The Bank of Stank

What a beautiful bunch of plants! I bet your garden smells fantastic!


Haha! That’s funny as shit. I really do think it might be invigorating to trash all those moms and start anew, though. Before I decided, like,”Okay, I’m gonna settle down now,” and moved in with my girl like eight years ago, I’d always just trash everything every time I moved. Not even plants, I wasn’t growing then, but full-on, like, get rid of everything: my furniture, my pots and pans, my silverware, everything except two bags of clothes and my books and music (this was back when music existed in the physical form of albums and CD’s haha). “Fuck it, I don’t feel like moving all this stuff, I’ll just buy new furniture and new pots and pans…” haha.

It feels good to trash everything sometimes. Most of the time. Almost always haha.


i’m like that too… the opposite of a hoarder, a trasher

i think i’m starting on this path too… the “legal” amount of plants i’m allowed is 6 so best case scenario i’d have 6 extremely amazing mom plants and make sure i back them up in two different places, and have like 2 packs of seeds of these backed up too maybe in 10 years if it still holds up but lost vigor try to find it again

very useful info running elite clones VS seeds, good to know some of these “elites” are called that just because some humans say so, and humans aren’t outsmarting plants yet


I think that “elite” designation was maybe more of an old-school (or oldish-school) thing, back before everything was as widely-shared and out in the open as it is now. And back before you could just easily buy whatever you wanted online, too (although that seems to be getting more difficult these days, the way everybody pumps up seed drops and people go nuts the second something’s released and shit). I mean, in my limited experience, as long as you’re buying good seeds from good breeders, it doesn’t seem that difficult to find kick-ass plants every time you plant some seeds.

I haven’t had any trouble finding kick-ass plants, anyway haha…


No dis at all. I’m not even going as hard core as usual, just using my cell phone instead of a nice camera. But I got to say that your edited pic is a bit oversaturated from what I’m seeing real life. Maybe under a super bright light it would look like that. But these buds have a surprisingly dark muted purple color like the first photo. It mixes with the dark green hues to the point you can hardly tell what’s what. To look at a jar full of nugs it almost looks black from all the dark hues. Pretty wild.

Me too lol. And make sure to keep checking back for updates. I’m almost half way through them.

I’m totally on board with this. And I’d rather it be from my own choice instead of out of necessity from mites or PM or all the other shit I’ve dealt with in these past two years lol.



yeah man mines look pretty black purple too but it does have a lot of bright orange hair on some, i got a blueberry muffin one that didnt clone, tried twice, that dont really smell like the classic orangey one, but is super good smelling, but you know they are s1 so… i wont have the exact copy of the clone


Day 24 of flower. Smooth sailing so far.
Kali Mist is beasting out. Can’t wait to see what comes of her.
Pulling sacs and nanners off the GMO so she is pretty much disqualified already.


So i know you said 6 of them were gonna be your final keepers, how’s mom gooey stacking up against the rest my friend? More of a curious question. Different but not enough to keep.



The Forbidden Fruit looks so nice. I haven’t grown it but my boy in Oklahoma did and I got to try it. So terpy. Tried that and a cross of FF x Cherry something, I can’t remember. Gave some to the homies in Atl and they were floored with the flavor.


She is a great plant and most likely an amazing breeding tool, but I’m not a breeder. The smoke is unique but just not special enough to make The Great Cull.

That’s definitely her strong suit. The flavor is so good that most people don’t even mind the mediocre high. Just smoke some more!


Around halfway at day 35 and things are progressing nicely. I took 5 days off for a trip and the heavy watering beforehand lasted them all just fine.

The Kali Mist grew way too close to the lights and is getting bleached, but she’ll be just fine I think. At least the shaded branch in the back corner will be.

The Blue Dream might be the frostiest one in the tent.

With the Blue Dream x White Moonshine (White Nightmare) right behind.

The Blueberry is looking and smelling really good.

And the LA Confidential is beginning her fast finish already. Branches hanging all over.

The 3x3 tent.

The Purple Urkle has a standout smell already, like a fruity musty skunk. I’ve grown so many crosses with her, it’s nice to finally see and smell the original.


Man, your plants always look so fucking green and healthy. It’s really making me reconsider my soil mix and just switching to your method instead. And I’m being dead-serious. I’m already pulling fucking leaves off at day… 33, I think? Somewhere around there.

Anyway, yeah, shit’s looking VERY good. And I just have to post this, because your plants always make me think of this scene:

Sorry if I’ve already posted that, but I really do think of that scene every time I see your updates haha.


i was thinking that, the plants are leathery green, whats different about homie’s method? if i remember correctly it’s a organic soil mix?


Yeah, schmarm’s laid it out a few times. If I remember correctly, it’s just a bagged soil mix that’s been recycled multiple times, re-amended with I think KIS’s “reamend nutrient kit” thing or maybe BAS’s. I can’t remember if it’s every grow or every-other grow. I think it’s every grow.

I’m sure he’ll pop in at some point and explain it for us. He’s mentioned it in this log before, too, if you wanna look around.


Hahah that’s an awesome clip!

I’ve finally got this soil to a place where it’s performing very well for me. It’s taken a while, and I’m sure it will continue to change, but so far the routine I’m using is working great.

That’s basically it. I started with 50/50 Happy Frog and Ocean Forrest as a base mix for seedlings/clones/veg. I mixed like half the recommended amount of the nutrient pack and that was my flower mix used at final transplant. Then after the first grow I just reuse the soil and reamend with the recommended rate on the bag, always adding some new perlite and worm castings too. After years and many grow cycles I’m now at the point where the soil is very rich and I’m backing off on the amount of reamend. I notice weak seedlings and clones can sometimes take a while to get used to it. But I don’t mind because it lasts basically the entire time in veg in a little 4" square pot once they settle in. I only use water straight from the tap (no off gassing), and is kind of dirty (~330ppm). I water them with sprayers connected to a garden hose that can easily be automated for long vacations. I can’t really see how I could make it any simpler at this point, but I’m looking into SIPs.


so do you do 2-4cups of craft blend per sq ft? i think you already answered that, i’ve been growing in craft blend too, i see that my plant like a lot more of it that i would think, i just ordered a 25gal bucket of it, my weed taste good in it!


Yep, I take the middle road and do 3 cups/sq ft as my normal dose. But last round I only did 1.5 cups because it’s getting a little hot now.


That’s right, I couldn’t remember if it was Fox Farm or, like, Roots Organic or whatever. Maybe I’ll buy some of that BAS stuff and just use that when I re-amend instead of how I always do it, which is every input added separately. I guess that’d also help me save on, like, kelp and neem and shit and I could keep those things around for an occasional top dress or when I make teas (which is pretty much never haha).

Maybe I’ll make a neem and kelp tea in the next few days…

You’ve seen that movie, right? It’s fucking hilarious. That’s snuff that Mel Brooks is sniffing in that clip, not blow. I guess people in the 1700’s sniffed tobacco? I dunno. But yeah, that movie is a classic. Haven’t seen it since I was a little kid, but I’m really feeling compelled to watch it again at some point this weekend now.


sounds about right! do you re-ammend later before flower or something? teas? i top dress Build A Flower heavily before flipping, and i always end up adding dr. earth “bud and bloom booster” when i see a plant kinda skipping a beat, i know this stuff works fast, the plants gets to it right away, unlike the build a flower that’s more mild and slow releasing


Pretty sure he just re-amends after every grow. Like when the soil from the pots gets dumped into the bins, after the plants are chopped, during the recycling process. That’s when I re-amend, anyway. Anything else would just be considered a “top dress,” I think. Like, by definition.