The Autopot thread

Just curious, but does anyone close their autopot rez for a few days to let the medium dry up? Im getting a bit bummed, but i seem to be having the same issue that I did on my previous run. My plants just have no strength or rigidity in the branches. They are already falling over and needing support and they aren’t even budding yet. Ive been supplementing silica, but it only seems to be helping a small amount. I really thing the media stays too saturated in these little 2 gallon pots. Im either going to opt for the 4 gallon pots next round or switch over to the geopot system, which is what im really leaning towards.

You have any pics? I keep hydroton on the mat in the bottom at a minimum of 3", 4" is best. That keeps the roots like a regular hydro setup and can breathe. I also add more perlite to my coco for effective aeration, approximately 50/50 on the mix. I quit using silica myself due to my weed tasting like campfire ashes.


Unfortunately the focus on my phone took a shit so i haven’t been able to take pictures the last couple of weeks. Im going to let my pots dry up for a few days. My medium is super wet and infested with gnats. Im really debating about going to straight perlite for my medium. I dont want to give up on these small pots as i like to grow a wider variety of strains


These have been on the res for about 5 days, my medium is not wet at all except deep in the pot.

There’s only a couple of us here so we like to grow small plants and often. Variety is the spice of life.

We haven’t tried the smallest ones like you have though…


@douggyfresh420 do you use the air base in bottom?

I will be ordering a few to try out and hopefully my medium doesn’t sit in water at all times.


Yes, i have the air base and also have the airdomes as well, i just havent used them yet.


What size are those?

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I do use Autopots
6x 3,9 gallon in a 4x4

Its just awesome.
Like 8 days in a really small pot, then half a gallon pot for again 7-10 days… then in these pots, 10 days more veg and flip these bitches :smiley:

I water almost a gallon into them… and wait like 10 days, then i activate the watertank.

i do use a lightmix that has 30% perlite in it… so if i add 2x a 2 1/2 gallon bag perlite in it its perfekt 50 / 50

u really want those 50% perlite!!! important…

I fucking love them. Iam used to KG and L so i hope my gallon stuff is correct.

I found my love to coco… i really wanna switch to that… but i dont know if its viable with the salts because its an bottom feed system. Canna or Hesi…

BTW - i did tryed out the first time Airdomes, with the airpump u pump oxygen to the rootzone… i did not saw an increase in yield…


That is awesome dude. Here i am worried about putting 6 of them in my 5x5 with the tiny pots lol.


Jes u can do that… dont worry ;D
Depends on the medium to be honest… Coco or Soil?
I used soil with 50% Perlite, as i mentioned before. And some dolomitlime for cal-mag. then i use biotabs its like gaya green just in a tab form… just add water to the tank, its sometimes to boring to be honest. Works perfectly.

U have to think that u have just 50% of the volume as soil, the rest is perlite…


Im really liking the Fox Farms coco loco mix, but i just think the 2gal pots are too small. Defiantly need that larger pot so the plants have a buffer zone of dry medium.

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6.6 gal, I also have a grip of the 3.9s which I like the best.


has anyone tried smaller autopots with coco? I’ve been wanting to try a more sog style with smaller plants so have been doing a bunch of edits on a 3d print I found to support 1 gallon pots while using an aquavalve but i’m not sure how it will turn out.

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Im in coco loco, but its only 40%. Ive been pretty happy with this mix, but with the tiny pots, you need max aeration. Ive transplanted a few today into their new homes and made sure to add waaaaay more perlite to the mix. Ive been using the airbase and am going to start using the airdomes this next round. I put a layer of perlite ontop of the airbase and made sure all the holes were filled, added coco loco amended with more perlite, worm castings, and dynamyco. Adding heavy layer of perlite on top to deter gnats. Id be curious about straight coco in this system. Id be concerned about salt build up since the coco cannot really be flushed out. I guess you could taket them out of the autopot bases and flush them manually, but that wouldn’t work for be cause im strictly doing scrogs from here on out with the autopots. Having much better luck keeping these beasts contained this round. I had 6 autopots in my 5x5, but it was just too packed. The wedding cake is literally taking up half my tent. Will only be doing 5 in this tent from here on out.


Hi i found out if you use something else than the normal top you can get the parts for 110€ because they use an standard garland tray

I’m a pretty big autopot fan. I’ve toyed with the blumats, but came back to autopot for the simplicity and the leave it and forget it factor.

My only complaint is constant source of water at the bottom. The drain and fill portion of the valve never fully dries up. I’ve only lost one plant to rot, but that was KINDA not their fault.
I’ve dissected alot of buckets and even buckets that I had a 3d printed bottom to keep everything out of the standing water, and STILL the roots were hesitant to go down that far.
In this pic, this is upside down, so the blue thing was on the bottom and wicking nutrients UP into the coco. You can see the roots just wouldn’t go down all the way. I have an updated design I’ll show in another post with AIR added, but I haven’t been able to dissect that one yet.

Does anyone have recommendations for something to keep the lines and float valves clean while growing? Had an accident where the silicon piece got too gunked up on a recent grow, ended up flooding the whole place. Plus it would be nice to have something to rinse out the system once complete too

What nutes are you using? Sounds like you may need to switch to something a bit cleaner running. I take all my lines and fittings apart after each grow and soak them in starsan disinfectant. I scrub all my pots and components with bleach water. Are you using the filter in your rez?? Ive been very happy with the canna line in this system. No issues whatsoever, but eventually ill be replacing all my lines as a failsafe.


I’ve heard great things about the canna line!! I’m using gh power trio, which I’ve heard are pretty heavy in salts. I also used liquid kelp the last grow which probably didn’t help lol

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Is it the Flora series? There are products like “drip clean” and I think… maybe “cleanse” is the same thing. But they are supposed to help keep lines clean and reduce salt build up. The thing is, they want you to use it from the beginning or else you’ll overload the plant with all the salts it somehow releases.
I know I’ve re-used lines before and they had a very very thin coat of something and when I re-used them it all released and clogged up the whole works.
IMO, don’t ever, and I mean EVER try to use organics in the rez. It will bite you in the butt at some point. It causes so much slime and weird growth of stuff that it’s just a terrible idea. ANd yes I know, some people have had no problems, but the chances of things going totally haywire goes up astronomically.