TGA Subcool Gear

Ok thank you i will do that.

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The one in the back is tangie.


Iā€™m out of Likes.
Thank you. I contacted them.


Do you know who runs the breeding? Just curious if itā€™s anyone I know.


I know they are in cali.

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Whoā€™s ready for Cheese Quake?!?! :cheese::skunk::green_heart:


Cheese Quake

Started 4, got 3 to germ. May start another one or two to increase selection a bit.

Hey Victoria, told you theyā€™d germ! Iā€™m gonna beat you to f2 and make them free for everyone just to devalue your seed stock :joy::joy::joy: Just wait till you see what else I have. You pissed off the wrong dude.


dont put yourself down i dont think its a fair view,


lol yeah, this thread especially is going to have that vibe. I think almost all of us spent at least some time on breedbay getting to know one another. Some of us go back as friends over 20 years. This is one of the very few threads on OG that I can scroll through and recognize just about every single name.

This is more our living room than a biker bar to me :green_heart:

Cheese Quake update :blush:

Iā€™m about 50/50 on germination. Time for another round of seeds. I want at least 6 for some selection and variety. Iā€™d really love it if I could get a solid male, a querkle dom fem, and an exodus dom fem. But Iā€™m dreaming :roll_eyes:


So let me ask those whoā€™ve known TGA as long as I have:

Who trusts Mz Jillā€™s space queen f3?

Is it actually legit with Subā€™s original breeding parents, or just a recreation done with the same lines to capitalize on the fame? I mean if thereā€™s no chance of tiny bomb appearing, this is all for nothing. Itā€™s just a name.

If itā€™s legit Iā€™m game. But thereā€™s a couple reproductions out there already from that same group of characters (Soul comes to mind)


I havenā€™t known anyone for any time. BUT she doesnā€™t label space queen as a TGA original, so I bet itā€™s a repro.

Idk about ā€œcapitalize on fameā€ she mostly works the Jilly beans to capitalize her own fame.


Sorry I didnā€™t mean to sound like I was bad mouthing her. I wasnā€™t. I just meant there are already a few reproductions out there. I know she works Jilly Bean mostly, but there are also a few others of subā€™s like queen anneā€™s revenge and querkle on her menu. I know Badger also had QAR for a long time, and I actually have a pack of that one.

As far as I know, space dude was lost and rehunted after the fire (from subā€™s f1s if Iā€™m not mistaken), so Iā€™d imagine that means basically any space queen breeding stock and parents as well, huh?


Thatā€™s my understanding, Iā€™ve only heard stories. Badger is on IG, I keep an eye on what heā€™s up to.


I would not trust anything from this brand. Breeding stock has been dead but whatā€™s in a name I guess. Like mzj previous partner/co could sell itā€¦to some but like when the ac went out called in the real deal for results

Another pheno like tiny bomb can appear. Iā€™m collecting his gear and reviving them.


Badgar was the first one sub allowed to use the dude. Also norstar genetics also worked with subcool.


Yes, I have gear from both. Currently running a cheese quake preservation from Norstarā€™s breeding, actually.

I also have Badgerā€™s Queen Anneā€™s Revenge.

Both were not just allowed to work with Space Dude, they were officially members of TGA and doing some of the breeding for Subcoolā€™s seed packs.

DO NOT TRUST ā€œthe dankā€!!! Victoria is a complete sham. She stole Subā€™s work and company after he passed. She also spreads vicious rumors about Norstar and Badger seeds. She kept DMing me trying to convince me they both have rampant germination and HLV issues. Damn tweakers are bananas dude :roll_eyes: She is the entire reason Iā€™m doing a preservation run of all my TGA gear. Everything I make will be free for anyone interested, solely to share with the community, but the real kicker is it dilutes the value of her seed stock for every preservation strain I release. And thatā€™s all the payment I need.


One of my all-time favorite varieties is cheese quake!
I bought a packet more than 10 years agoā€¦ 6 F1 seeds and my own crosses are leftā€¦
I will start a cycle with them when the circumstances are more favorableā€¦


I currently have Dairy Queen (Cheese x Space Queen) 2 phenos that I am going to cross with 3/4 males of other varieties.
If you are interested I plan to give some here on OG with great pleasure guys :wink::+1:. See you


diary queen was some strong stinky smoke, you could clear a room with the pheno my brother and I grew in 2009, really miss that strain.