TestOfOath's Happy Place

Glad you are back @TestOfOath, seems like you are busier than a one leg man in a butt kicking contest…:grinning::grinning:
Interested in your new hydro set up. What style did you set up?
Damn bugs. So hard to get rid of. What kind of pests invaded your space?
Happy to hear you where able to get a nice pile of beans. Hope the next year is smoother than the last, and you kick some ass this year


Seems like getting a 3d printer is what sent me over the edge of not posting anymore, I’ve got this bad habit of having to figure something out completely if I enjoy it and there’s a lot to learn about 3d printing, completely absorbed me I guess. Normally over the winter I’d be a mechanic and plowing snow when it came, but I didn’t have the mechanic job this year cause I quit where @BIGJ and I used to work and it snowed like 5 times total this year. So that made it a difficult winter of survival and semi mid life crisis along with living life. But I did get to spend more time with my family this winter than I have in probably the past 5 years combined, so that’s probably been worth it in itself to go through all of this.

Anywho, we’ll start like beginning of January where I left off. I don’t think I had noticed any bugs by then, but I ended up with aphids and spider mites again, made the grow take longer than it needed.

ICC #5

Tropicana Cherry

Tropicana Cherry

ICC #5 S2

Rick James

Tapi Tapi

Some of my earlier prints 3d printing… I ended up modifying/messing with my first machine so much after learning everything about it the way I do trying to get perfect prints that I may have messed the first one up slightly. Ended up with a 2nd one 3 months later cause I got too frustrated fixing small things to get it perfect lol. Still plan on fixing the first one cause its not like its broken or anything, I just ran out of patience after so long.

Wife comes home one day and says there’s a hole in our front yard. Turns out the entire top of my septic tank caved in, cement roof just broke and fell into the tank. Yet ANOTHER thing my POS inspector ‘overlooked’ during our initial home inspection 5 years ago. Forgot pics of it being completely dug out in the heat of the moment. Instead of the 10k+ replacement I opted for the redneck fix, big ole pallet with plywood and some cinder blocks.

Early January pics, month after the first set
Tapi Tapi

Rick James

Rick James

Pictured Rocks


Ice Cream Cake

Tropicana Cherry

Early Febuary was when everything got chopped, wanted to make sure I got as many mature seeds as possible so I think I pushed into 10-11 weeks

Tropicana Cherry

ICC #5


Mountain Cream


And now to your question, the day I chopped I’m pretty sure was also the day I swapped everything over to hydro as well, here’s what’s been going on since then.

Its called the SuperCloset Super Flow 20, got 20 sites that are 4 inch cups, like 30-ish gallon resevoir, uses ebb and flow technique, fills the trough while the pump is running and drains while off, also using nutrient film technique, got it setup on a wifi timer to run for 45 mins at a time every 3 hours for now, bump it up when they start drinking more. Decided I’d try some of these fems out that I just made, Black Cherry Ice Cream Cake (TC x ICC) on the right 2 troughs, ICC #5 S2 on the left two troughs, and OW! My Flavors! (Brawndo x ICC) in my home made hydro in the tent. Also at the same time I swapped my buddy 2 of my LF2000 grow lights for the one that I built him a couple years back. Swapped out a couple of the LF100 lights on it into the tent and put 2 more MX1200 with the lenses on em into the fixture, running 580 watts of LED at full power, but I do 90%.


Just got the confirmation this morning that I got a new job starting 24 an hour with lots of room for advancement at a pretty well off company, gonna have to change my smoking ALL DAY LONG habits to conform to their more… Conservative seeming company, but the family needs reliability and money on a paycheck so we can move and I need something to fund my 5 year plan to start my own fert business. Real excited about it, been worried about what I’m gonna do for the summer for some time now so its a huge relief.

