TestOfOath's Happy Place

The thing that “makes” an RO system is the membrane. Having filters can remove particulates, and in some cases, improve taste. But by not having a membrane in use, filtering has nothing to do with RO.

BTW - I suggested distilled water because I fear the pH of your well water is too high. If you put your well water through an RO system, it will likely still have high pH.

The difference between a pH of 7.2 and 8 is actually much greater than it appears. A pH of 8 is literally 8 times more alkaline than a pH of 7.2. When it comes to unrooted clones, this is enough to cause serious issues. In fact, even with rooted clones in a hydro environment, a pH of 8 is likely way too high for plants to thrive or even survive.

Back in the days when I lived in a home with municpal water, I grew organically in soil, using Sam’s World soil, Earth Juice products and tap water (followed BOG’s methods!). I NEVER worried about pH. Literally - never once measured it. My plants were always extremely healthy and vigorous. Hell, I was voted “Best New Grower” on the old Overgrow back in 2004 because I had such good luck with my plants. So, believe me, I know tap water, even municipal tap water can be great for plants - if the pH isn’t too high or low.


Thank you for your time and advice bud, I appreciate it. I’m still learning so all of this knowledge is extremely valuable to me.

Also, just to clarify that filter is on my tap water line from the municipal water, so it’s filtered tap water. I have one spigot outside that the well is attached to and just like to use that cause my outdoor plants loved it and it seemed more… Idk “natural” than using the the city water

But when I changed the clone water this morning I used the filtered tap water, to clarify again :joy: sorry, my mind is a jumble lately


Ok, so the bottom line is that you previously used your well water in your cloning system, and as of today, you’ve started using tap water, right?

BTW - did you clean up your cloning machine WITHOUT all the clones in it? I mean, really clean it, even using a bleach solution on everything to ensure you’ve killed everything that might have been lurking in there. And clean your plugs, too. And run a bleach solution through your pump and sprayer.

If you want to correct your problems with cloning, it’s best to start with a clean slate. Literally. And NO MORE RAW HONEY in your cloning machine! Honestly, if you buy a quart each of the 3 part Flora Series, it will last you a very long time and you’ll have a much easier time getting your clones to grow. OR, you can use peat pellets if you prefer, and skip the cloning machine altogether. But get the Clonex for either method. That stuff is great!


That is correct and I will address these problems as you have advised :grin: I should have free time over the weekend, kind of fine tune the indoors n outdoors somewhere in there.

… And no more honey!


You have great set-ups in and out side.
:green_heart: :seedling:


Thank you bud I’ve put more time and effort than I can even remember into all of this since I started, still feel like it’s impossible to learn everything about cannabis but I’ll try


Hey @TestOfOath. Nice happy place :+1:. I see your getting lots of great advice from the fine folks @ OG as always. It’s awesome! I’ve been using Enzymes Komplete (Canada) in my DIY DWC cloner for a bit & I feel like it’s been helpful in reducing unwanted growths. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I’ve heard of others using Clear Res (US). I second the clean notion, the girls really love that. Looks like too much salts. I shoot for 400 ppm or 450 ppm of very dilute flowering nutes as I believe @Purple-N-Hairy has already suggested. Hope this helps a bit. Grow Getter Bud!


Can anyone give me some hydro advice? Plants are 95% happy and crazy growth speeds but the roots make me sad to look at, is it normal for them to be so dirty and ugly? First two pics are 3 days ago

And these two are from just now
0c9fae4eafe86f00d1bda8c58bc7e064a4fb9070_2_375x500 db4363d6f6d1c3990c97a5a2102f303d971d314e_2_375x500


Try @JoeCrowe for hydro advise among others.

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My seed collection, looking to trade and expand :grin: these are more valuable to me than cash or gold lol its odd the price I put on something I love this much


Germinating some 1970 Columbian gold, 1973 Durban, 2016 highland Nepalese and 2017 Pakistani Chitral Kush to flower out over the winter, 14 weeks average flower time, sometimes longer with theae untouched landraces strains.


are you adding anything that has the color brown? Does that brown wash off with plain water…and are the roots sturdy or disintegrating… they look sturdy to me.


URB is a deep dark brown almost black, probably where the color is coming from, cal mag is a slight brown but that’s it. Roots are definitely sturdy, doubled in size over 3 days. I am not confident enough to take my plant to a sink and rinse the roots lol


Fed the yellowing photos on the left yesterday heavy as shit with top dressings mixed and liquid nutes on top of it, added 2ml hypochlorous acid to each bubble bucket to see what happens with the film from the URB, probably gonna cut the URB back or completely out of the hydro cause it’s just causing problems with how it ends up coagulating in the water.


yah most likely just nutrient stain then if the roots are solid!


Found a seed that was broken in half when I was giving my old ladies’ cousin I grow with a bunch of free autos for his grow and decided to try and germinate it, this is after 24 hours of sitting in a solo cup with drop of peroxide.

I’ve never seen a cannabis “embryo” (what do you even call them at that stage) before and thought it was super cool so I snapped a few pics before folding up the paper towel inside some paper plates


The couple day update. Gonna change water out today and reset nutes, probably adjust for beginning of flower on the large ones and kick it up a notch for the middle small one that’s further along.


This the cloner youre having issues with ? Check the jets make sure theyre spraying everywhere. Adding an airstone and pump will help a lot. No dome needed. They get water constantly. Make sure that water is oxygenated and at a good ph. I usually set it around 6.0-6.2. It will rise over time. You should have nubs consistantly on every cut in 10 days. Roots in 14.

i know a air pump and sone adds couple dollars to the project but your roots will stay white n healthy. Its the added o2. Also whats your cutting method? Cut long 45s. Then take razor and rake the sides with it backwards to not cut but just ruff the part to be rooted. Dip in iba gel set in collars n check after a week.


Yeah cut all the nutrients while trying to root and the azos will eventually clog the jets. Just ph water and extra o2. Get a jar of rooting gel. Azos is good to dust roots when they come out of cloner to go in soil. Also clean cloner between batches w bleach. It wont hurt it. Bleach n rinse good. Even the collars.


Thank you for the advice! Seems like I’ve been way overdoing the cloning in general, I’ve got her shut down for now cause it need that thorough cleaning you’ve both mentioned.

Gonna fire it back up later in the week probably after getting it cleaned, need to knock the Ice Cream Cake #3, Zour Safety Meeting, and Zour Dosi 33 down so they stay within my grow area for the auto flower cycle going in the hydro buckets.

Gonna simplify a lot of what I put in the water as well cause I was trying to do a lot of unnecessary shit for some reason I guess :grin: