The Bank of Stank

That’s all it is. And that seems soooooo far away still haha. I almost always grow everything twice so that by the time I’m growing it a 2nd round, I have well-cured smoke to judge.


That’s freaking hilarious every time I read PM in a thread I almost want to back out of the thread immediately :rofl::rofl::rofl:


What plants do you plan to bloom next and when? I’d like to try and time a cut or two to flip in time with yours. You know, to show everyone what they look like when done poorly and having bad pics taken :joy:.


I figure I’ll be flipping my next round by end of January. Gonna be lots of repeats like Bubblegum, Death Star, gdp, grape Ape, tk, Trinity. Some new ones like Skunk tangerine, chem 91 b1gwyrm, Papaya, jelly rancher. I can easily do 13 strains in 3gal pots, this round I stretched it to 16 plants but some are small.

And at least your plants stay green and look “normal” colored. By week 9 my big tent has plants of every color EXCEPT green haha. If the bud didn’t smoke so good I might try and fix it.


Oooh, can’t wait to see that one. I’ve got a couple packs of Doc D’s SHADYNASTY, cross of that b1gwyrm Chem. Heard good things about it.

Yeah, that’s always been my feeling, too haha. Plants look like shit, flowers smoke great, so what’s the problem? I am a little concerned this round, though, with all the 12-16 week stuff I’m growing. Usually it’s just 9-11 weeks stuff in the tent, kinda curious to see what happens with these longer-flowering plants.


Honestly I love the color fade, when mine go they just turn yellow and dry off. When I didn’t have my top dressing schedule right, my plants were deficient and getting crispy, and smoke kinda sucked.


I’m going to be watching how you do with that for sure. I always kind of assumed it would work out about the same. The very few “pure sativa” I’ve run (like Kali Mist, I went 13 weeks) didn’t seem to be as hungry as as the 9 weekers. The most sativa thing I have going now is Super Lemon Haze and she is a very light eater compared to the others. She’s always green the longest.

Will you still be running them in 7 gal?


I’ve been doing my best to control my snipping hand but it’s so hard. I just had to have an early sample of this Grape Ape branch, which has recently changed from sugary sweet grape smells to more of the…ape side of things. It’s getting funky with hints of onion/garlic stank and skunk notes, still with that grape lingering in the backend. This will be one of the better yielding plants. It grows vigorously and and ate through this soil real quick. She’ll need a bigger pot next round. I’ll let the her finish up now, I swear!


Yeah, that’s kinda what I’m planning on. Or hoping for, anyway. The only Bandaid Haze grows I’ve been able to find online were all bottled nutes-type grows, so I have no idea how they’ll respond in an organic soil/water-only (mostly haha) grow, but I think they’ll be alright.

Pssshhhh, yeahhhh… haha. Got them in seven-gallons now, three weeks into flower. I’ve only been watering every three days, just because I haven’t felt like moving them in and out of the tent to water, but surprisingly, they haven’t been drinking too much, either. I’m certain that’ll change real soon. Gonna get back to my usual every-other-day schedule after I water tonight.

Grape Ape’s looking tasty, btw. That’s another one that I haven’t smoked in probably twelve years, but I always liked it.


Damn this Triangle Kush has me sweating at just 53 days!!!


Trinity, getting fat and fading fast. This plant smells so bad right now like BO, onions, spices. It’s like an Italian hoagie shop. It might out stink the Crippy.


so this is the tk s1 from csi? it’s looking so nice


This one got me. Love a good hoagie.


I’m pretty sure it is. Looking really really good, @schmarmpit , great job! From all the reports I’m seeing online about the TK s1 , nspecta knocked it out of the park!


StankBank hahaha


This is actually the real deal TK clone, the same nspecta is using to make the S1s.


I actually grew a single CSI TK S1 before growing this clone. The s1 was decent but this clone is looking much better all around.


That’s even better, sorry for assuming it was the s1. Great to have some reference shots of the real deal to compare… again, great work!


This banana og has such a small yield its hilarious. Flowers better be primo to get a 2nd run. And I don’t even like banana haha.


The only seed plants this round, OPP 1 and 2. Both are showing ripe trichs and will be cut around 8 weeks. The short one has almost no smell, it’s bizarre, but it happened last time I grew these in the tall super frosty pheno. This go around I’ve got the tall frosty one that also has an amazing candy citrus smell and greasy buds. But I’m excited to try both and see what’s up. I’ve got a backup of the tall one only.