The Bank of Stank

Oh, yeah! I forgot about that b1gwyrm Chem. Awesome, can’t wait to see how she does.


This is so awesome to me. What’s the ambient humidity like? I’m surprised you don’t need a dome. My mantra is water only. And that right there does away with rapid rooters.


I did this the other week as well, just put mine in a solo cup full of plain water. Changed water every 3 days. Took 9 days for the first root to show.
Ambient temp around 70f
Rh I’d say prob 40-45


This is the post that made me try that method, i was smart enough to save a screenshot of it


I got some bugs in the quarantine tent. I’m thinking just thrip larva but could it be russet mites? I know I have thrips because the adults are getting caught in sticky traps. These little ones move pretty fast, and a previous spraying of Dr. Zymes seems to have killed a bunch of others. I usually only catch thrip larva when they’re larger and visibly crawling around on top of the leaves. Maybe I’m just seeing them earlier for the first time. All four clones the quarantine tent have them.


Shape looks like a thrip to me. Repeated sprays will kill on contact, but spinosad can be used and they die when they eat the leaf surface.


Thanks for the confirmation!

This latest batch from PNW has been the worst yet. Started with spider mites on one plant. I think I got those beat now with intense washing, spraying, soapy water treatments. Another cut was almost dead and had mold on it. I’m gonna do spinosad first for the thrips then hit them with sulfur for possible pm, even though I haven’t seen any. Then eventually I’ll take cuts, drown them for a good half hour, and throw out the original after I get some roots.

I feel like I’m rolling the dice using this guy. I can’t be too surprised if eventually something gets by me and I have to reset it all. I wouldn’t even be too mad about it though. I’d be equally as excited to start a bunch of seeds.


That would be my biggest fear, especially since you have all those plants getting ready to flip in the other tents. I’ll never fuck with clones. I’ve heard horror stories about people having to shut everything down for like three months, just to get rid of certain pests that showed up on a clone. I don’t remember what they were haha, but I don’t wanna risk it.


I just started back a few weeks ago after 3 months of being shut down due to a broad mite infestation. I had beat spider mites but couldn’t figure out what hit me afterwards until it had spread to everything. It was my fault for not being rigorous with IPM and quarantine. I was sharing cuts with other growers in town. The garden didn’t necessarily need that long of a break, but I had a long vacation planned, then had a medical thing (burned the fuck out of my hand!) which set me back a bit…

That’s what I’m doing. In the span of just a couple of years I collected well over 100 strains in seed form so I’m looking forward to finally trying them. I started with a round of autos but plan to pop a half pack of regs every month or so. It’s hard to say no when your friends offer tasty cuts, but I’m psyched to check out all these seeds. It definitely feels good to be growing again!


Hey, how’s that banana OG coming along? Is she even worth the time? I was going to try and get banana Kush at some point.


It certainly didn’t look like the Banana OG cut that farmerjoe was selling. This is a cut from shinobi on strainly.

She was harvested at 9 weeks and she’s been curing for a while now. Surprisingly, there is very much a banana smell to the dried flowers. The smoke is pretty good potency, tastes great like a fruity bouquet, no banana taste. But the yield was so absolutely terrible that I won’t be running her again. I only netted 1/2 oz from a 3 gal pot. Small dense runtz-like nugs. Easy trim lol.


Might as well just eat a banana and smoke something from a plant that actually yielded decently haha…


BINGO! My sentiments exactly haha.

But let me tell yall about this Triangle Kush. It’s some of the best smoke I’ve had in a long time. Such a great lemon floor cleaner taste and smell with that dank earth background. And the high is just absolutely stellar. A real nice hybrid stone, and easily builds on itself with another session.

The GDP has been a great surprise for me too. It’s a total knockout! I feel it in my head but then my body just melts into the couch and I’m done for. I think this could be my new nighttime smoke.

The Death Star is smoking great too, just like I remember. Stanky as hell. You know when someone cracks the jar. It can be a bit stupifying but when you want that kick to the head it really brings it.

