Terpsnpurps very 1st grow thread. 🪴

Yep, just like the president doesn’t arrest people.

I maybe should apologize for re-hashing this. Didn’t mean to turn your thread upside down.

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Here’s how I handle shit. Never utter a logical fallacy. Memorize them and never use them. Recognize them. Always come down on the side of safety. Even if I’m too stupid to be safe, make sure others are, if you can. Turbo post about your grow. Laugh at haters. Draw memes.
Don’t worry I love you guys no matter what you say. You just have to recognize the inner spark of human decency.


I got this one flagged, thought it was you … frech|nullxnull

There is no “my thread”, we all belong to a Club and this Club has rules we must all respect, if you cannot smoke in a Hotel you cannot smoke in your room either … exclaim|nullxnull


Yup just like the president… best to leave unimportant things to the lower levels eh?


I resent that. It triggers me and I must find a safe place to sit and figure out my next witty post!!!
That just flat out said that those who disagree with you lack or refuse to use their innate “human decency”! Dude, really? Your gonna say you love us and then say we are not using human decency?!!!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
You smell like shit… But I mean that in the nicest way!!


No apology needed broski

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Wait… are you using a logical fallacy against me? touché

No…? I’m not sure how to respond to that.

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He’s saying I’m using false (intentionally or not) “truths” to undermine his point. Or using irrelevant points to do the same…
“You don’t agree with my version of truth so you must not have enough sense to form a good argument and you just grasp for straws and try to BS an argument.” That’s how I read it.

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In the end i am able to do the back and forth if needed… i have proof of my stance and why i have that stance… i understand rules and i see some rules are put in place to protect feelings of others…

Like insaid initially have your views… im no-one to judge you… have your statements… just dont be upset when i come back with something better and proven…
Have your beliefs… i wont be oppressed by them anyway…

This is by no means an argument… it was a discussion … and in the end… everyone will move forward with what they believe anyway…

So all in all… a waste of time anyway…

Just know im no follower… im not lead anywhere by anyone…
If theres a bandwagon… im by myself watching shaking my head at the lack of self thinkers…

That is all.


I believe its impossible for TeamOG to read every single post, if we can help flagging, the important thing :arrow_right:(consequences, ban …) is taken by mods and admin, so they are the ones to take decisions …


@JoeCrowe by no means was that intended towards you… just u who i clicked on


It was stricly sarcasm… no rhyme or reason

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Time for a dab lol


For sure as i stated yesterday… i dont want to get in trouble…


Ya don’t get banned now

Lol i dont think that would happen… but yeah… lets talk about weed eh?


mmm not really. I said

That’s advice for people to live by when you are having a disagreement.


Ahhhh. See how misunderstandings can pop up and discussion can expose them. I happen to agree that a lot of humanity never tap into that like they should.
My apologies for misinterpreting your words.