The Bank of Stank

Excellent Bud Porn!!

Calendar Quality… :clap:



Oh man you’re not kidding! Maybe banana kush would of been a better choice :sweat_smile:. I don’t really like bananas either, but the banana kush I’ve smoked weren’t obvious on the banana, but smoke was good and buds were nice sized. Also, the two seeds I found in that bag grew out awesome. I wish I kept both of them, but I do have one I’m about to run again.


This cut I got from a Strainly guy in Cali. I’ve stopped using him because he gets stuff confused. I doubt it’s actually Banana OG. farmerjoe has some pics of the legit Banana OG and this looks nothing like it. I’ll keep it on backup until I can smoke some, but it’s headed for the bin unless the smoke is incredible.


Happy New Year everyone! I’m celebrating in part by cutting some plants.

The Grape Ape was a massive, vigorous plant and seems the yield will be really good. Smells so good of candy grape, kind of skunkiness too. I’ll run her again in a 5 gal next time.

And the Strawberry Banana looks really good. It’s a hash strain and you can see why. Crazy enough but I am getting strawberry banana smells from her, maybe not exactly, but definitely fruity and sweet. I likely be running her again. Stays short and squat but produces well.


Happy New Year man, I had a very similar celebration.

Beatuiful frosty flowers, that Strawberry Banana looks incredible.


Thanks bud! Enjoy the fruits of your labor.


Here are some mugshots before I start chopping these plants in the coming days. Day 60 is always such a great time. Looks like only a couple will need to go past 9 weeks, primarily Death Star and maybe Trinity, but they’ll be close behind.

Ken’s GDP looking and smelling God Damned Phenomenal. I can’t even describe the smell though. It’s not grapey at all like I was expecting. I honestly can’t even say what it is. I’m perplexed. Maybe roses and mint??? Some buds are more purple than others. I bet in another week she’d be purple everywhere but I doubt she’ll get that long.

But if you want REALLY purple then this Tampa Crippy cut is where it’s at. Still one of my favorite smokes but the Death Star could knock her out since it yields better and should be equally as stinky.

And that Triangle Kush just begging to get the knife. I know I should wait but how am I expected to deal with that?! This plant loves my soil so she automatically gets in next round.




Haha! Everything really is looking very good, super-stoked for you. Crazy how much that GDP faded compared to the others, but still… Everything’s looking really awesome. Do we know how Ken Estes bred that GDP? Does he grow/breed in a sorta hydro or bottled nutes-type situation? I’ve read that organically-bred seeds don’t do as well in hydro grows and vice versa. Not saying yours looks bad at all, but I’m just wondering about that fade.

In any event, man, everything looks fucking BOMB. Looking forward to the TK smoke report. You haven’t grown/smoked TK before, right? Or am I remembering incorrectly? TK is such good weed, I think you’ll love it. Bonus that it’s enjoying being grown in your mix, too. Gotta love that.


Thanks man, I’m quite stoked myself! I keep telling myself I’m not going to smoke fresh dried herb this time and I’m going to wait patiently for a proper first smoke, but who the hell do I think I’m kidding here? I’ll be hacking up a green lung in no time.

Really interesting theory. I know nothing of Ken’s growing style. I’m thinking it has more to do with my lights in that larger tent. I leave the far reds and blue strips on the entire 12/12 cycle and they all end up SUPER faded, whereas my 3x3 doesn’t have them and everything stays much greener, for the most part. But some plants are just hungry. GDP is part Big Bud, so maybe that’s where she gets her appetite?

I have not smoked TK as itself, just a bunch of crosses of her. Out of those handful of crosses I’d say that a couple phenos of Bodhi’s Black Triangle were the closest in the looks department. She’s such a lanky grower and then those buds just come out of nowhere. I guess I’ll wait a couple more days to get to 9 weeks. I always thought she’d take at least 10 but the trichs are already looking good.


Calendar quality buds and pics! Love it! That GDP really does bring on some colors!


Hm. Okay. That’s interesting and not something I knew was even, like, a thing. I mean, I’ve seen you mention it before, but I kinda forgot haha. What light is that, with the far reds and blues? Only asking because I’m gonna have to buy a new LED in the next couple years and I kind of want to avoid any light that makes my plants fade haha. Gotta start doing some research, haven’t even read about lights in like six years. Shit’s definitely changed since then… I like my Apaches, but they’re tucking spendyyyy… I’m not paying $2500 for another light.

It’s possible. I feel like 99% certain that Big Bud was bred in those old Dutch hydro setups, so that’d make sense. Are you keeping the GDP around for another grow? Maybe just water with like 1/6th the recommended amount of Neptune’s fish around week five next time? Or top dress with a tiny bit of fish? I dunno haha. I did that last grow, though, Neptune’s Fish and Kelp, just because my plants always start fading and getting crispy around week 5-6. It seemed to have helped. I plan on doing it again this round, too, unless it doesn’t seem like I need to. Again, I dunno haha.

Just blaze it, dude haha. You know you want to. Why not? No need to feel guilty haha! I can’t help myself sometimes (always), either.


