The Bank of Stank

The time savings alone would be worth giving it a shot. I used to mix up individual ingredients too. I don’t miss all that baggage.

Oh yes I enjoy Mel Brooks, in moderation of course. I didn’t know about the snuff though. Interesting! I never understood the reference.

Mini got it right again. I only amend after the grow is harvested and soil is being remixed. I don’t do any teas or top dressings during flower. I transplant once from 4" pots into 3 gals and give them a couple weeks to settle in before flip. I think the massive difference in root space is what helps them stay green so long. Going from 1gal to a 3gal seemed less effective in that way.

The one thing I use sometimes is Neptune’s fish and seaweed fertilizer in veg. Some of the fast growers get hungry in those small pots. The Death Star usually needs an additional transplant into a 1/2gal before the final 3gal. I’ll do that for a couple strains that need it.


I got my notebook out listening to all this, I frequently run into plants outpacing thier pots so I think I might be able to steal some of your tech to mimic your results here @schmarmpit you got any tips o. Keeping moms happy too? :grin::v:t2::call_me_hand:t2:


My mom situation is probably not very typical. I have very little space and like 20-something moms that I need to keep in small pots their whole life. There’s a great thread with lots of solid technique on keeping Bonsai Moms. I use some of those techniques. But what’s been easiest for me is just restarting the moms every cycle. It seems to be the least amount of fuss this way. The longest I’ve kept a plant going is only maybe 6 months but then I need to use more bonsai techniques like root shaving and stuff. I’ve also found good success using T5 at a fairly low level to keep growth in check.


Yeah, I ordered a 44-pound bag of that BAS re-amend mixture right after we were talking about it a couple days ago haha. I’m pretty sure the unused soil in my bin right now is fine (down to only one 65-gallon bin now because I keep tossing soil every time I get aphids… sniffle… haha), it’s basically half-and-half old soil and new soil, but I’m for sure gonna use the BAS stuff when I recycle the current pots. And every time after, too, probably.

That new mix of mine is pretty biochar-heavy, though. I wonder how it’ll “react” or whatever once I start re-amending with that BAS stuff. I’ll probably go light, I guess. You don’t have any biochar in your mix, correct? I wonder, too, if the relatively high TDS levels in your tap water have something to do with how healthy your plants always look. Could that actually be benefitting the plants…? It’s a mystery… haha.

Yeah, the snuff thing is pretty funny. It’s basically a “comment” on the Cocaine Culture in the mid-80’s. Like later on in the “French Revolution” part of that movie, when Mel offers snuff to Madeline Kahn and she turns him down and he says,”Well, more for me then,” haha. Total 80’s dipshit cokehead thing to say haha.


I’m excited to see how the BAS does for you.

I wonder the same. There was a grow cycle or two that I used RO water and everything fared much worse, which really surprised me.


Ah yeah, I could see the RO stripping your soil of the nutrients. Such a thing as too clean of water. It’s why they sell mineral water and not RO water at the stores(for human consumption). Even in freshwater aquariums you can’t use straight RO without amending it with something like GH Booster or it’ll kill the fish.


this one, or the craft blend? speaking of aphids, what you should also get is the predator bug kit, but maybe that’s more useful for no-till


I dunno. Whatever the one that schmarm posted a link to a little bit above is haha.

Just checked my email; it’s the Craft Blend.


nice, that’s what i use, it’s great and will turn your plants into jungle trees, very tasty weed with this


Pretty sure you’ve seen my grow logs, my plants are always “jungle trees” already haha, too tall. Maybe I’ll send that Craft Blend back… Just kidding.


haha hell yeah they are, i meant GREEN as the jungle, fan leaves the size of school buses, i just received my supply yesterday


Damn I miss this cut of Mendo Breath. It was the first clone I ever took in, from Clonify. She had this loud gassy creamy funk smell and an awesome taste. It made me very tired but was such a great nighttime toke. Fun plant to grow. The concentrates were killer. I lost the cut when I first dealt with PM. I’ve tried finding it again, grew out other cuts, but nothing was the same. Clonify couldn’t tell me what is was as there’s several popular cuts of Mendo Breath, and Clonify was a logistical mess at the time. I’ve heard this called V3 maybe. @Seamonkey84 had her and lost her too. There’s not been any I really miss after they’re gone. I didn’t let it go on purpose though. Could have easily saved it with my current knowledge but alas. Maybe one day we’ll meet again. :microphone: :notes:MENDO BREATH :notes: :notes:COME BACK TO ME! :notes: :notes:


Is that the Mendo Breath that ended up being sundae driver that ended up being unknown? I had a cut of that from SeaMonkey and ditched it because it wasn’t what it was supposed to be. Hmmm. This was probably fall 2020.

Also. Snuff is crazy shit. Tobacco with glass fibers I. It to get it into your system fast!

Don’t think they sell it anymore, but we sold it at the headship I worked at in the mid 90s


Yeah, that describes the one I got from SeaMonkey. It didn’t match my original, he thinks it was maybe V1.

Woah that’s gnarly! I had no idea.


Gotcha. Glad I didn’t trash something wonderful. :yum:


Naw, I sent pics to clonify and they said it wasn’t Mendo at all, but couldn’t say which cut it was. They sent me wrong one then I never heard back about my next order plus replacement. From my understanding, Mendo breath original is an “elite cut”, they (Gauge Green) did a limited release of Mendo breath f2 made with the few f1 seeds they had, then they released a cut of their f3
The blue Mendo I’ve been puffing on is one of my new favorites, gotta go through a few more of those seeds, also gotta bloom the Gmo Mendo.
Didn’t you get another cut of Mendo from someone recently or was that in the works?


I’ll be trying to get the cut I had awhile back don’t know if it’s the same but it does purple. He also has other crosses of mendo so I hope I will get one I had a year or so ago. He says he also has Gary Payton, fatso, don mega, Oreos, white truffle, biscotti, purple runtz, mendo breath x ice cream cake, Devine bananas, old school trainwreck, gelonade, lemon freeze pop, donkey butter, rainmaker, golden gates, rozay, triangle mints, black Cuban haze, slaps, wedding pie, darlings net, wedding pie, gelato cake, high society. Anyone know anything about some of these strains? Knowing me I wanna grab everything but can’t afford all of them. I’m sticking to rozay, fatso, Gary Payton, white truffle and donkey butter, and mendo breath.


Nice dude. I hope you find a good Mendo. I’m not too familiar with the others.

Meanwhile in the Bank of Stank, Holy’s SSDD F2 mom is looking and smelling real nice at 6 weeks.


Let me know if you wanna try something I got you bro!!!


Hell yeah she’s looking perfect! :partying_face: She should start chunking up within another week or so. I do hope you end up liking her. I’m smoking on some right now lol

I pollinated the TK cut with Kryptonite and she’s at day 45. Will let ya know how that turns out :wink: