The Bank of Stank

Take a look at this video please. I’m thinking I have russet mites in my quarantine tent, not thrip larvae. I’ve sprayed spinosad over a week ago and they’re still going. If russets, it will be my first tango with them. I’m going to try the sulfur and see what’s up.


Shit… Maybe @JoeCrowe can help you out, too. I’d toss those clones ASAP, though.


Yikes, I have not dealt with them before. For thrips, I got rid of them with two applications of spinosad, I have not looked into russets yet…. But if they’re on the lease surface, they can be drowned/washed with a bit of soap. Wash rinse repeat (every 3-4 days). It’s the repeat part that I have a hard time keeping up with.


They do look like russets. I’d start tormenting them right away with squishings and drownings and whatnot. See what really gets em. They say sulfur hurts em, but it’s really something I’ve never tried before except on two spot mites. I’ve also heard rumors you can use biological agents like btk. Unfortunately, nothing rock solid that I’ve tried. It’s all experimental at this point heh heh.


Those are 100% russet mites. I see those fuckers in my nightmares. I am so sorry that you are dealing with them. I shut down for 3+ months to get rid of them when I had them, but you might want to look into microthiol disperss if you are going to try to battle them.

What microscope are you using and what magnification are you at in the video? I just have a shitty little 60-100x handheld one and it is a pain in my dick.

Also, where is your quarantine tent located in reference to your other growing locations? And do you ever go from the quarantine tent to your other growing locations? If the quarantine tent is even in the same house (probably even the same neighborhood) , I would be pleasantly surprised if the russets were not already on all of your plants. I have said it once and I will say it a million times, FUCK FUCKING RUSSET MITES. They are like the black plague of growing cannabis. Fucking lowlifes.

If you had to guess, where do you think they came from? Whatever the case and however you choose to proceed, I wish you the best. Positive vibes…



Pretty sure they came with the clones that schmarm ordered recently. This is just more confirmation of why I will never, ever, EVER fuck with clones.

Anyway, good to see you around, @stanknugzz77. I was wondering where you been…


Wait so those little grub things are the russet mites? Or just larvae?


Fuck those things….

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Pardon my Francais…


Thanks all, for the confirmation! So the quarantine tent is in the same house, different floor, and I do make sure to always visit it last. They only appear to be in the quarantine tent so far but I’ll be taking more time to inspect the others now even more diligently.

Incredibly, these russets came in on the same plant that had spider mites! From PNW Strainhunters of course, where I source all my disease.

But yet I am not afraid. I am not invested in the clones. I have enough dried herb to last me at least another year. I have much more money invested in my seed stock and I’ve been itching to get back to them. I’ve been playing with clones for over a year now, and honestly, I’m surprised it took this long to finally see the borg face to face. I could just destroy all my plants right now and start from seed later, out of caution, but instead I’m going to experiment with them some more. Famous last words, maybe, but I’m not too worried.

It’s one of those cheap digital USB microscopes. I think it’s listed as 100x.

Those are the full grown mites. You can’t even see the eggs with this particular scope. And the eggs are likely in the soil now.

I could definitely see me inadvertently bringing them downstairs from my clothing or some other direct method, but there’s no way those little turds are going to crawl down there all by themselves.


What a drag. I’m sorry for your troubles


No troubles here, really, I’m going to be just fine. Unless the hemp russets can feed on human flesh, but for now, they are obligate to cannabis only.


I just did an inspection on 10 of 20 clones in the mother/veg tent. They are all clean. I’ll check the flower tent later today.

I got these latest clones in on December 31, so at 1 month it appears quarantine is still working. Actually I’m thankful I caught the spider mites first because that caused me to reset my 3 week timer. Though now I’m going to tighten up procedures; staying out of there a bit more and changing clothes after I do make a visit.


finally caught back up after a 2 day read thru. man i missed alot of fire. but this next run has me locked in i been trying to trade for some jelly rancher because i heard so much good things about it. i wonder if thats the strain they renamed hella jelly ? or if that was just a cut found from it. my eyes are watering from reading so much lol.


Glad to have you on board. I’m interested in the Jelly Rancher as well. I’m not sure where Hella Jelly comes from but this guy shinobi on strainly listed it with both names.

I also got this strain Strawberry Banana from the same guy months before. It legit smells like the name and is decent smoke. But I’m worried because this Jelly Rancher cut looks EXACTLY like the SB. At almost 2 weeks flower I can’t tell the two apart. I’m thinking he might of messed up. Not sure, but I’m hoping to see a difference. The Jelly Rancher is supposed to be a real fast finisher, and the SB took 9+ weeks, so it should be obvious if they are different.


ya the JR is 40 something days but some say to run it to 56 for best results. supposed to be a sativa high that melts into a indica with the structure of an indica also. hope he didnt mess up or sell you the same and lie.


2 weeks in on the flowering tents. Look like stretch is just about wrapped up. I’m surprised to see the Tangerine Skunk is one of the smaller plants in the 4x4. I thought it would stretch but it stayed real squat.

In the 3x3 I’m trying to tame the LA Confidential. I put two newly rooted clones in a single 3 gal container. It looks like it worked perfectly because their massive stretch brought them right to the level of the canopy. Now I just have to work on the Triangle Kush. She’s a lanky stretcher and doesn’t like to branch as much.


I love this stage of growth, staring at all the potential for hours on end :slight_smile: looks top notch in there, top!


At only 3 weeks this Tangerine Skunk absolutely REEKS of fresh peeled oranges!! Is the smelliest plant in both tents right now. Like a fresh stingy orange oil smell, not candy or sweet at all. Definitely the most orange smelling plant I’ve ever grown.

When I restart the Agent Orange seed run, I’ll definitely be crossing it to this as well.


Ah man what a beautiful plant, I wanna smell her. You are treating her well. FarmerJoe said it is most citrus smelling plant he has ever grown too. I love a good orange bud. I hope you keep her around for awhile…I need to get a cut one of these days Lol.