Blurple,Cob,and Florescent Fun

Hi beautiful people!

Gonna continue more pollen slinging in search of that super bud. Currently up on deck we have mostly a combination of Colorado strains with one European strain, “Ice,” with a few mixed with a high power Mexican swag.

The strains are:

  1. Lavander Aura (Original from Greenpoint seeds-Colorado)
    2 Two Ice X Lav Aura (Ice from Europe)
  2. Mex Swag X Lucky 7’s X Lucky 7’s (Lucky 7’s is currently discontinued from Greenpoint but is dynamite)
  3. Hibernate X Jabba Stash (this one very purple)
  4. Mex Swag X Luck 7’s
  5. Two Hibernate X Jabba Stash X Lucky 7’s
  6. Jabba Stash X Lucky 7’s X Lucky 7’s

The males from this group coupled with some pollen from recent harvest will decide the direction I go next.

I have plenty from last recent harvest of same/similar bud so will take/post some pics soon.

Thanks for looking and have a highly great day!


Welcome @Beza to OG!
When you have an opportunity, go over to Community and introduce yourself. Good luck on the grow! :v:


Welcome aboard man, everything looks good and well planned. Good job


Welcome to overgrow.


Thanks you’all!

Here are some pics I just took at day 25 of 24 hr light. In 5 days I go 12/12. They all have been topped once and some have been topped twice for end result of four main Kolas.


Here are some pics of recent harvest of some of the same strains or mix.

This 1st one, “Lucky 7’s,” is a discontinued Greenpoint strain but is the most heady/powerful strain I have smoked in years. The hit’s expand like the old Thai sticks. Have to take a small puff. Seems like a Sativa dom. Smells kinda like burnt rubber of something weird but wow!


Here is another fav of recent harvest. I grow this one continuously as is great for night with definite couch lock.
Buds are purple but hard to see in pics. This one is Hibernate X Jabba Stash (Greenpoint seeds Colorado).


Looking great @Beza !


bud porn

:laughing: :vulcan_salute:


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12/12 starts tonight after 30 days 24 hr light. Gonna be a stretch city sight. Oh what a delight!


High, how are you?

Well, been 7 days since 12/12 and have them all sorted out finally. Had unusually large number of males this time (5 out of 9). Oh well, things happen for a reason. This is a pic of all together prior to transplant/sorting.

Here is a pic of separated males (just came off 72 hrs of dark…speeds things up). Then the males will get a 2700K with approx. six hours of light with 18 dark (light not set up yet…I use a big box for dark in my laundry room). Two males not shown one in dark currently and other duplicate of another male (what are the odds)?

Here are a few pics of two that were transplanted yesterday and two not transplanted at time of pic. The two not transplanted are: “Mex swag X Lucky 7’s X Jabba Stash,” and “Hibernate X Jabba Stash.”

Here are two pics of root ball (can see transplanted just in time). First pic is the, “Mex swag X Lucky 7’s X Jabba Stash,” root ball and next one is the, “Hibernate X Jabba Stash,” root ball.

These last three pics are final result from 9 starts. They are:
Mexican Swag X Lucky 7’s X Jabba Stash.
Hibernate X Jabba Stash
Lavender Aura (original seed from pack)
Ice X Lavender Aura (Ice from Europe)

Edit: The Hibernate X Jabba and the Ice and Lav Aura were only topped once for two main colas (they were behind others in growth).


Welcome to OG @Beza

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Day 40 since seed sprouted and 10 days into 12/12 update.

Males coming along nicely (should be collecting pollen soon).
Females have stretched quite a bit but still more to come (over 2 feet tall already).


Hello to my all time fav site!

Update: Pics are 45 days from seed pop and last day of 2nd week of flowering. Week three of 12/12 starts tomorrow. Good start on buddage and I’m mostly happy with node spacing. Still have some stretch to go. Right now (pot included) they are just under 3 feet tall (and much more growth to go yet).


They are looking GREAT!
Keep doing what you are doing :+1:


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Thanks all!

Gonna be busy this week so here is an early update. Still stretching some (except Hibernate X Jabba kinda a runt set on bricks for even canopy). All male’s pollen collected and gone except Lav Aura a little slow yet. Need pollen from Lav Aura X Ice to continue my Lav Aura strain (plus Ice).

So this would be 44 days since seed pop and 19 days 12/12.

And the future is looking a bit hazey here!

