Testing: Alice in Wonder Land

They look awesome.
I’m cool with you using Alice to breed with. :+1:

What kinds of smells are you getting off the stem rub?


Man, the stem rub is… offensive. One is fruity funk but the other 5 are all rotten acrid and kind of zesty if that makes sense…

3 have developed tiny little balls so I stuck them in the corner of flower room to confirm their masculinity before removing them… this leaves 3 that all show nothing yet and I’ll bet they’re 3 girls… quick pic below. They’re growing up now and stretching their legs quite a bit…
They’re the 3 in the tray closest to camera:

Males relegated to the corner:

As soon as sex shows I’ll take some clones and shape the girls up a bit.

Stay hazed


Howdy y’all!

2 girls:

Both are lovely! Going to wait until clones are rooted to transplant and flip… should be early January.

4 handsome boys on their way out:
Tall boy, first to show sex. Super stretchy and the most vigorous.

3 more squat and similar boys… if I wasn’t already so backlogged with projects I’d flower these guys and see if any are winners…

Getting really excited here.

Does anyone look familiar @anon5325009?

Stay hazed


The big girl is definitely the Hashplant pheno while the others have a perfect blend of both parents.

They all look fucking amazing :star_struck:


Nice. The big girl is yet to be topped, she’ll be similar height to her sis soon enough.
They are getting some seriously thick stems btw.


:scream: not the rug.


Lmao. Don’t tell my wife!!


They’re in under the big LEDs for bloom time now :smiley:

See ya soon!


Quick update to show they’re still alive :grin:

They’ll get a better photo shoot tomorrow night, both backed up in clone form… both intriguing as hell.

Stay hazed


Oooh these are real nice, really interesting! I can see both the NL5 and the HP in them, feel like the HP is a bit more dominant in the overall structure :thinking:

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The right plant has the NL#5 structure with the HP leaf pattern.

The left plant has the HP structure with some NL#5 leaf pattern.

I really want to see if the NL#5 calyx structure came thru in this cross.


Better photos? Maybe… I couldn’t find my cam so iPhone pics… at least I took them out to the hallway to mess up the carpet a bit…
13 days 12/12

Alice in Wonderland 1

Alice in Wonderland 2

My gut likes #2 for some reason…
Can’t wait to see the flowers in a couple weeks and beyond. They got fed a nice mix of some micro nutrients tonight including a big shot of epsom&calcnit as the LEDs do suck it out of plants and I want these two to really put it out for us… :crossed_fingers:

See ya soon

Stay hazed


Howdy y’all

20 days 12/12

They’ve been in the cold the past week. It’s been a struggle keeping temps warm enough for the plants under LEDs :neutral_face:


More pics of #2 came out than of #1 so I’ll try and reverse the favoritism next week :blush:

Stay hazed


What are the day/night temps at? Even here in Maine, with the house set at 65f, I’m going to need to cut a small hole through a wall vent the exhaust from my tent onto the next room. Otherwise the humidity and heat is just going to be recirculating in the room. But this way it also pushes the heat through a good portion of the house.

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looking very nice indeed !

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Man I need to get to these at some point… You getting any smells yet?


32 Days 12/12


These things have serious sedative vibes about them… filling in like they’re going to be some serious chunk nugs!

See ya soon!

Stay hazed


Snapped a photo to show @Joker so thought I’d throw it up in here.
Will do a proper update again soon


Looking awesome man!

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Im very interested in seeing these . I recently started 10 myself . Mine are off to a slow start . Low root zone temps I believe . I’ve addressed it and I’m hoping they will take off now . Yours are looking great !

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