TGA Subcool Gear

was secret weapon ever offered as seeds?

I’ve been dreaming of this for months! Sending all good vibes! :green_heart:


I’ve about 4 or 5:packs about 8-10 year old now


I know joel is sold out now, but they were available from him until relatively recently. It’s not unheard of for packs to pop up on auction on IG. That’s where I got these. I’d be absolutely shocked if several people here weren’t holding onto a pack or two. This one’s also on my short list, so I’ll keep you in mind if I find any keepers.


Day 47 Flower!
Chernobyl (Golden Ticket cut)


Looks really good!


@Dirt_Wizard Keep your eyes :eyes: peeled…JC2 is in route. :slight_smile:


This is great news!! :partying_face:

Some of us have been waiting years. :grinning:


Though I had 5 I’ve two packs left

I’d be willing to send them to some one if they were to breed and send me seeds


Does anyone have any vortex packs or some beans from the recent co-op seed increase? Sorry I’m still learning the forum. I didn’t know if I could post under the co-op post or not. Thank you!


The Vortex increase is shipping out in the spring box, which you are too late for being brand new, but here in about a month you’ll probably be able to find it in the trading thread… here. Seed Trading, Moderated (Part 3) @Hvacguy1 … I don’t think you can post in the CO-OP threads until you’ve raised your trust level.

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Thank you! I’ll keep my eyes out. I was looking through the co-op area and I don’t really understand how to join it. It’ll take me a bit but I’ll figure it out. For now I’m going through my seeds and I’ll make a trade post. Thank you again.


Basically, follow the Coop voting thread. When you see something you want, follow the topic for it in The signup does not usually open until the seeds are ready and they sometimes fill up quickly. So you have to stay on top of it. Then twice a year a “box” goes out with the seeds you signed up for. You pay a small amount of money to cover shipping costs.

Instructions are here: How do I sign up for a co-op Seed Run


For example, I’m following this topic: Bodhi's Mango Lotus Co-op: Son of a Biche!😅 - #4 by JohnnyPotseed waiting for the signup to be opened (and enjoying the update posts).


Sorry I’ve been trying to respond but I’m getting a 403 forbidden message. I’m not too sure what I’m doing wrong. Thank you for your help.

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You likely need to be a certain level. There is a FAQ thread around here about “trust levels”. TL;DR is participate in threads, read read read! And beans show up in your mail box. I’ve never wanted for seeds because of OG. I’ve had numerous members send me seeds for no other reason than they felt like it.

There are quite a few Subcool genetics running around right now. A member just did an increase on Jack the Ripper, vortex and Chernobyl in boxes, and a Jilly bean cross is going on too.


I appreciate it. I’ve been browsing around. I’m trying to familiarize myself with the forum format. I’m not really looking for free seeds but there’s a couple strains I’m looking for and I’d trade a lot for them. It seems like a good community and I love the preservation work!


Here you go, Explaining user trust levels and permissions


Thank you for the info!

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You are basic and can’t sign-up until Member Tl2

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