps didnt either …

Shit if that were the case im walking all over everyones every day :rofl:


Open forum chat my brother all good always
Puff :dash: pass


My buddy told me he only makes hash outside in the dead of winter. Says it’s too hard to clean the bags otherwise. Any validity to that?

This will be my first foray into hash making.


A pump sprayer and ice cold water
Spray hash in the bag to rinse

My bags are about 6 years old iso works to clean mesh

Good luck


“Says it’s too hard to clean the bags otherwise. Any validity to that?”

Nope not really, inside or outside doesn’t change how easy/hard it is to clean the bags.

“iso works to clean mesh”

Isopropyl alcohol is definatly the easiest way to clean your bags, whether it is the bags themselves or the mesh.
Be liberal with the alcohol and use paper towels and you can get them pretty clean. Cleaning them right after using them is always easier. Make sure to rinse them well after cleaning Inside the bag and out!


Much easier to clean, if you turn them inside out. Small but helpful tip.