THE ARENA: Where plants try to live

Taken a couple nights ago. Also turns out the fixture needs to sit a lot higher. It’s about 24" above the canopy. Any closer and it makes them dry out, which looks like they are overwatered. Top leaves were waffled and flaky to the touch a couple days ago. All seems good now. Male LT x X18 is in the grow box now until it really shows itself. No plans to keep it around otherwise. I will say it has an amazing odor for how young it is.

Diesel Moonshine is making me a proud papa this evening…

Now the hog is transplanted because it’s going to be hanging around for a bit. Or at least that’s my intention. See how that pans out… It’s looking rather sickly this evening because I was hesistant to transplant until I was reading this post about Pollyploidism it might be cool to try and use some pollen with something else. I can always save some too. :scorpion:

It naturally topped itself from day one. Somewhere there is a pic of it just sitting around being lame. One leaf for about a month. I know, kill the runt!!!, but I just couldn’t There were only two seeds and one was crushed, so I had to let it do its thing.

Box is doing fine I guess. Everything is very dark and the PM hasn’t reared its uglyness lately.

This poor plant has been through it. She’s turning back relatively quickly though. Wife’s eyes lit up when she saw there will be more sooner. Good job kalgrae!

I was busy with other stuff too and went for a drive. Left a nice sunset in SoCal to a comforting sunrise over Mt. Shasta.

Another highlight was seeing my brother. I’ve been warned to go easy with them. Called “little helpers”?

I could probably waste a lot more of your time with pointless ramblings, but I’ll spare you for now. Hope everyone is as high as they need to be and having a blessed moment.