TestOfOath's Happy Place

Just remember we have small ones. They see our emotions.
Just trying to calm you down. I get upset. My heart can’t take it anymore.

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He’s not on the news! He’s calm :joy:
Definitely a better choice to express your anger here with us!

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Sounds like me. I have had to be re- socialize . I need training. lol
I have had to take some classes.


I’m gonna build the walls this weekend, theres not much more i can do besides that. I thought about building a 4-6 ft frame around the inside in case anyone decided theyd cut the cover to get in afterwards but it seems like it’d be overkill and probably not completely deter anyone anyways


This is a good place to re socialize.
Unfortunately if they really want to get it, they will!

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Put up some dog wire with electrical prongs. Fire that ass up.
Just joking.
Looking at YouTube seen this guy hang a deer. The deer was electrified. It got the bear a few times. But bears don’t stop sometimes. Got him a few times.


Could attach fencing around it and then to a car battery, have to hop the fence n get zapped lol


I ordered those to place strategically, they’ll wake me if anything happens. Between that and building the walls so not everyone can see my 12 ft plants should keep it from happening again


Get some drones. Get a couple air nail guns. Have them rigged up.
Just the small ones. You don’t want to kill anybody…


I was thinking about a trail cam or something to point directly at it but again the best solution i think is to get the alarms and wall her up

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I mean… “Don’t” seems like a pretty strong word right now :rofl:

When I first started growing, I spent a three week period sitting on a crop for someone I’d just meet. He turned into a lifelong friend.
Three weeks patrolling with a pump shotgun all night long. One day he pulled me off for dinner. They hit him for a third of his crop. I later found out that they were watching me for 3-4 days and I never knew!

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This is a thing about it. They probably wouldn’t even anywhere close to being ready.


I’m really hoping i don’t run into whoever it is, it’d be best if they didn’t come back cause with all the thoughts I’ve had since it happened I really dont trust myself to think rationally in the moment


That’s another infuriating thing!

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Probably just some kids. You put up a few lights they won’t be back.

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I found out the other info like a decade later. I understand your anger!

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Not only are they nowhere near ready, with the small amount of roots it looked like came up, I’d surprised if they’d recover if replanted. And if they did recover in 2-4 weeks (its gonna be 50-60 overnight so maybe longer), it’d be too late for them to flower properly.

Absolute waste of 6 months of my work man


I would be freaking out. I would’ve done deleted my account. lol
I might actually think my wife did it. lol
No but the sad part is the it happened.