This brings us to the very beginning of March, did decent sprouting seedlings in rockwool, still need to figure out the easiest and best way to sprout for hydro… Tried my usual in lense container and then paper towel to try 'n get some longer tails and managed to fuck it up, decided to sprout straight in rockwool and managed to make it work. Transplant into the hydro systems happened March 2nd, I had to cut the stands on the Super Flow a couple inches so the rear most baskets actually got water, the tilt they had made it so water wasn’t touching the basket at all. Decided I’d water the cubes daily so they didn’t dry out, got carried away with work for a few days and one ICC did mange to dry out, but I’d sprouted 12 for 12 of each in case some didn’t germ, so I had 2 extra plants to move around and replaced the one that dried out and died. Oh yeah, wife saw a tiktok or something showing how to clone lettuce, so she decided to try it. I helped her out and got it to root, decided to hydro it with everything else. Worked decent but ended up getting left over aphids/spider mites probably from the plants hanging above the tent and stuff. I’ve sprayed last night since I noticed a day or two ago.

This was March 5th, 3 days after transplanting

March 10th, 8 days after trasnplant, my hydro does not seem to do quite as well as the super flow, takes way longer to get things moving but they did end up moving, I did have to toss some new seeds into the O!MF, some of them dampened off. Also don’t have the problem of my rock wool getting algae in the super flow and it happens every time in my hydro, it’ll really show in the set of photos after this but you can see some now.

And then yesterday/today, March 13/14, 11 days after transplant, 3 days after last photos, you can see the Super Flow is doing ridiculously well, stupid phenomenal growth (though I am getting some curls on the leaves, TDS is 500, Ph is 6.1, still need to spend some time figuring that out, its on the to do list) and my hydro is starting to do its thing, roots are developing really nicely cause mine gets the cubes wet, doesn’t need to be watered but maybe thats why it gets algae too, that one is on a mechanical timer at 3 hours on 4 hours off, might’ve been high when i set that cause it doesn’t seem right typing it out lol.


I am totally intrigued by the setup.


Aaaaaaaaand last but surely not least, the seed harvest my incredibly magically wonderful wife shucked 95% of for me while I was a distracted lazy bitch. She didn’t squeeze test so I’ve gotta do that while packing, but that’s the literal smallest price to pay, she’s an absolute champ. Detests the smell of weed and has never smoked, actually it gives her migraines to smell it sometimes, and she did all of these for me.

Also forgot to mention the one I dubbed “Survivor”. I had a cactus get knocked down by kids or the dog or wife or something, put new dirt from the grow room in it and apparently there’d been a seed I gave up on germinating in that dirt or something, idk how it got in there, but it sprouted in the cactus’ pot, then got put in my home made hydro for the ICC run to get feminized. Not many seeds from it as it was the latest entry, but a survivor is a survivor, she deserves to live as long as she can now.


Me too man, thing is wild and well thought out/built. Seems to do exactly as advertised as well, those roots after 10 days are astonishing. Got high hopes for it in many regards, should expedite breeding pretty well eventually, this grow is for testing seeds/smoking though. Solid christening for her!


That lotus dragon is awesome :star_struck:
Your Tropicana cookie have a really orange smell to her?
Really sorry to hear about your septic situation. That’s a super bummer


I woulda used some pressure treated wood to cover the septic, or else it’ll start to rot. Cover your exposed rockwool to end the damping off and algae. You can use black plastic with a hole in it for the plant.


…Looks/sounds like good progress all the way around. Glad to hear it! :+1:


Congratulations on the job brother…
You are gonna be great…


Nice to see you back… and some pretty cool shit going on there! :smiley:


Damn brother no wonder why you ain’t been on in a while ! You have a shit ton going on !
Congratulation on the job also stepping up in the situation ! It will all come around brother .!!

Please excuse me buttt ICC#5s2 you say lmao
Still my number one smoke to this day !

Hope to see yah around more chump !


