TGA Subcool Gear

It’s kept in cutting form too :wink:. I love this strain too.

I still have a few seeds of original Jillybean and Agent Orange left for future crossing. I loved his Jack the Ripper too…

I had a Jack cut that smelled like apricot about 12 years ago.
It was really special but the high was too violent it was paranoid every time so not pleasant in the end​:no_mouth:‍:fog::smirk::open_mouth:‍:dash:


I would definitely be interested in some Dairy Queen!! Thanks! :blush: That was one of the ones I was looking at before Norstar discontinued producer’s overstock.


They will be crossed I have 4 males: *Strawberry Diesel x Space Dude
*Apollo 11 x Blueberry
*Chem 3 x Apollo 11
I will report here once the seeds are ready @lightyear :wink::green_heart::+1:


Is this mzJill? I assumed her name was Jill :smile:


All I know is I bought her version of querkle and it definitely wasn’t the original. Pretty sure they are all repros, didn’t the fire take out all the originals?


@AppalachianBiscuits Victoria and Will Rouland, the last partners Subcool had after the fire and divorce with Mz Jill when he rebranded as The Dank, since Jill got the TGA brand

Now because Subcool’s not with us any longer, they are “carrying the torch” supposedly, but personally it really seems they are just using his legacy for personal gain


If there is one lesson I’ve learned from watching this all play out, it’s NEVER enter a business arrangement with someone out of convenience. I seriously doubt Sub ever imagined these two ass clowns would be the sole beneficiaries of everything that didn’t go to Jill just because he spent a couple years working with them. If you don’t trust someone enough to hand over your entire life, chop the dead weight immediately. There may never be a chance to go back if you don’t do it today.

Have you noticed there are no NEW strains at “The Dank”??? Literally everything they do is a reproduction of Sub’s work. And every single report I hear is that it’s nothing even close to the original. All they’re doing is playing on nostalgia for Sub’s name. We all know what used to be, and the more we tell people about how great Sub was, the more people they get to rob blind.

Before she went off the rails in chat, Victoria actually had the guts to tell me that Sub’s biggest fear was being forgotten and fading into obscurity :face_with_raised_eyebrow: So let that just be the one that sums up their entire motive. As soon as I read that comment the entire conversation took a turn. Scamming little *****


Subcool… So much bullshit and rumors surrounded him when he was alive.
I grew some of his strains from seed, the only thing he released would consider fire enough to want to grow again for bud is… Jilly Bean. It was way more uniform than any of his other options.
BUT, he had a lot of interesting stuff to breed with. For me, potency with his work was always lacking a bit while the focus on tastes was pretty new to the scene.

A decade ago I got clones of his Jack the Ripper, Querkle and probably a few more I dont recall right now, but I crosses these two clones to my Golden Diesel F3. The JTR cross came out nice, but 12-13 weeks flowering. The Querkle cross was purple and nothing more than that.
I also did a small selection of Jilly Bean, crossed it to my Golden Diesel, and got much less variety in phenotypes - the faster plants so much better than the tall phenos.

What I do have to give to Subcool, is his work. He obviously tested his shit before he released it, and did a selection for the parents.
I am pretty convienced MzJill is not doing tht at all. I msged her to ask about her Chem x Space Queen, and she told me she got the cut from Chem (Krzanovski) and crossed to “TGAs original Space Dude”.
Ok, no biggie, she did some pollen chucking. Then when I asked how long is the flowering time and asked for further recommendations I got this:
" It is about nine weeks…
Any of them should do fine in your grow environment."
Which for me is “I have no idea lol”

I do not really believe in elite clones and rare genetics. I do believe that a breeder should do the leg work of selecting and testing before aiming to monetize on “his” genetics


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10 years ago the original TGA breeding parents were already gone. So it’s sort of not a fair judgement to say the JTR you grew was just ok, because it’s a well known issue that JTR isn’t the same as it used to be. I had the original well before most people did, from a pack Sub gifted me himself in 2005. It was absolutely the shit.

Sub bred for extraction first and foremost. Resin and crystal production, and terps. He was a hash man above all else. So if you grew it for flower, that’s also not a fair assessment because you didn’t really grow it for its most top shelf purpose.

And again…judging Sub by something you had from his ex wife years after they split :roll_eyes:

Everyone has a right to their opinion, but at least judge fairly, and based on HIS work, not someone else’s.


Seriously? All his work was basically someone else’s work!


They were all made by a team. TGA.Team Green Avengers. It’s right in the name. He never made claim to have done it all himself.

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It’s true he was the public face, spokesperson and “branding” of the team of several skilled breeders including Norstar and Badger’s Batch etc. At some point his name was added so it became Subcool / TGA strains.

But yeah Sub got more credit than the actual breeders who’s seeds he sold.


Found this today. It was a freebie from the Attitude years ago. It’s probably too old to pop but I’m about to find out.


Grew his conquistador hashplant and Danny boy when I first started out. Both were awesome particularly that conquistador from memory. Anybody still hold these?


I did a pretty good search for any mention of these and I came up with nothing except a small handful of preservation requests for around 10 years. To the best of my knowledge, these are the last. There might be a couple people with some in storage, but they’re not coming forward.


not sure if anyone is interested, but i gave a ton of qrazy train f2 seeds to @misterbee a while back. not sure if he wants to dig them out and share, but i guess it wouldn’t hurt to ask. fair warning, the potency isn’t that great.


I had JTR seeds when they were released, or maybe a year after. I can check my logs. Was one of my first grows
Im not saying sub did a bad job, just my own humble opinion on the outcome. I make iceolator hash, and grow for both flower and hash.

Then some years later I got a cut from Flowery Fields in Vienna

Subcool stuff was all about smell and taste with a few exceptions. Pretty ahead of the game back then imo. Learned alot from that guy online when I first started. I mean super soil enough said.

I used all his grow methods step by step as a newbie. I kinda figured the dannyboy and conquistador were gone. I bought those seeds on a whim while in college, and was happy I did. Probably the only thing I grew without pictures unfortunately. Oh well