TestOfOath's Happy Place

Peach trees
Branches are filling out all over on this one, even the lowers are looking a foot long on their stacking and a nice fat thickness

Faygo cola
Thing is still going, getting some foxtailing and didn’t quite come in as frosty as I was hoping but the buds are solid and thick so should finish out pretty good still


Peach trees
Faygo cola


Pure Michigan is getting some nice colour to her. I gotta admit, I thought I was going to have to take her down, the septoria ran rampant on this one. But after a good battle with sulphur, then H.A. and some Ferminator, and a lot of leaf pulling, I’m glad I left her in. Thanks again for those @TestOfOath!



@CanuckistanPete For being named Pure Michigan she is not particularly suited for Michigan (or Canada’s) climate lol. I’m dealing with bud rot and PM, she was particularly susceptible to botrytis, pretty sure I had to cull 2 full plants. But my recently quit job had me pulled so thin I’d only go in the greenhouse once a week on the weekends cause that’s all I had time for.

Absolute shit show of botrytis and hands down the most weed I’ve ever had to throw out this year, hurts mah butt.

Loving the coloring on yours though and happy to hear you got yours under control, did you treat everything during flower? Do you wash after harvest before hanging? I’m curious how much the sulfur taste/smell stays around if at all.

Wife used Coke to kill mold in our bathroom, thinking of trying on the plants like South Americans do. Not sure about mix rate though. Really want to try it with how well it worked, be easy to rinse off, no metabolizaling of chemicals (I’m assuming it has nothing a plant would want to absorb, else it’d kill things)


I only used sulphur in veg as a prevent to PM, then the septoria reared its ugly head. I hit them with hypochlorous acid about 2-3 times a week and with Ferminator 2 or 3 times total. I was constantly pulling infected leaves off due to all the rain we had this summer. Sept. has been much better.
Thanks for the heads up, I’ll keep an eye out for the botrytis, I’m sure it’ll make an appearance…I’ve already removed a tiny bit from a couple other plants.
And thanks again for the Pure Michigan!


Sorry to hear this about the bud rot and septoria. It was a really bad year for me also with this battle. The ICC has been pretty resistant to bud rot so far. The septoria did hit it pretty hard though. ICC shot


I didn’t get to pretreat anything this year pretty much. Went from @BIGJ 's job to an even worse one. Greedy fucks only worried about their money. But I quit yesterday and am taking my life into my own hands for the first time in 32 years.

Anyways, it took all of my time and energy from me and my grows always get neglected when I’m gonna 14+ hours a day. Understandably, at that point, but it still makes me feel like shit cause this is supposed to be my fun hobby to supply myself and then just ends up adding to the depression of life.

WELL NO MORE! Time to focus on building my life for me and my family, fuck all these lazy greedy people thinking I’m some slave they can rent to get them more money. Time to invest ALL of that time and energy into me and my future.

Here’s some sad pics for everyone, I haven’t taken many since it started going south. See the ground? That was all bud rot. 80% of plant gone and then the last 20 still gets infected. Even with weekly copper sprays. So today I mixed 2 cans of coke into a gallon of water and sprayed. Some leaves curled but pistils didn’t get cooked so I think it was a success… we’ll see if it keeps spreading


Seems like with climates changing all over and weather patterns shifting… things that worked for decades now are getting eaten up by the fungi/bacteria/virii that used to not be an issue. There may have to be all new techniques and or strains developed to combat. Seems anything grown up in Canada works well like what @THCeed has.


Congratulations on your taking care of yourself!!! They’ll work you to the bone/ early grave if they can.


Damn bro! Sorry to hear of ur troubles this year, id toss u some buds if u were closer, better luck next season and at least gave u some learning of what to be on top of for next season

Worst I’ve been dealing with in az is winds and the occasional caterpillar. Not enough to spray anything being a few weeks away from chops

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Coke as an anti bacterial/fungal. I’m not familiar with this. I had some bad bud rot this year also. Last I looked your ICC was a champ with bud rot. Septoria was a different story


Ya id be concerned with all the corn syrup and sugars attracting things


I just remembered coke will strip rust off :joy:

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Any chance you can use the rotted stuff for oil? That’s the only reason I’m not super upset with the rot

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I can handle things like bugs, actually I just sprayed my yard with bifenthrin for mosquitoes last night so anything that lives in or touches my grass is dead now.

Idk, my wife had used Coke in our bathroom for mold on the paint from moisture and it worked phenomenally, though I think she used straight coke to do that. I remembered farmers in places that can’t afford pesticides/insecticides use coke on the 3rd world farms so I figured I’d give it a shot. Really can’t get much worse than it is lol I’m already borderline losing my entire crop. So if it works then awesome, if not I’m in the same boat as last week.

As for the standing up for myself, it feels good but I’m super scared of not being able to provide for my family. Gotta turn that fear into even more motivation and just do it. I’m going to learn coding and get back into computers and ride this tech wave into my future. Just bought a new laptop to do it all on today. University of Michigan has coding classes 8 hours a week for 10 weeks or something. I can do that in 2 since I’m not working. Start freelancing or find some remote work on the computer doing transcribing or something till I can start making apps/websites/graphic design/algorithms/etc.


Idk man I’m licensed for fungicides and stuff and know too much about molds and stuff to even want to mess with it to be honest. Mild powdery mildew I can get past cause my hydrogen peroxide/lemon juice mix is gonna wash it off and neutralize it, have tested and had good results with that. Bud rot is an entirely different beast starting from the inside and eating trichomes last, so in my mind it’s entirely wasted by the time I can visually see it.

But that’s just my brain and thought process. I 100% guarantee you we all smoked fungus and fungicides and bugs and pesticides till the revolution of legalized weed and the regulations that came with it


When I was 9 or 10 I did a school science experiment for the science fair. The question was what would dissolve away a penny the fastest? Lime-a-way was #1 and coca cola was #2.


I was thinking an alcohol extraction would kill all mold, but was thinking lab extraction if possible

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Probably the phosphoric acid in the coke killing the mold and bacteria


Bro I’m glad to see you back i have been wondering where the hell you have been!
Deff sounds like you’re headed in the right direction !
Congrats on crossing that line don’t look back and push forward !