Terpsnpurps very 1st grow thread. šŸŖ“

Lol you guys are funny as hell



Gotta agree with you there (unless the person posts something clearly in violation of OGā€™s simple rules).

For me itā€™s not about truth, rather itā€™s about validity. Truth reflects the speakers view. Validity reflects the subject at hand.

Boy howdy is that ever so!

@MoBilly and @JohnnyPotseed and I have serious differences of opinion when it comes to our own most deeply held beliefs. I believe I can say that without even consulting them. They believe in a God (I capitalize it to show respect for MB and JP), I do not. The three of us know that to be so, and yet we say, ā€œso what.ā€ We have far more in common that we have differences. Itā€™s true, the biggie here is weed, but if we were to really look at ourselves in toto, we would find so many more similarities than differences.

Aw shit, I didnā€™t mean to hijack the thread.

Iā€™m just happy those two fellas are the fine men they are. Thanks guys! d8JBdDJ


Flowering ladies today


Foxtailing on the 1 skunk cant figure out whyā€¦ other skunk isnt doing that, same height same temps

Other skunk


Looking :eyes: good growmie. Nicely stacked big colas! Hell Yeah bro :sunglasses:! :clap::tophat::clap::tophat::+1::facepunch::ok_hand::wink::partying_face::sunglasses::v:


Those from seed or clones??

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From seed ā€¦

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My bet is on genetic difference then!

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Thanks brother!! Lol i cant wait to taste it all

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So 1 tougher than the other

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One could be more sensitive to temps/light stress, but also, I have a strain that grows fingers 100% of the time.


I see thanks manā€¦ i did turn intensity down a littleā€¦ from when i 1st noticed at 75 percentā€¦ down to 68 percent nowā€¦ could probably go 70ā€¦ but i didnt want the other to do that ā€¦

The crazy thing is the lpc x bubblegum is way tallerā€¦ no signs of anything like thatā€¦

Ojs lpc bbg is a strong friggin plant for 100 percent sure!

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Sorry. I missed that post. Just went back through and saw it.


Oh noā€¦ that wasnt intended towards anyone in particularā€¦

No worries mo lolā€¦ id want you to say what you needed anyway :+1:


Iā€™m leaning towards genetic as being most likely. Based on the fact in the same room, no other plant is doing it.


How much do u get off 1 plant just curious

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Lotta variables. Gonna depend on quite a few things. Could be less than an oz or it could be lbs.


For sureā€¦ this will be a lower yield this runā€¦

Feeding issues hurt me the most i thinkā€¦ had i fed perfectly im guessing theyd have been much better in quality and yield overallā€¦

I could have topped the skunks 1 more time at minimum as wellā€¦

All that changed the outcome for sure

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Ok cool was just wondering bud thank u oh how many times do u top em

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I try to at least ā€¦ the minimum 2 timesā€¦ but next time i think ill try 4 times starting it very early