The Bank of Stank

Yeah I got another Mendo cut from PNW Strainhunters which had russet mites like everything else. But it came in especially bad shape and didn’t make it through my quarantine cleaning.


Looks like they went out of business on strainly


My mouth is agape from the pure shock of that statement! Say it ain’t so!

Ughhh I hate being sarcastic. I’ve heard sarcasm is the pathway to Hell.


Man oh Man that Tk looks utterly amazing :clap: it’s definitely high up on the list for me! You smashed it mate :ok_hand: that hefty cola looks so enticing :heart:


Hell doesn’t exist, dude, so you’re good. Get your sarcasm on haha.


I probably won’t come across a plant as fast as this LA Confidential any time soon, but I’m waving goodbye regardless. It’s a chore to maintain her size and hunger in veg, and she flops all over in flower. Last time at day 44 here. I’ll take her down at 50.


Gorgeous plant, though.


I’m now into week 7 and the fade is starting to settle in. Even though I have my 600W light dimmed to 300W because of the heat of summer, I still think this is going to be a heavy harvest. I’m surprised how well everything is making it through this difficult time of year. I’m hitting like 86°F lights on, and creeping up to around 70% humidity at lights off. Yuck. Can’t wait for everything to cool down again. Either way, I’ll be in Trim Heaven in just a couple weeks time. I’ll let the Kali Mist go 12 weeks if she needs it. There’s a couple others that will likely need 11 weeks.



Here’s the Blue Dream which has been crowded by the Kali Mist and LA Confidential.

And the mom of Blue Dream, DJ’s Blueberry cut is smelling sooo good right now.

Spitting Cobra by @SamwellBB is starting to swell with those rock hard GG4-style buds. This one plant is taking up like 20% of the tent and is going to be a massive yield.

This GMO looks like it’s going to take forever. The buds are stacking well but there’s barely a brown pistil on the whole thing.

Here’s a decent example of the pretty and wispy buds of the Kali Mist.She is greasy and smells like sweet vanilla and overripe tropical fruits. This 5 foot tall beast has already eaten through the entire 3 gal pot of soil, so we’ll see how she fares in the next couple weeks. Probably too late to add anything at this point, and doing so would go against my water-only mantra. I’m thinking 12/12 from seed would be better next time.

Just seeing the Forbidden Fruit buds makes my mouth water. I kind of just want to pick off a bud and eat it. Seriously some of the tastiest smoke I’ve had in a while. Even though the high isn’t as strong as the Skunk Tangerine, the taste is better and everyone is asking for the FF now.


Thanks @schmarmpit looking beautiful in there! A wonderful array of genetics, too! I love the LA Confidential… I think I still have about a half pack left in the vault. I am currently running the GMO also… I havent taken her past 10ish weeks… but I think she could go 14. Not really a ton of extra weight in adding those extra weeks… but the high is knock out… good night! :joy::v::green_heart: Some of the hits… drive me all the way up to a white out… and drop me off just right before!

Thanks again for sharing! :seedling::metal:



Looking good! That Kali Mist does look like she’s gonna take a little while longer, but that’s a good thing in my book haha. From a distance, the Afghan Mango looks like she needs at least another month, too. Is it, like, known that that cross takes a while? I woulda figured she’d be like a nine-week-er or so.

Would you ever actually do that, though? I remember reading a lot of the logs on the Mr. Nice website where people’d be like,”This weed’s just okay…” and all I could think was,”Well, you started 12/12 from seed and you already mentioned that you chopped them a few weeks early, too. Of course you’re not getting the Full Experience,” haha.

I dunno. I feel like I’d rather have a tall-ass plant that has a well-developed root system rather than… whatever it is you get from a plant that was flowering from the get-go.

Anyway… Yeah, looking good. “Everything’s so greeeeen…” Except for the Kali Mist haha!


nice bro - ya do a father proud there !! :fire:
thanks for the poster girl !!


I think I took my GMO to 85 or so days :grimacing: I took her earlier (70ish days) the second time I grew her and she didn’t come out nearly as good. Even at 85 days she still had some white pistils. You’ve probably heard that info before, but just thought I’d chime in with my experience.

Everything looking great though dude! Loving the look of that Blueberry, and I can’t wait to flower out this clone of Forbidden Fruit, you’re making it sound pretty damn delicious.


Yeah I’ve heard GMO runs 12 weeks.

Lookin fantastic in there despite the temps!


that looks like one of the phenos i found in the FF s1, the #5 it’s astringent pine/berry/onion but the mom died, oops, the one i end up keeping is a more deep purple and lots of orange hair, less dense, it’s more berryish too, it’s cool, but the one you got looks better

the flavor is insane, the smell stains your fingers and the inside of your head, that’s how i’d describe it


OK. I had no clue. Obviously GMO is going to be a long haul. I’ll plan on 12 weeks. Thanks, guys!

No you nailed it. She takes 11 weeks.

Yeah, I’ve done 12/12 from seed before on some long flowering types. Even did it on some hybrids when I had a super small tent, like GrowHard’s Grape Pie x Snow Lotus grow I documented here. I never noticed much difference in quality except for a much smaller plant and yield. They still veg for a couple weeks before flowering. It can be a really handy way to control some of the monster plants, but not all plants respond so well to it.

Always a pleasure running your gear, Sam. I’ll tag you before I chop her. I know she has much more swelling to do yet.

Yeah that’s exactly it :rofl: I’ll be asking people to smell my fingers a solid 10 minutes after breaking up some bud to smoke.


Love stopping by and catching up on your garden!!


What’s up with the Urkle?? That’s a someday strain for me, I hear really good things, she looks beautiful in your tent Schmarm


This is my first grow with the Urkle so I don’t have much to say yet. She is slow in veg, doesn’t stretch much at all in flower, and looks to be a low yield. She’s got a nice musty fruit smell going now. I’ve grown so many crosses with it, I’m excited to try it by itself.

Here she is at 7 weeks. I’m figuring she’ll be ready somewhere around 9? No purple in sight so far.

I like the super long stems on her fan leaves.


Is that F2?
Looks great, got a pack from Bobbi and it’s heating up my fridge :slight_smile:


Uhhh wah? Bobbi? F2?
This is supposedly the clone-only cut of Purple Urkle. You could say I’ve been on a bit of clone kick recently.