TestOfOath's Happy Place

I have heard of that happening.

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Let it out so you make sound choices moving forward!
When I was doing that patrol I was told to keep anyone I found until after harvest. A kidnapping on too of it all :joy: he was completely serious!

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Man thatā€™s a real bummer, Iā€™m sorry to hear. I cant stand a thief. If youā€™re growing legally Iā€™d put a sign out there saying they were caught on camera and that if everything is returned by a certain time/date youā€™ll let it slide. I know itā€™s a long shot, and most likely wont get returned but if the sign is noticed, they might think twice about coming back.


Itā€™s probably some dumb ass kids so I wouldnā€™t do anything to injure anyone or you could get in trouble. Kids make dumb decisionsā€¦. A dog or two is your best bet to keep people out. African Mastiffā€™s are bad ass hahaha Nobody is coming inā€¦


Hey man that really sucks. If I were a betting man Iā€™d say it was s9me9ne that has been there more than once. A so called friend maybe. I fear if I found someone doing this then Iā€™d have to get rid of a body. Donā€™t beat yourself up man. You did nothing wrong. And hopefully those bitches get some mold in their lungs.


Man. That totally sucks out loud. If you have some old wood laying around, you can drive some nails through the board and place the around your plants. If a theif comes, it will be at night. He will never see those boards laying on the ground. He steps on one and I guarantee, he wonā€™t be back.

Hate thieves. Almost as much as child molesters. Bunch of sorry bastages.


WTF!!! I canā€™t like that post :anger:
:sob: :sob: :sob:

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Hang some fish hooks at eye levelā€¦punji sticks covered in fecesā€¦ :face_with_raised_eyebrow:



Man Iā€™m sorry to hear, fucking punk ass bitches that canā€™t just go throw their own seeds that they gotta prey on someone elseā€™s hard work. Hope it brings u comfort that karmas a bitch and they will get theirs. Chin up bro, at least u still got something to show for the season


I love all the trap ideas! Iā€™d just be worried Iā€™d forget about them myself :flushed:


The more Accuracy and consistency that you put on the pH, the more success youā€™ll have.

I target 6.5 in Soil Blends. Best of Luck finding the groove @TestOfOath

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I am sorry to hear that.

I would suggest putting camera on your grow areas now since someone knows you had some plants and may know you have more. They could easily come back if they are stupid or think you are stupid. You can also look for footprints in the mud or any kind of clues. Maybe a fiber or a hair? CSI that shit if you can. Try to think if anyone was there within the last year that may have known of this. Why werenā€™t they on any camera to begin with? You know more than meā€¦ iā€™m just thinking of all possibilities. It could definitely be random.

Good thing you have ICC cuz that is a good one to overpower pretty much anything (as you know.) If I were left with just one strain from someone fucking with a grow, I could do worse than that one. Also good thing nothing was lost that is irreplaceable like your life or rare genetics which are now destroyed.


I have an electric fence. Keeps out the ā€œwild animalsā€! The clicking noise it makes once powered up goes straight into your mind.


No lie this crazy fucker I use to know told me back Iā€™m the 80s he would stick razor blades in the stalks blade out !!
They would form knots around them ā€¦
Donā€™t go running by trying to yank them out at night
He hated thieves to a whole nother level
ā€¦My guess is kids ā€¦who really would just waste a plant like that ā€¦
Sorry to hear that bro ā€¦
The ol fishing line tripwire Made of 6061 Aluminum -12GTRP002 https://a.co/d/bi9rP2H


I have heard of that. A few other things also.


How much do you think i need to worry about air flow with the one end sealed up now? Should i add a vent on the back side? When i completely enclose it do i want fresh air being sucked in with a fan or old air being pushed out with it?


I think you need the vent


I second the idea of a vent, sucking out if possible.
Botrytis is a bitch. Hothouse looks awesome!!


I third it.