Have a highly great day!


Then came “Buddage!”

Day 25 of 12/12 tomorrow.

Here are six Barney’s Farm Pineapple Haze that will be ready for 12/12 after a month of 24hr light.

The tallest one was only one to come up on it’s own. The rest had to be dug out with seed heads removed. Several had tap root that curled around toward seed (and aimed up toward surface).

I consider myself an expert at old seed sprouting. First started in late 90’s ordering seeds online from Europe.

I believe maybe a few would have survived using paper towel method. But old seeds have no energy to even break the surface much less shed a seed helmet. So it is my belief that the soil provides some nutrients for tap root that are not available in a paper towel.

Also, I save rain water just for seed sprouting. I keep it in the frig. but let it warm to room temperature before using. That way the water has nearly perfect PH and some nutrients.

I opened the Barney’s first because looked like packet slightly damaged in shipping. Once opened I could see the pale seeds and knew what I was in for.

I don’t blame the producer or the seller. Seeds get old and lose some viability. Just happens!

When I dig a seed out or remove a stuck seed helmet (then still have to pinch off at leaf tips some debris holding cotyledon leaves together oftentimes) I use toothpicks and rain water in a mist sprayer.

Keep em wet and let the water do the work and be gentle and they will grow. All the smallest ones above had curled tap root and had to dig out spray, remove seed head, and replant. All the others except one had to remove stuck seed head to release cotyledons.

I’ve done paper towel many times early on but switched many years ago to soil to start seeds in. I use seed starter soil in small pot or Styrofoam cup and lightly spray/water and place regular sandwich baggy over the top until seed sprouts.

On old seeds use double the per-lite for greater aeration (the old seeds will not have the energy to push through soil initially).

Hope this helps someone else who over time has become an expert at old seeds like me! When you pay $85.00 for a pack of seeds and only get one out of ten kinda a bummer. I got six out of ten and I am thrilled. Besides I only really need one male and one female right?


Hi @Beza, is this Bezalom returning to the site?

if so, welcome back, and if not, Welcome!

Thanks zephyr.

Day 30 12/12 and putting off some strong smell already (kinda like lemon gasoline). I think the lemon is from the, “Lav Aura X Ice,” and the gasoline smell is coming from the, “Lucky 7’s X Jabba X Mex Swag.”

Here are the six, “Barney’s Farm Pineapple Haze,” looking nice and uniform (same phenotype). The genetics are: Afghan X Skunk#1 X Old School Haze released in 2018. Kinda excited about this one and the potential F2 phenotypes that could show up.


Day 40 12/12 and what a long strange trip it’s been (especially since I was last here)! Since I was here last I have been hit by thrips, aphids, and Mag deficiency.

Caught early so hopefully won’t effect yield too much. The thrips was a fairly extensive infestation with minor aphid. I’ve had aphids before so know the routine but crap what a hassle!

I bought a, “Garden Safe,” premix spray and went through $7 bottle like nothing so hunted around and found the same thing in a concentrate (will save like $400 compared to premix).

The, “Ferti-lome,” has 70% neem, 29.75% other, and 0.25 Pyrethrins. The Pyrethrins are harmful to bees so use this one indoor only please.

The Mag deficiency appears to be strain specific as only the Lav Aura and Lav Aura X Ice were effected. The Lav Aura X Ice was effected to a lesser extent.

Used same soil mix on all four and don’t feed unless deficiency develops. The Lav Aura is Sativa Dom and Sativa usually need less nutes so likely a prior greenhouse issue as seed came directly form breeder pack.

Hard to see on this pic:

Here are pics of the six, “Pineapple Haze,” with close up of one that has 9 leaves on single leaf already. Serious Sativa Dom (Old School Haze?). Need to clone this one.

Then came more, “Buddage!”

Lav Aura

Here are two of, “Hibernate X Jabba:”

Here are some bud pics of, “Lav Aura X Ice:”


I like smoke and lightning
Heavy metal thunder
Racin’ with the wind
And the feelin’ that I’m under - Steppenwolf

Day 50 12/12

Lavender Aura X Ice

Mexican Swag X Lucky 7’s X Jabba Stash

Lavender Aura - Bodhi seeds

Hibernate X Jabba (runt)

Three, “Pineapple Haze,” (with one shown female) that shot up quick so put in 12/12 with other three still in veg.

All together now (with three Pineapple Haze tucked in).