The Adventures Of "Sideways Cindy" (Peanut Butter Breath x Cindy 99)

Cindy was grown in some organic soil I mixed up myself cheap. She was top dressed with BAS’s craft blend, a little Kashi Blend and some of their Fish Bone Meal. I have a new diary ----> ***No Till Or Die Trying (3x3 and 2x4 living soil beds)*** where I am starting a grow in a 3x3 bed with Build a soil’s Take And Bake kit and also a 2x4 I made my own living soil blend, using some BAS products. They will be no till (or as no till as I can do at the moment) living soil. :+1:

Cindy also was topped with some cheap compost as well to act as a mulch at a point in the cycle as well.