Terpsnpurps very 1st grow thread. šŸŖ“

Iā€™ve taken an art, and transformed it into a science!


It has shrunk in size and part is missing lolā€¦ we tried it yesterdayā€¦ it was pretty goodā€¦ on the harsh sideā€¦ but it isnt really curedā€¦ cant wait to try the more mature version for sure


You know mo i think youā€™re right i can in fact fit 2 more!!! Lmao

Here it is lights on


You need to go tentless


I know papsā€¦ lol i almost didā€¦ but the reason i do use tents is veg and flowering in same roomā€¦ only damn reasonā€¦ lol!!


Hey TnP.
Heres a bud pic for you to drool over. I think she has a few more days to a week.
Here she was 4 days ago.

And heres the same bud today.


Very frosty!!! I must be messing flower feed upā€¦ i noticed last watering was high ppms stillā€¦ i overfed them i think againā€¦ or somethingā€¦ its water only anyway nowā€¦ but its just odd that it stayed up ā€¦ must have been higher than i thought or quickly built up somehow.


How are you doing late stage flowering? U doing anything w the light at all or leaving it full power etc?


I only turn down the light if the strain looks stressed. If not, keep it up. You might be noticing The plant signaling end of life. They stop eating and the PPM will rise. I sure sign to stick to water at that point if your close to harvest window IMO.


Yeah for sureā€¦ i hopeā€¦ i need to get the next ones going into flower also asap! Lol

Ill damn near overgrow this tent


Nothing too special. I leave lights on full power. And water only for a week and a half to two weeks. And daily inspections of the trichomes. BUD trichomes. Not sugar leaves. Leaves will go amber much sooner than the bud ones.
Newer growers tend to overthink this way too much. Dont stress over it, buddy. Its supposed to be fun!
Keep in mind. Theres a reason they call it weed. Its a weed. It will grow. Our job is to help it along and grow it to the best of our abilities.


Good morning @Terpsnpurps and all you awesome folks!


Goodmorning @MoBilly i hope youre doing good today brother


Oh yeah. Just doing my normal drive by posting while getting stuff done. Itā€™s a beautiful day and I wish I could get the most out of it but at least Iā€™m not falling farther behindā€¦ today. lol
Hope you and yours are getting along well.


Its been nice weather here manā€¦ makes me want to just stay outside all dayā€¦

I need to get my license today lolā€¦ been driving for 5 months w out itā€¦ (expired) lmao


I know if by some chance I got caught doing that my insurance rates would jump way up. Just the thought of that would drive me crazy. lol


Heres the crazy partā€¦ i never drive the speed limitā€¦ everā€¦ :eyes:

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I lived through two wrecks that easily could have taken my life. Only the first one was my fault (16 yrs old and bulletproof lol).
Iā€™m a cautious person in that way. I drove like an old man when I was in my twenties. :laughing:

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I was the oppositeā€¦ i drove like a complete maniac when i was youngā€¦ i meanā€¦ M A N i A C !!! Now im just a little crazy lol hahahaā€¦

I should haveā€¦ could haveā€¦ been a race car driver for sureā€¦ only weigh anout 155 and i have no fear lol

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Im going to pick up 2 more 5 gal potsā€¦ and thats itā€¦ im stickin the last 2 clones in them and flipping to flowerā€¦ its just taking too long on the other 3 already flowering plants and id like intensity higher on them anywayā€¦ no more juggling plants that shit sucks!