Hahaha. You really can’t go wrong with most modern LEDs for growing. And there is absolutely no reason to spend $2500 either, but I’m sure that’s a great light. It better be. I’ve been running an HLG600 (3000K, QB288 v2) for the past 3 years. But two years ago I added the QB18 v2 supplemental red/blue strips.

Ever since then the fades come hard in that tent, but I always left them on because the plants appeared slightly more resinous and even seemed to finish faster. Next run I’m leaving off the red/blue to see the difference. This is the first time I’m running clones so the difference should be pretty obvious.

Yes, I’m keeping her around until I can smoke some. That’s something to try, thanks for the rec. Though I’m pretty lazy and will likely just keep doing nothing about it hahaha. If anything I’ll just keep adding in more KiS nutrient pack when I reamend the soil. I actually ran out of the KiS nutrient pack and just switched to Build A Soil, exited to see how they react.


Okay, I’m gonna bookmark that last post haha and see about those HLG lights. That seems to be what everyone’s using lately. I really like my Apaches, but they’re definitely expensive as shit. And the big one, the AT600, is fucking heavy. Every time I raise it, which has been often lately, I get visions of the whole tent collapsing in on me and shit. The Apaches really don’t put out much heat at all, though, which I love. And they grow really good weed haha.

I’ll probably skip that, uh… QB18 V2 Quantum Board, is it? I can’t not read “QB18 V2 Quantum Board” in a “robot/nerd” voice. This’ll probably keep me chuckling for a few days, actually, so thanks for that. My girl’s gonna get really annoyed with me when I keep saying,”CueVee Eight Teen. Quan. Tum. Board yargghhh yarrgghh yarggghh. Will not compute. Error. Error…” every now and then for the next couple hours.

Yeah, that’ll be interesting. I’m curious to see if there’s a difference myself. I mean, if it really does increase resin production, I guess that’s a decent trade-off, with the fade and everything. As long as you’re not growing anything that takes longer than nine or ten weeks. Might be kinda cool to see how longer-flowering plants respond to that light, as well. Maybe they won’t fade at all.

Haha! I get that, dude, for sure. When I added the Neptune’s to my water last run, it really was just a full-on,”Pssshhhh, okay, I’m bored, let’s see what happens if I add a tiny amount of fish hydrolysate five weeks into flower…” It did seem to kinda stall that inevitable yellowing and crispy gnarliness. I dunno. It was something to do, anyway.

Water-only, baby! Haha. Gotta love it.


Lol you’re poor girlfriend, having to date Nerd-Bot 3000. Sounds like you found a good one at least. That gave me a good laugh.

Just like my plants needing food haha. My idea of feeding them is giving them tap instead of RO. Bada bing! But seriously folks, the only thing more faded then my plants is probably my memory. Hey now! I thought I’d start watering my plants with Smart Water but I couldn’t remember the feed schedule. Watch out!

Sorry, this Grape Ape makes me all Dangerfield-esque. My wife says it’s much worse then the nerd talk. I tell ya, we were happy for 20 years…then we met.


Yeah, reading the previous paragraph, I was like,”Be sure to ask schmarmpit what he blazed…”


Indiana Bubblegum at 62 days. Stayed short and is producing well for the size. Smells the part, super sweet.


The Trinity was the only plant that faded real hard in the smaller 3x3 tent, so that could throw out my whole theory of it being caused by the lights in the bigger tent. I kind of ignored Trinity most of the grow, except for when I’d brush against her and smell like a hot wet goat with sweet onions on top. Absolute stank for the bank. Might be the stankiest of them all. I almost afraid to smoke it haha. Looks like she needs another week so she’ll get chopped at 10 weeks with Death Star.


Looking good! That third pic of the Trinity is looking a little OG-ish, no? What’re the genetics of that one again?

Thought I’d include this, too, just to get you stoked about the TK: Triangle Kush (Outdoor) — Higher Thought

I think I turned you on to that blog a while back, not sure if you’ve read that review. I dunno if I’d go as far as he does re: the TK haha, but it is very good weed.


Oh hell yes that review has me even more stoked! Thanks for sharing. I’m smoking history baby! Actually got a few old strains this round. Gooey is like 38 years old now.

I agree with you, but keep in mind she’s missing a few leaves :wink: . I’m not sure what it’s made of. This Seedfinder page says it’s a 3 way hybrid of northern Cali strains, so og is a likely contender. But it also says 45 days to ripen and that’s definitely not holding up. Info about the clone-only cannabis strain "Trinity" :: SeedFinder :: Strain Info


Yeah, it says it’s “75% Sativa” but that it also finishes in 45 days. I’m not one to use emojis, but, uh, :joy::joy::joy::joy: Is that the right emoji to use? I like seedfinder, it’s definitely a great resource, but I dunno how they (or anybody else; I was looking around after I asked you, all of the usual sites say the same thing) could claim it’s 75% Sativa if they don’t even know what the genetics are. The only supposed Sativa-dominant plant I’ve ever grown that finished in seven weeks was the Apollo 11. And I didn’t really think that one smoked like a “Sativa” (whatever that means haha).

Anyway, that Trinity looks looks good. I dig it.