TestOfOath's Happy Place

Don’t look at it as relying, but more like a second perspective. It’s always your decision in the end.
This goes for your new job also. You can dm me and rip your new GM a new one. Your not saying it to him so no harm no foul :grin:

I had a really strong orange Tropicana cookie. Purple and orange metallic smell taste. Lost it of course :joy:


Well she had a good run, some things must come to an end heh. Always good to be a little cautious since nature has a mind of its own.

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Hopefully your venture pans out for you bro !
Good to hear from you in such a short time for once :sweat_smile:
Nice weather will be here shorty …
Idk if you remember but I just remembered about your hoophouse …Did you ever end up spraying with sulfur ?

Have you flowered out the s2’s?


I’m working on growing the ICC #5 S2 now, got em going in my hydro but killed the first batch of everything as mentioned earlier. 2nd batch sprouted all 12 just like the first, germ rates have been great on everything I’ve tried so far.

Hoop house got upgraded to a legit 480 sq ft greenhouse last year, but I was working so much it got neglected. I don’t think it got sprayed with sulfur at all last year and anything I did end up doing was far too late lol.

I’ve enjoyed learning 3d printing the hard way, I went with a cheaper Anycubic Kobra 2 and spent 3 months printing all day every day, or ripping it apart and rebuilding it and tuning and just learning everything about it really. One of the goals has been to make money off of it somehow in the long run, but just the functional things I can make for around the house and every day life have already paid for it for me


When did u come up with this Tapi Tapi strain???..I remember working on this a couple of yrs ago :thinking:…back in 2022 with Durban Poison x ICC#98. I literally did the research to come up with that name.

Please give credit to the breeder of this strain…and thank u :pray:t6:

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Brother I have received the ice cream cake #5 S2 !
Thank you so much hope all is well !


You gave me the name brother, I had named it African Ice Cream, we traded ICC #5 and ICC #98 seeds cause I wanted to try crossing it with my #5 instead of S2’ing it but they didn’t have any similar qualities when I grew the #98 so I ended up S2’ing my ICC #5 anyways.

Also, 1973 Durban is a landrace cultivar reproduced from the source in 1973, not Durban Poison, which would be any number of crosses from any number of breeders.

If you’d like me to change the name you suggested, I’d happily do so. Just seemed easier and cooler sounding than African Ice Cream and you literally suggested the name to me. Doesn’t matter to ME, as its just two words put together at the end of the day.

I’d appreciate it if you didn’t bring drama like this to my page, DMs would’ve been the place for this don’t you think? Like I didn’t bring drama about #98 being nothing like #5 in any way shape or form to you, in DMs or in public, because I don’t do drama and baseless attacks on people’s character for no reason, let alone without facts and evidence.

You couldn’t have said this 2 years ago?


No I couldn’t have…due to my sister passing away I just came back a couple of months ago.

…and as far as evidence goes…just type Tapi Tapi in the search bar and you’ll see where I presented a new strain.

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Ya know, I appreciate you going around every point I made about the morality of this situation and of how you approached this, it speaks volumes. The other thing you’ll see if you type in Tapi Tapi is how I’ve been using it since YOU suggested it, with YOU not saying anything for the past 2 years, but I’ll watch you burn this bridge over it.

I’ll happily change the name of it, brother, have yourself a good rest of your time. This will be our last interaction together.

From here on out, Tapi Tapi will be known as “NOT Tapi Tapi”, might even trademark it under my LLC or something.


@TestOfOath hope you’re doing well. Seems like I haven’t seen you in a while

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Did anyone that asked for ICC #5 S2’s not receive theirs? Someone got 2 letters which means I was either too thinly stretched or too high or both lol makes me wonder if I left someone out.

Gonna do a quick update which isn’t much, then make some posts about testers for these ICC #5 crosses. I think I’ve got all of them going between my grows but I still thoroughly enjoy seeing others grow them out, majority of y’all send me better looking pics than what I grow and I get to see the different phenos that come from everything.