I’d say the other standout smoke is Gooey because it’s so different. It’s a total creeper but then lasts a really long time, like a solid 2 hours for this seasoned smoker. The high is complex, hard to describe, but I can say I always find myself keeping busy when I’m smoking it. It’s like an antidote to the Death Star lol.


Awesome work man… that TK sounds killer. You got your cuts from pnwstrainhunter on strainly? I’d love to have some of those, but deathly afraid of picking up ‘something’ from the outside. Have you just been super careful bringing in new stuff since your battle with PM? Quarantine everything? Thanks for the pics and reports… keep ‘em comin’


All Star Clones, which is about fifty miles south of me, supposedly has legit TK clones. They’re on strainly, too, I think, so I’m assuming that means they ship. I’m not gonna drive down there haha. Probably wouldn’t even if I was willing to bring clones into my space.

Actually, now that I think about it, I’m pretty sure that’s who schamrmpit got the Bubba from. I don’t think he lives in SoCal, so they must ship. Apparently, they’re really flaky and hard to get a hold of, but you could try…


I’ve gotten clones from all over the place shipped from everywhere in the US. You must assume everything comes with some kind of pest/disease and act accordingly. I have a 3 week quarantine period, if anything gets spotted then I treat as needed and reset the 3 week timer for anything that was in the tent. I didn’t have much experience with this realm of pestilence but quickly got spanked with PM when I first started taking them in. I’ve gotten way more comfortable now handling these things. I’m not as worried, most everything can be killed, you just have to be diligent and spot issues early. Easy enough to handle things when they’re small. But I still have not battled with russet mites or viroids, and if/when then happens, I’ll just wipe slate and start fresh with seeds. It’s been fun so far.

My TK came from farmerjoe on instagram. He’s had the cleanest plants, never seen any problems with his. A bunch of ringers came from PNW Strainhunters, but you best be ready to wrangle with something when they arrive. The Bubba came from AllStar, they’ve got great clean cuts. You might as well hit them up now because I think they’re getting more active again as spring gets closer.


A lot of growth in the past 14 days. They’re now at 1 week flower.

I learned a couple things from the last grow:

  • The plants don’t seem to show any difference between getting RO or straight from the tap, so tap they get!

  • The stripping of all the lower parts didn’t really change my yields much at all, and if anything I yielded slightly less total. I am still getting around 1.5oz of solid bud but my larf was almost non-existent this last grow whereas before I had another 1/2 - 1oz of larf for making edibles.

This round I will not be turning on the red/blue strips in the 4x4 to see if the fade isn’t as hard as normal. It more likely has to do with plant size since the 4x4 houses all the bigger plants.

I’m excited to start getting rid of some of these clones after finally growing many of them out and sampling. I’d much rather grow 4-6 plants in 5 or 7 gal instead of 9 plants in 3 gal. Just easier all around and much better yield per plant. Squeezing 7 in this little 3x3 is just silly. At most I’d want 4 in there when things get more normal.


Good to know. I thought I might do that next round (or the round after that) when I saw you do that. But I really hate fucking with my plants in any way if I can help it, other than topping, so I guess I’ll skip it. I really don’t mind the larf, except for trimming it.

Also good to know. I’ve been having issues with my RO system for over a year; every time I change the filters, the TDS levels somehow increase. I dunno what that’s about. I bought a new system a while back, just haven’t gotten under the sink to install it yet. So I’ve been buying gallons and gallons of distilled water every week to sorta “cut” the water for the current grow. Total pain in the ass. I’m still gonna install the RO unit for our drinking water, though.

Do you happen to know what the ppm’s of your tap water are?


Our city water has lots of sediment. Like 350ppm and 8+ ph. Users chlorine instead of chloramine. Plants just did not seem to care at all.


Okay, yeah, 350’s much higher than our tap water. And I have no idea what the pH is, never checked that before. That’s interesting, though. I did read a study about the effects of tap water in organic grows and it never really got past the first stage or whatever, because they were like,”Yeah, tap water’s fine,” haha. Guess I’ll stop buying that distilled water…

It makes sense, anyway. You see those massive outdoor grows with hundreds of plants and you gotta figure, you know, there’s no way they’re using RO water on all of those plants haha.