Ya the ICC#5 S1’s had some fire in them indeed :metal:


@Emeraldgreen apparently I stopped mid reply to you like two weeks ago or whatever it was, my apologies. Tuesday is my last day of working 2-3 jobs, the last couple days were pretty fun, work from 730AM-4PM, sleep a couple hours, work 10PM-5AM. SHOULD be on a normal 8-10 hour schedule come Tuesday though. Things are seeming potentially really good at this new company, they’re a bit more official than I’m used to but I don’t think that’ll be a bad thing to pick up, compartmentalised so I don’t have 10 jobs, tons of room for advancement, financial backing that doesn’t rely on lawn divisions. I’m already about to get my mosquito pesticide license during my first week, I’m filed with the state as the main license holder for the company to be able to do that type of business. I’ve spent like 10 hours with the General Manager and we both get along really well and are both cautiously optimistic about the business relationship. As long as I don’t fuck anything up I think things could go awesome.

Looks like I didn’t update on here when I did it, but if you noticed in my last post the leaves curling a bit, I’m figuring that was due to the latent bugs leftover starting to feed on the young plants, cause everything else was within ideal ranges. So I decided to spray with alcohol water I use for cleaning my smoking parts, apparently I’d used my 99% alcohol to mix it far too strongly. Instantly dehydrated leaves. Then I took it 2 steps further into stupid and treated the water with Mammoth and sprayed the plants with Plant Therapy, ended up being too thick for the roots at 1/4 strength even and with everything combined nothing ended up surviving so I sprouted more seeds, and just swapped the water out and transplanted back in over this week.

@Rabeats2093 @bassman5420 there’s for sure Ice Cream Cake #5 S2’s my guys, probably my biggest harvest of seeds I’ve ever had, had to use my big bags and it still overflowed into another 1/4 bag, few thousand easily so no shortage. If you guys wanna DM me your addresses I’m working on getting some seeds sent out


This one was only 15 days between replies, so I’m getting better! I’m working on organising my life after this winter survival bit, get myself and the family back on a game plan to further our lives, get back to the things I enjoy and am passionate about.

Wife is trying to set me up with a guy who does stuff with non-profits. She was telling him I started 3d printing, he asked if I could do some simple stuff to giveaway when they’re doing charity events, their name and logo on it to draw attention to the company. I’d found this heart fidget that looks sweet and added negative volume text and he seems to like it, said he works with United Way and stuff that he’d need stuff for too, could be a nice little start into a side venture. Waiting on red filament to get here tomorrow lol


Awesome to hear that everything is getting to a good point for you. I’m hoping that spot arrives for me soon also :joy:

If you ever feel like you might be self sabotage yourself run it by me or someone else first!!! Much easier method.

That’s a hellacious amount of icc 5 you got there!!

Be well


Oof ya that lack of sleep starts to catch up after a bit, so it will be good to get a few more hours of rest back in ya.
Damn you were not joking, those are some big bags lol! :metal:
I appreciate it bud, should be pretty interesting to see how this one does compared to the first batch :thinking:


I forgot to mention that the Tropicana for sure had a hint of orange, my smell and taste are fucked up still, idk if they’ll ever return, but I could distinctly taste orange after you mentioned it.

I appreciate that offer and I probably should start running stuff by folks instead of ruining entire runs, that’s a pretty smart freakin’ idea actually. I’ve got a really hard time letting myself open up enough to rely on anyone but me, comes from a life of pain probably. But its something I notice and am working on, so I’ll do my best to take you up on that!

@bassman5420 I’m very interested as well, this is as far as I’ll be selfing ICC cause we’ll end up running into genetic instability by inbreeding like that and not introducing new genetics to stabilise anything that might be going awry in the DNA. I’m like 90% sure we’ll be fine with S2’s as its not that far into it but there’s still that small chance of a few seeds being genetic fuck ups, so that kinda bothers me. But I’ve worried before for similar reasons and never had anyone report back with anything negative so its probably just me overthinking and being overly cautious as usual