So I’m still dealing with these weird mites that seem to only live on the baskets in my hydro, I don’t notice them on the roots (but they’re white so they could easily blend in) and they’re definitely not on the plants, so I’m highly doubting spider mites. I used URB and I’m thinking that’s what gunked up the roots and between trying to treat the mites and that I’ve stunted the shit out of the growth in general but root development as well. As of yesterday I’m seeing strong new root growth so I’ve still got hope for the superflow, I shut my system down last night cause I get get the drainage exactly right, makes it so water sits in the troughs and bacteria develops too much, ended up with some weird slime mold in there that inhibited root growth. Been adding neem oil to the reservoir, did some reading and started adding a surfactant as well to disperse the oil in the water better so hopefully it wasn’t hanging on the roots too much, which made it bubbly so added my organic defoamer as well. We’re slowly but surely getting there… lol. Probably shut down for a bit after this grow cause we’re prospectively moving and it’d have to be down anyways, also give me the time and space to spring clean and then deep clean the grow room.

Also got 12 plants ready to go into the greenhouse, drastically reducing the number of plants in there to hopefully increase airflow and mitigate some of the shit show from last year. Also have sulfur and copper to treat all the soil and around the greenhouse. Will definitely be dedicating more energy to it this year.

The mites and roots, sprayed em again after these pics

Plants that need to go somewhere cause they won’t fit in the greenhouse… Brother in law was supposed to take some but hasn’t come through yet.

The 12 for the greenhouse, 3 ICC #5 S2, 3 OW! My Flavors, 3 Black Cherry ICC, 2 Rick James BX1 and 1 Mountain Cream BX1

The Sad-dro before shut down

The I’m hanging in there

Some 3d printer stuff

Got to send some seeds to a local celebrity, James the ex-producer of Dave and Chuck the Freak, that was pretty cool.


Alright, now on to the fun part. Let’s get some testers in here. Please if you’re brand new I’d prefer for you to not put your name in, everyone else I’ll know or can at least vet.

These first two will be super limited, cause there’s hardly any seeds of either, they got started well after the others and finished small cause of it, one is Survivor x ICC #5 which sprouted from repotting a cactus with old soil. 2nd is Boston Cooler F1 which is Pictured Rocks (BOG Blue Moon Rocks x Pure Michigan F2) x ICC #5, these should be something special, trichomes on the Boston Cooler are exceptionally long

Up for grabs we’ve got

Ice Cream Cake #5 S2

Black Cherry Ice Cream Cake F1 (Tropicana Cherry x ICC #5 S1)

OW! My Flavors! F1 (Brawndo x ICC #5 S1)

Rick James BX1 (Rick James [Supafreak x ICC #5 S1] x ICC #5 S1)

Mountain Cream BX1 (Mountain Cream [Highland Nepalese x ICC #5 S1] x ICC #5 S1)

NOT Tapi Tapi BX1 (NOT Tapi Tapi [1973 Durban landrace x ICC #5 S1] x ICC #5 S1)


Hey brother. Nice to see ya posting. You got any better pics of those bugs. Need some closeups if you can. Need to see exact color , number of legs or appendages, I have some ideas on what they may be but need some closeups. :v:.


I’ve been meaning to get the microscope out, give me a grainy idea of what they are but well enough to be able to tell. Give me a few and I’ll go do that now. Its harder than you’d think to google what mites might be in hydro, it just gives you the normal pests that are on the plants and stuff, no outside of the box stuff on what they might be.

Kinda hard to see in the pics but they’re white, with hairy white backs, 6 legs I think


@TestOfOath awesome to see your updates. Tropicana cherry ice cream :drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face: sounds delicious and looks great.

Sorry about the bug issue. That sucks

You have a couple really tasty sounding crosses. I’m looking forward to seeing the results


Those look like bulb mites especially in the first 2 pics. The spots on their backs give it away


a hempy system can really cut down on these infestations.


My bet is on these little buggers. They seemed to be living in symbiosis with the pelargonium, feasting on some root gunk. They never touched the plants themselves. After I cleaned up all the hydroponic supplies they didn’t come back.

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It’s funny that you say that cause I’d cleaned some gunk off of the air stones in the reservoir and they seemed to be living IN the gunk, as it dried out there were corpses in it, there shouldn’t have been anything down in the reservoir in the gunk on the air stones if they were feeding on roots or plants. Plus those hairy backs seem to be similar to what I’m seeing. That’s a WILD mite, so my problems are stemming from my gunk and not the mites themselves? I had a hunch about that


The pics were clearer before they got transferred to PC, it blew them up and made em grainier, they have these white hairs on their backs vs being naked like in your pics and they seemed to only be feeding on the gunk I’m assuming the URB made in the water