TestOfOath's Happy Place

Was outside topping everything in the hoop house when I noticed my kens GDP bled pink! I was going to try cloning my Acapulco Gold for some local friends and decided to do the GDP because of this as well!


@TestOfOath GDP is actually something I collect, I have 2 different seed lots of it so far but always looking for more. There is most likely a Hawaian sativa somewhere in its linage.


Well luckily it is female and I also have eliteXelite to reverse plants :grin: should be able to get seeds of it and I’ll let ya know if/when I do


@Slick1 @Neb @Rabeats2093 @misterbee @Pigeonman @Oldtimerunderground @wherethefriesat my wife is gonna head to the post office tomorrow and get em sent out cause I’m too impatient to wait for stamps to get here, so however long normal post takes from tomorrow n you guys will have em


Hell yeah ! Wonder what sticker I am lmao !


:crossed_fingers:t4: sex bot!!


Me too! I bet mine is the Santa, lol.

Thank you @TestOfOath!! :smiley:


Thats really cool about the pink colour coming from the GDP.
Is it a genetic trait of that variety or is it environmental? Is Kens GDP clone only?

I ran Bodhi’s Dragonblood x Apollo 11 and found a couple of “bleeder” phenos, bled deep red when pruned, but only seemed to do it in veg.
No bleeding at harvest time.
Everything is looking great man.


It’s truthfully the first time I’ve ever seen it happen, I’d seen pictures of deep red like you’re talking about but never pink. Apparently google hasn’t heard of it much either :thinking:

Yes kens GDP is supposed to be clone only, I got it from a buddy that breeds n spent a lot collecting plants that had a series of unfortunate events happen leading to me having to take his entire grow so it didn’t go to waste, got a couple things that “regular growers” aren’t supposed to have.

Also thank you deeply for the compliment I spend a lot of time and energy on it, trying to supplement my family’s income while doing something I truly love cause commercial grows don’t hire felons cause they’re assholes

Edit; and I prefer my own weed to 95% of anyone else’s, I smoke a LOT so when I actually get high I know it’s gotta be some decent stuff and mine does that for me while most people’s don’t. So my indoor grows supply me for the year if I don’t fuck em up


Mmmmm GDP… Yummy!!!


I don’t know that I’ve ever gotten to try it personally. But my hoop house comes out damn near as good as indoor stuff so hopefully I’ll be able to try a decently grown version of it this year :grin: If these clones take I’ll reverse one and make seeds for everyone, same with the Acapulco gold though I’m not 100% on its origins, seems like it grows in a very specific manner if someone who’s grown it could identify plant and leaf structure as the AG they know


Damn that’s incredible I’ve heard about plants bleeding :drop_of_blood: and have seen it posted a couple times amazes me every time congrats I hope it smokes truly phenomenally for you as well


I’m gonna have so much fun making Michigan cultivars with these :grin::grin::grin::grin:


Sounds like a interesting strain I’ll be tagging along to watch the progress.


OH! And both ATF cracked within 24 hours, so we’re on our way to some ATF for everyone


Still not 100% that the White Walker are gonna fill out the way I want them to, can’t seem to give em enough potassium no matter what I do, they’re thickening up slowly but sure though, god damn monsters (forgive the angles I just wanted to take em before I forgot again)

Then we’ve got the Dosi Walker starting to make some nice dense colas at the top of each branch

Dosi Cut slower on flowering than the rest, long ass white hairs to fill out though

Dosi Kush still my favorite looking of the 3 for the time being, looking real tight and nice just all the way around


Yes it was a jungle in here (Sunday, 7/18, my dead brothers birthday), I was short on time and just wanted the gel on and clones in so they could start working up. They’ve now been pruned and snipped so they don’t transpire as much. Managed to cut the exact number of clones to pucks that I had without counting and evenly split left side and right side as well, Acapulco gold left and GDP right.

Main question I have is has anyone else read about red light helping clones root?

I have this small 10w or something tiny red light my lighting company wanted me to test that we ditched, but it’s perfect to keep in the veg tent above the clones on 24/7 cause it doesn’t put off enough light to register any lumens on the light meter with a plastic tub lid blocking my land races I’m attempting to sex. I had read this on the national center for biotechnology information website study about photoreceptors and how they’re affected by each specific spectrum of light.

We’ll see what happens and wish me luck! I’m having a blast staying so busy doing something I love, gonna get good enough to make it my job one day


Little collage I made of a few weeks of white walker top bud development where I chopped the main cola off when it grew into my light, it’s to make me feel better about my anxiety and impatience in it finishing lol, visual progress so I can tell my brain to shut up and be patient


Will be interesting to see if the GDP retains the pink colour up to harvest or even if the colour deepens or lightens.

It sounds like you have some nice stock in your stable to work with, great that your friends plants weren’t lost.

Its deeply unfair that people are excluded from being part of the legal cannabis sector for past convictions, especially cruel when the past conviction was for a cannabis related offence.
No doubt your flowers are better than mass produced disp flowers.

Everything is looking on point man. Loved White Walker, was a heavy hitter for me. Fingers crossed for a bumper harvest.:crossed_fingers:


hey brothers,

curious to know what is the best goto of White Walker genetics ?
I looking around as this fall I want to make some crosses using WW.

any advice is apprecirated !

:100: :+1: