Terpsnpurps very 1st grow thread. šŸŖ“

Thanks you guys!!! I appreciate it very much!


I just assumed if you were going to clean them you would do that to clean the inside. But WTF do I know, Iā€™m lazy and try to do things the easy way.


@BigMike55 makes trash hash! He should just throw it away right after making itā€¦ I just happen to have an empty binā€¦ I keep it in the freezer. Yeah! Thatā€™s right! Iā€™ll dispose of all that trashā€¦ A little at a timeā€¦

Just kidding obviously. The man makes some fine hash!


I have not done many runs. Once you get it figgered out, its easy as falling out of bed.
Oldjoints is the real expert. He taught me everything i know. He just didnt teach me everything HE knows. Haha.


I run a kilo at a time if I have it. Fresh green buds FTW!


Brother, I donā€™t think you WANT to know all that @Oldjointsā€™s got bouncing around inside that cranium!!!
You might end up wishing you were normalish again!


Thatā€™s for sure, his IQ would drop to next to nuttin!


See, now this pisses me off. Itā€™s not worded
ā€œTo prevent unnecessary arguingā€. Instead it says ā€œto avoid MISINFORMATIONā€!
Thatā€™s bullshit. If you want to say the vax saved my life, thatā€™s fine. But if you warn against taking the jabā€¦ OOOPS! You have no right to post how you feelā€¦
I donā€™t normally object to how things are done here but that is one thing I disagree with and will say so.


I agree :100: with u on this Mo

Whatā€™s it got to do with growing weed? It causes unnessisary issues so why even have it, thereā€™s already enough issues from the scum bags that take advantage of people here.


True but it has to do with friends being able to speak freely to their friends, on their own thread, without being flagged. If I am on my own thread and I, or my friends, post something another doesnā€™t like, that person is free to find another place to hang out or PM me for a side discussion (which I am always open to).
Flagging someone on their thread is just wrong.


Exactly perfectly said I mean they came to UR thread to access it

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Even though you own your own proterty you still ā€œhave toā€ follow the federal, state, and local laws right?

Itā€™s not a great comparison because you donā€™t actually own the thread, the forum owner does.


Iā€™ve never been flagged. Any guesses why?? :wink:

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Because you post awesome photos of trichomes?

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So trueā€¦ :+1:

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Except the forum owner isnt who flagged anythingā€¦

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Absolutely. And I respect that fact. Thatā€™s why I very rarely post anything that might create a problem that the owner might have to deal with. Even on my thread.
Iā€™m just sick of the phrase " misinformation". It denotes that YOU are the one that knows what is and isnā€™t truth.
I have no doubt that some of my held beliefs are wrong. Thatā€™s because those on every side have a bad habit of lying. I have to base my options by weeding out what doesnā€™t add up from what Iā€™m given. Just like everyone else who tries to figure out what is true.
Open discussion is so necessary and we, here, have an opportunity to touch on subjects with those who might disagree with us and still maintain our friendship through our shared interest in growingā€¦ Maybe we can look past those different opinions and even enlighten a friend or be enlightened by a friend and thus bring a little balance to the universe.

It would be so much better for all if we all realize that thereā€™s good in those who we donā€™t agree with on every subject. Even deeper held beliefs.


Well put moā€¦ i cant put it better than that!

This is the truth beyond truthā€¦ and despite what others believeā€¦ i do respect themā€¦ Iā€™ll never be brainwashed by ā€œlarger entitiesā€ and if you happen to fall to itā€¦ well i love ya anywayā€¦ and i mean that


Agree with you on this @MoBilly n @Terpsnpurps