The Bank of Stank

there’s trinity in the TGA strain ‘Qrazy Train’ i have. [(trainwreck x trinity) x Querkle] but i can’t give an opinion of the actual trinity. the qrazy train was supposed to be a quick finisher but it was pretty average to me. i think i gave @misterbee some of the qrazy train f2’s.


Here’s a nice green one. She went into flower as a fairly small clone and only got a week of veg in her 3 gal before getting flipped. After seeing her I think I’m going to try and keep my plants on the smaller side. The really big ones just run out too early and don’t end up producing much more than a smaller/healthier plant would.

Gooey at 9 weeks. She plumped up nicely but still a loose and airy bud structure. I’ve got her on backup and won’t be running her again until I can sample some smoke. I bet you could make some massive fluffy buds on a bigger plant. I was surprised by how little she stretched for being all landrace sativas. Sticky as hell and smells of musky berries and nail polish right now.


This made me think of Bodhi’s description of the Big Sur Holy Bud seeds he got years ago, where he said he didn’t know if they were legit, but that the plants were “masterfully bred towards the Sativa high and the Indica frame.” Gooey’s a worked line, created back in the day, when breeders were actually breeders, making selections and putting some thought and attention to detail in their work, as opposed to today’s chuckers hoping for the best (or not even caring) and trying to sell a bunch of seeds ASAP.

Anywayyyyy… Haha. She looks good. I think keeping her around for at least one more grow is a good idea.


At 66 days the Indiana Bubblegum is finally looking done. She smells sickeningly sweet. Looks like it could be a legit cut (from PNW Strainhunters so it’s always a question).


And here’s a quick peep into my craziness that is keeping 20-ish moms in VERY limited space. As you can see I just keep making new moms each round and flower out the old one (or trash it and replace with the smaller clone). I can’t keep that many moms more than a cycle or two. I even tried bonsai style moms, and that did work well enough, but I didn’t have as much success cloning from those moms. So now I just do a big round of clones every cycle and replace the bigger mom with the wee little one.


makes sense, i did something like that too, i kept a bunch of bonsais for a while, then took clones, killed the bonsais, vegged out the clones until ready for flower, took clones that and they are my new moms

what i want to figure out, havn’t looked into it yet but been thinking about it, is how to really keep healthy moms for a long time like what if i need to bonsai a plant for 4 years before i run it? when i kept my bonsais it was hot, i was running the light strong, i needed to water all the time and cut the plants down all the time, ended up with thick woody fucked up moms

so i’m thinking this time imma keep my room cold, i’ll keep the light dimmed, and the plants barely watered to kinda “freeze 'em in time” and when ready to get cuts from 'em, prune the roots new soil fertilizer full sun and water until it’s healthy, and take cuts from that to flower. bonsai the plant back or use a cut as the new mom


That’s what happened with my few attempts at a bonsai mom. They got thick and woody and tough to clone. I recently changed the lights in my veg tent from LED over to T5 and it helped in a massive way. Also the colder temps of winter are helping too, just like you’re saying. So with the lower intensity light and cooler temps the plants grow much slower, which is almost a necessity to be able to fit everything in that tent for the next 9-10 weeks until I flower them out again.

But I really like your idea of putting the mom in stasis for an extended period, and then when needed, root prune, up pot, get her healthy then take cuts and discard the old one. I’ve got a couple plants I was finally ready to get rid of, but now I’m going to do some experimenting to see how long I can keep her in stasis and then bring her out of it to take cuts.

And thankfully my cloning technique is finally on point now after all this practice. I only take two cuts for backup. With 20 plants, 40 is a lot easier to manage than 60 or 80 haha. I’ve had near 100% success recently and continue to happily spread around the extras.


I found 1500 lux would slow them down to a virtual crawl - almost stasis. A little water once or twice a week.
When you want cuttings, crank them up to 15 K lux and BOOM!
You want the opposite of hot soil for this. Straight ProMix/perlite is good.

{edit} They are much more ‘efficient’ at scavenging nutriments so only water and you will still see the leaves go a darker green.



I am blasting mine with light, and feeding them like they’re in coco :sweat_smile:, a teaspoon of dyna grow per gallon. Though I have all mine in 16oz square containers. I have to cut them back at least every other week and usually don’t have problems getting them to root. I try to replace the mother after 6 months, but don’t always. Flushing with florakleen to prevent salt buildup has been a saver for some of my older moms before I replaced them.
There’s no blooming my moms after they retire


i mean some cut are 30 years old, so there has to be a way haha

what is your cloning technique? i’m still experimenting too, right now with just putting 'em in a water bottle on a heat mat at 80 and it worked, took a little longer… but i use cubes and domes too and it’s a painnnnn for me i can’t keep a close eye on 'em make sure the humidity is on point and all, got mold last time, it still worked tho

water bottle clone i think 3 weeks at that point, but i mean it was flowering so…


I see you got a cutting from a blooming plant to root, those do take longer than normal, and the way you did it (or with aero cloner) is the only way to not get mold on the buds. I’ve personally been loving the tall mini domes I found on Amazon.


damn those do look good, do you root in soil or cubes?

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I use coco plugs (I use the knock off rapid rooters) or peat pellets. I think @schmarmpit uses the coco plugs too.


Yeah I use rapid rooters (coco plugs). A clean razor to make the snips and sitting in water for a while before trimming up made all the difference for me. Also scraping the bottom of the stem a bit. Then I put them in a tall dome with a light thats 20 on/ 4 off, temp controlled heat mat below. Dome vents half way open the whole time, or full open if its really getting moist. I use rooting horomone, sometimes gel, sometimes powder, sometimes nothing works fine too. I use the clear inserts that monkey posted above to hold the plugs so I can see when new roots are popping.


Everything is looking great @schmarmpit , that GDP looks special man.
Is it a cut you acquired or did you find it in a seed run?
Im waiting on some Ken Estes GDP beans to land any day now. And your pics have bumped them to the top of the germinate list.

I keep my curs through very similar methods to yourself . Stopped keeping dedicated moms years ago


That’s a cut I acquired called Ken’s GDP.


Just harvested the last two plants at close to 10 weeks. The great battle between Crippy and Death Star.

The Crippy makes purple scissor glue. She’s a favorite of mine and one of the longest running clones I have (almost a year now). I finally decided to take her out of rotation this upcoming round and while harvesting her I had nothing but regrets about it.

The Death Star turned out really well. Moving it around to cut and the stank just started filling the whole room. She reeks, and I’m happy about it. It’s extremely vigorous grower, I feel like I’m constantly topping trying to slow her down. She’ll have a much better yield then the Crippy as well. Still got a long ways to wait for the smoke though.

Here’s just one of like 10 main tops to this beautiful bush.


And just like that, the magic pot fairy reset my rooms for me. Ahh I wish. Just lots of backbreaking labor actually. I put the Death Star in a 5 gal pot so she can really beast out. Should have done the same for some others, maybe next time.


Is that 91 Chem a new addition? I don’t remember seeing you grow that one before.


Yes sir, that’s the b1gwyrm cut. Other nubies include Skunk Tangerine, Jelly Rancher, mwxpu, G99, and Papaya.