The Bank of Stank

Basics of gardening, if you have good soil, you’ll have good plants. When the soil is lacking, that’s when you need to feed.


I hear ya. I have a buddy that spends so much time mixing up all this shit like a science lab and the end result certainly isn’t any better. Simplicity is my motivation. And saving time spent in the grow.

Granted they tend to get ugly towards the end compared with others that have “dialed in” feedings or whatever, but the bud is so good it has never bothered me seeing the leaves go all yellow and crispy. I can already tell that Grape Ape in the back right corner is gonna start yellowing early.


Could always top dress a dry amendment blend 3-4 weeks in. Something like bio live or rainbow mix can be mixed into the top couple inches of the soil. That’s how im doing it, along with a bit of organic bloom in the water. Either way, your plants look better than mine :sweat_smile:


I might give that a try. Usually when I attempt something like that I only make it worse. I add a couple inches of rice hulls in my pots to keep moisture in and bugs out. I’ll make a mess scratching in a dry rub but it might be worth a shot if I notice a deficiency early.


For me it’s a space thing. With No-til I had soil in totes, worm bins, and big pots. Now I can use smaller pots and less medium. I had to ph my water in no-til so it’s not much different. My nutes are dry salts so 1-2 tsp of each one and it’s mixed up. Plus I can use automatic watering and leave for a week.


That’s a great point. I definitely have soil bins all over, and I put in plenty of labor mixing up the amendments into the reused soil. And I do love seeing people grow massive plants in little 1 gallon containers all perfectly green. Someday I’m sure I’ll venture into that realm. I’ve always wanted to try hydro actually.


I recently went on a week-long vacation and I had to setup the automatic watering system. It handled all 16 plants in flower and 20 something plants in veg, coming on for 2 minutes once every two days. Thankfully it worked out perfectly and all the plants are happy and healthy still. Maybe I’ll just leave it all connected lol.

Here they are at 23 days flowering.


Dude… That one in the back right-hand corner… Stretching! Haha. What’s the OPP again? I fully have “You down with OPP?!?” stuck in my head now. Looking awesome, though.


They look like they didn’t even miss you :laughing:. Glad to hear your setup worked, they are looking great! Looking forward to watching their progress :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. Also, we don’t have any of the same plants being bloomed at the same time this round :laughing:


Ha that’s what I always think of too. It’s Seed Junky Orange Push Pop, F2s from someone who was banned a long while back. But yeah that one has reached the max height. Those buds will be uncomfortable that close to the light.


Naahhhh, they’ll be alright. They really do look all green and super-healthy. Making me reconsider my pot size, especially because I just took all the seven-gallons out of the tent to water for the first time since I transplanted a few days ago. Sitting here thinking,”Do I really wanna do this every-other night for the next three or four months…?” haha. Three-gallon pots sound real good right about now… Plants look good, dude!


The only seed plants I have going this round are the Orange Push Pop (Seed Junky) F2s from the now defunct @silversurfer. Just so happens they are also the frostiest, easily beating out all these elite cuts in the looks department (I know, I know, doesn’t mean anything). But these have never failed to impress me. They won me a few Picture of the Month challenges back in the day lol. This is the monster stretcher in the back at only 28 days. Just reeks of citrus and candy right now. I actually cloned it this time because it was the last of the original beans, and might be glad I did.

The MAC1 is still the frost champ, but she doesn’t throw it all the way down the fan leaves like these do.


She’s a sugar monster indeed !! Do you still have the 45-50 days girl left or she’s gone forever :tired_face::raised_hands::fire::fire:


Did I have an OPP like that? If I did she’s gone. I have a few strains that can be taken at 7 weeks. Purple Punch, LA Confidential. Trinity is supposed to be really fast but this is my first time with her. Same with this Jelly Rancher cut.


These are yours @schmarmpit and is one of the most top ones I’ve ever seen :fire::fire::fire::pray:
Sad that she’s gone thou :frowning: !! But what a job you did with her




I think this one is on track to be an identical twin.


Wish you all the best with her :fire::fire: hopefully she has more fire then here sister had!

Glad that you did take clones this time :sweat_smile::pray::pray:


My plan next year is to reboot the Agent Orange seed run, make the F2s, but then also make crosses of this OPPxAO and Skunk Tangerine xAO, and maybe a few other elites like TK x AO. There’s got to be some orange goodness in all of that, I’d hope!

Her sis was beautiful and fast but the smoke was mediocre and the terps were lacking. This one has much better terps in comparison and on par in every other category so far.


I’m out of likes for 10 more hours but this here my good sir is :fire::fire::raised_hands:!!

Cross it with some orange goji and maybe make it to an orange goddess :drooling_face::heart:!!

Either way I’ll be sitting here glued to the chair next year and enjoy the show!

I still have some beans left of the OPP… just scared I’ll mess them up right now, but will try to pop them all next round… hopefully find myself
A good male and make some f3


This Gooey plant definitely fits the name. Pretty cool she’s 38 years old now.

And it’s always so interesting to see the colors and HEAVY fade caused by the higher intensity lights in the 4x4. Or maybe it’s the far red/blue strips. But I equate their coloring to a sunburn. Check this leaf below. Iremove the top leaf and the shaded part below is such a healthier color green. On the other hand, the 3x3 tent always stays nice and green.