TestOfOath's Happy Place

Sorry my friend.

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Thatā€™s life isnā€™t it brother? You know I like learning my lessons the hard way, seems to be the only way I learn :rofl: worst case I gotta buy weed for a bit and do better next year.

Main focus right now is figuring out this career change and how Iā€™m gonna support my family with a laptop instead of my bare hands. But itā€™s time man, my 8 year old daughter gets concerned that Iā€™m injured when she notices Iā€™ve got 5 calluses just on one finger section :rofl: time to take my life into my own hands and still make it out on top (of the world[genetics]) lol


Hey @LemonadeJoe, am I at the right sponsor level to be able to advertise selling my seeds on here? Can you shoot me a message when youā€™ve got the time? Thanks brother


I think thatā€™s an excellent idea!


I have always thought that was a good idea.


Hell yea @TestOfOath , tag me when you get set up f o r seed sales, would definitely be interested


So your opening up tomorrow @TestOfOath !


Does anyone happen to know the most cannabis seed friendly website hosting services?

I had just checked out squarespace and theyā€™re expensive, force you into a CBD program that you have to pay for, and take a 3% cut of all sales unless you get the level of plan that takes that out. Was like 300$ a year, which is whatever, but I want full assurance Iā€™m not gonna get dicked around for seed sales as theyā€™re federally legal, as stated by the DEA here;

I know @RIS has entered the game, maybe hit him up and see what he is using


His site report: https://sitereport.netcraft.com/?url=http://growingupganja.com

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You might want to set up a monthly email like doc. D had. Direct cash sales type thing while you explore the website rabbit hole.


WARNING: These pictures will make you very sad, proceed with caution.

Alright hereā€™s my sad and measly most recent update, bud rot got my entire greenhouse basically, 480 sq ft of 90% garbage. Thatā€™s with multiple treatments, once a week, cutting off infected buds right after everything was sprayed to mitigate spore spread as much as I can. Saddest growing year Iā€™ve had so far, even my ICC #5 was affected, albeit it was the last to get it, but it still did. Literally every single plant out of my alleged 29 is screwed. Really hurts your feelings and the fact that I was forced to be other places than worrying about something that couldā€™ve supported my income, or at the very least made it so I donā€™t have to buy dispensary weed all year, makes it that much more annoying. It is what it is though, Iā€™m salvaging the few nugs/branches off each plant that I can. With my allergies I canā€™t smoke anything thatā€™s questionable or my COPD really starts kicking my ass.

Then thereā€™s the indoor grow that got neglected but is slowly turning around. Iā€™m narrowing down where Iā€™m fucking up the more I have time to sit and think about what Iā€™ve been doing while neglecting my grows. I strayed away from Promix HP cause they kept giving me bugs, went straight coco and then started adding things like organic material in myself, grabbed a bag of compost but that made it so that I needed like 6.3 or lower ph to be coming out anywhere near 6.7 which was still too high for my liking. Figuring that out with a bunch of added RAW nutrient line was a task and I honestly have no idea how EXACTLY how much Iā€™m feeding anything right now, which is probably kinda dumb. Either pick amendments or nutrients ya goof, stop overcomplicating things. Then there was the problem of me trying to reuse my soil from my last indoor grow that ended up being my best ever, it was WAY too hot for seedlings as it was last being fed at like 20-50-50 with the RAW salt line. So i wasted a bunch of ICC seeds and crosses before settling on a tiny bit of 3-3-3 down to earth amendment in straight coco for seedlings, Iā€™ve got a few starter nutes for once they take off a bit so Iā€™m not cooking anything anymore. Phing water in my tank constantly before watering, keeping it around 6.3 to attempt mitigate any fluctuation during watering.

2 weeks ago

1 week ago


Got some Tapi Tapi fems, a Rick James fem, some ICC #5 fems, Tropicana Cherry S1 fems, and Brawndo females oh and two auto Strawberry Cookies I hadnā€™t labeled as autos that I noticed were flowering probably a week too late and transplanted. Originally I was going to make Brawndo S1 fems but that feels too much like stealing from Afficianado French Connection so Iā€™ll just use the 3 big females I have as a ICC #5 S1 x Brawndo F2 to make a fem cross, gotta think of a name worthy of Brawndo and Idiocracy though. But thatā€™ll leave me with a bunch of ICC #5 S2 Iā€™ll need testers for to make sure breeding into itself isnā€™t screwing up genetics and causing hermies or something all of a sudden, Iā€™m really not worried about that but maybe like 5%, cause every cross and anything done with ICC so far hasnā€™t shown any signs of anything negative, just being an absolute champ.

Think once thatā€™s done, I may need to grow some indoor to supply myself but Iā€™m going to focus on doing single runs of everything Iā€™ve made so far so I can document each cultivar individually myself. The more I get into breeding the more I want to stay away from selective breeding, granted it does have its merits and you can get some specific fire out of doing it but I feel that dilutes genetics too much, if someone wants to pheno hunt my stuff feel free but Iā€™m thinking open pollination for anything I do thatā€™s not feminized, just seems to sit right with my morals and how I like going about things.

Anywho, Iā€™m almost setup on a new site to sell seeds, have my own LLC now that Iā€™m working on making legit and seeing what avenues I can take with that, if I can get a loan I might open up my own one stop grow/processing facility as I already have the majority of the equipment and knowledge. Once I get the business end of things figured out and the bills getting paid again I can focus on following my tech dreams and learning the various coding languages, Iā€™d like to make tech for Agriculture and give the entire planet the ability to do regenerative farming instead of the monocrop money grabbing bs we have worldwide


What a dragā€¦sorry to see that. Truly sucks after all the work you put in.

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Damn dude that sucks. Our neighbors lost a whole greenhouse to rot as well, really sucks.

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Dam thatā€™s a kick in the ass ! Sorry to hear about the bad luck.

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It was just a garbage year to grow and I didnā€™t do any of my preventative sulfur/copper spraying before flower that I did last year, partly due to not having the time/energy, partly cause it was such a fucked growing season that literally ever plant decided it was going to flower, reveg, and flower again, all at different times. Iā€™ve got 7 ft plants with single blade reveg leaves on them.

It is what it is though, salvage what I can and do better next time, thatā€™s how she goes. I know its VERY slight but you can see the coloration difference over the last few weeks of the indoor grow. More time invested = better grow, apparently (obviously) lol


image Damn bro. That sucks.


Maybe this will turn that frown upside downā€‹:joy::rofl:. One of your auto creations blowing everything else I had going away. Sheā€™s a beast , finally stopped growing at 50ā€ tall. And you thought she was gonna be the runt :rofl::joy::rofl::joy:Buds stacking like crazy , wonā€™t be long they will be fattening up. Sheā€™s starting to get stinky , nice job all the way around, biggest autoflower Iā€™ve ever grown or seen !! :+1::+1::v:



Noooooooooo!!! I have been MIA for quite a while and the last thing I wanted to do was come see a dumpster fire like this smoldering :frowning: Always a sad day when humidity takes your crop :frowning: Hold strong my man, yell if ya need anything :pray: