TestOfOath's Happy Place

@rootfarmer I get my White Walker autos from Master Sensei Genetics, the ones pictured above.




ATF sprouts from last night before I put them in jiffy pods, weird seeing purple stems already but I do think there was nutes in the water I sprayed the paper towel with, could be why


Some grow purple like that, others green. I always sprout them the same way in a paper towel with tap water, so I think it’s just genetic.


Christmas finally came after a short delay in Chicagos sorting facility courtesy of @DannyTerpintine (sorry to tag you again)

Giving a couple out of here to some buddies who will immediately appreciate them vs me having to wait to get to work with them.

Either way I’m just giddy with anticipation and hope and dreams for the next few years, I’ve got so much to work with and work to do, it’s incredibly exciting to me, like living a dream I’ve gotten to make come true with the help of this community


congrats on the win brother! :100: :fire: :fire:


Nice win looks like some fire to be found there.

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7/22 update So I finally decided to weigh a teaspoon of my Raw flower A/B since it’s directions are in grams and it was about 7… Meaning I’ve been giving 4x the nutes I’m supposed to this whole time which is probably why I’m having potassium problems, apparently excess potassium can lead to cal/mag deficiencies which in turn lead to all kinds of bullshit. Filled with plain water this last time when they were half empty, ppm was still 8-10k (not that I know what the ppm SHOULD be anyhow, seems real high though). Probably do that one more time as a flush and start feeding the way they’re supposed to be, hope I didn’t waste too much nug thickening time. Starting to get their first orange hairs over the past few days so they’re into maturity a little bit.

The land races, just fed em some real light nutrients cause they look like they ate everything in the cc40 already

Acapulco gold left, GDP right, one single ICC#5 in a monster rooter thing I’m trying out instead of the pucks

The two ATF seedlings chilling on the wind chime from my brothers funeral


So just spitballing these are what I want to start with over the next few years, refine them all after I make the first batch till they’re all nice and stable 5-10 years down the road.

What do you guys think? Please give any and all input you can possibly think of, this is a huge undertaking for me for the next 5-10 years and will take up a large portion of my life, I don’t want to waste any of that time

Pure Michigan F2 x

Pure Michigan F2 = Pure Michigan F3
Dosibite = Freshwater Shark
Blueberry Sugar Pine Fem x Apple Jaxx F2 x Lady Luck Fem = Pure Michigan Pie
Romulan Grapefruit IBL = Pure Grapefruit
2017 Highland Nepalese = Flatlander
1973 Durban = Pure Poison
1970 Colombian Gold = Pure Gold
Alien Master Kush Fem = Pure Alien
Empire of the Sun = Michigan Sunset
Tree Spirit = Up North
Green Crack = Michigan Crack
The Orbiter = Michigan Aurora Borealis
Alice in Wonderland = Alice in Michigan
100 Hand Slap = ???
Princess Peach = ???

Princess Peach x

Princess Peach = Princess Peach F2
(Cookies n Cream x Sharkbite) = Peaches and Cream


Honestly you kinda never know is your plan to do one at a time or take your male in and pollinate several of the strains at once and try some of them out see if you like any of the pheno types that show up the breeder I like to watch always ask what is your goal when breeding two plants together that way you have an idea of what your looking for

Guess I’m curious :face_with_monocle: about what you goal is when breeding each strain together or if your pollen chucking to see what you end up with

Total rookie here just my 2 cents from what I’ve read and watched


So for the most part I’m just trying to make Michigan themed strains, hoping they come out nice enough all around that people will want to buy them so I can supplement my income, possibly become my own dispensary(ish) at some point. Topicals, edibles, salves, pain management, nausea, RSO, concentrates, seeds, etc. etc.

To do that on the seed end I gotta have some nice strains no one else does, but starting with as many reputable genetics as I have helps a ton. So for the most part it’s pollen chucking hoping for the best, I didn’t pick any of the crosses because I know their medical benefits or anything along those lines, just know they’re both solid genetics I can combine and see what happens.

The three land races I have high hopes for because they’re untouched selective breeding wise, means I can get a hefty portion or their terp and cannabinoid profiles into newer, denser, frostier, higher yielding nugs.

Princess Peach I’ll make into an f2 so and so on as well so it’s not lost but idk what to cross it with, peaches and cream sounded nice and the sharkbite used for all my Sharkbite gear is one of my favorite cultivars ever, I know it’s solid.

