The Autopot thread

Yeah it’s flora, sorry the word escaped me when I was typing it out, but I think you’re right, most likely it was the kelp supplement. That was my first go with kelp additive and I can definitely agree that’s probably what was sludging up the silicon stoppers, thinking back I’ve left some by accident in a bucket and it does tend to get super gunky. I’ll look up that drip stuff though, should help either way. Thank you

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Gotta be careful with organic nutes in the reservoir, organics cause bacteria to grow and the stale water allows them to flourish. I have used Jacks with success but the salts build up more than I expected, probably just need to cut back. I use Mega Crop 1 part and Bud Candy regularly but you must clean everything out after every grow.
The hydroton, autopot plates, etc. keep the air gap for the roots which is HIGHLY important. This is a hydro setup and the roots need both air and water so don’t skip this step.
I don’t use the AirPods because growing anything hydro can yield huge plants and I feel they aren’t needed, mine sit on the shelf collecting dust.


Id really like to experiment growing a plant or two in straight perlite

Ok yall, what shutoffs are you using in place of these cheap ass plastic ones that AP sends? This is third time ive had a leak in my tent from a cracked shutoff. I havent found the source of this leak yet, but checked all my bases and nothing is clogged or stuck. This system is awesome, but they need some way better QC on their components

Do you zip tie your connectors to ensure that’s not what’s leaking? I have very hose connection zip tied with three inch zip ties, work excellent and easy to cut when you take the system down for cleaning.

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No, i have a bunch of zipties, so im going to do that when my lights turn on. Still havent found the source of the leak, but it was a pretty bad one.


I had the same issue before and that’s what mine turned out to be. Hopefully that’s what you have going on as it’s an easy fix.
I ran full RDWC for a few years so I do my best to make sure to get everything as leakproof as possible. The leaks can be catastrophic if in a house.

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Cramming 4 Autopots into a 2 x 2 tent was a bit of stretch. I’ve never had plants this tall. The shortest is 14 inches and the tallest is 26 inches, don’t know if it’s the Autopots or the strain. Either way in less than a month I’ve had to abandon the Autopot trays and cram the plants into another tent with a higher ceiling.