So in part any of the single strain crosses I’d like to do as many as possible of at once just to make things move along faster and gotta do the princess peach at the same time if I want a pure Michigan x princess peach cross.

Though I guess I could wait and cross the f2 pp and f3 pm, but then focus on the multiple strain cross since I gotta cross 3 together then into the pure Michigan for the pure Michigan pie

Maybe I’ll edit my first post up top one of these days to include this info, more for my keeping track of it than anything… Just kidding there’s no option to edit any longer


@TestOfOath Nice! I have an order from the Attitude that has been stuck since May 21st. The Chicago Hub sucks.


Pollen chucking will be a lot of fun but because your going to get a lot of different pheno types will definitely take a while to select keepers or maybe even decide if you like the cross or not

My personal breeding goal is to build a strain select specific traits from plants and put them together just kinda something to do for fun since I’m growing and keep me learning


I wanna get in on the medicinal side eventually as well, one day soon MSU is gonna offer cannabis classes n I’m gonna take it, I just know they are. They were originally an agricultural school, they have to


That would be awesome be nice as legalization keeps happening more and more study’s can be done learning more and eventually classes like your talking about will be a thing probably end up with a variety of courses


There’s 80+ different terps and cannabinoids that they know of now, probably don’t test old landrace strains often cause they’re limited to government grown garbage for lab testing at universities so don’t even know of all that exist

So once they open that up and can test all kinds of shit I bet that’ll double, which means we’ve got allllllllll kinds of learning to do about how each different chemical can benefit people medicinally, and then the even harder work if isolating each one in a strain.

It’s gonna be a real exciting time for medicine in general when they decriminalize it federally, gonna be a game changer


I think your headed down the right path. I think what you want to do is very reasonable and very possible. If you don’t try you’ll never know. I’m starting to do the same thing. Good luck! Everything looks great!


Just finished kicking the shit out of the greenhouse, topped everything that grew up or that I missed last week, tucked anything that’d grown since then or was now big enough into the cages, they usually get super cropped in the process. Nice base support structure if I can get them through 2+ times. The bubba’s breath is going fucking nuts, fan leaves the size of my skull. Lots of potential in here still and hopefully August heats up and I get some explosive growth to fill out the first and second nets.

And then the stuff in the garden getting all of nature’s glory and burdens


I have had a handful of people tell me how fortunate I am to have all the availability to grow everything that I do, and I am. Ever since I bought my house one of my “must haves” for it has been somewhere to grow (next house HAS to have a basement for this purpose, PER THE WIFE!!!)

Figured I could share my messy little shit show happy place hangout in case anyone wanted to see or live vicariously or tell me I’m a dick for it or what have you, so here it is, I know it’s messy and I love sharing it with whoever will look anyways, like some weird weed room flasher pervert

If you’ve got any questions like where’d you get the super sweet spinny chairs (from my grandparent’s house, my children love to spin on them just like I did as a kid, it’s fucking awesome) or why are you such a messy bitch with things strewn all over (I actually clean kinda often and it always all just piles up) feel free to ask, I don’t have nearly enough people to talk to about my passion as I’d like :grin:

There’s a 5 gallon washing machine and bubble bags that go in here too but they’re waiting to be cleaned in the garage after using


Oh joy look what I just found, sprayed all the plants nearby heavily with Plant Therapy, turned lights down to 10% till it’s dry cause the citric acid cooks leaves. Caught em relatively early, they’re not to the opposite side of the netting yet


Ok, now I’m confused. Is your passion, the plant? Or strewing things all over? :smiley: LOL

I understand the mess… But at least you have kids, and they can contribute to making the mess. I live with my dog, and my GF. Dog contributes to the mess everytime the GF buys him a plush toy (He just loves to tear it up and spread stuffing everywhere). GF makes MOST of the mess (honest!) because I am always cleaning it up and complaining that “I emptied the dishwasher, why are you putting dishes in the sink” “I just cleaned off the end tables, HOW do you have 3 glasses and 4 bags of chips on them again so soon?” or “Laundry goes in the basket, I’m tired of untangling your clothing from the Roomba”.

My desk is a mess, but not from junk but 200 projects at one time. My grow area? You can eat off the floor, everything in its place, organized, tied back / up and very neat and orderly. Go figure!