The Bank of Stank

Bobgrows gave out some F2’s in the FSFC thread that I snagged. Was wondering if this was the same seed stock.
Forgot this was part of your elite clone hunt for a minute, I did know that, but I’m on vaca and smoking prob far too many joints per day :wink:


Hell yeah, dude! Vaca it up!


Before being banned, @Hashstash grew a Purple Urkle plant that got pollinated by an unknown male, or possibly an unknown hermie. He decided it was a male because he wanted it to be, then proceeded to give the seeds out to people labeled only as “Purple Urkle.” I suspect that you might have these. They’re not F2s, they’re an unknown cross of something with something else that someone called Purple Urkle even though it came from seed and Purple Urkle is clone-only. Pretty sure it’s gonna be a random polyhybrid hunt, but it might have some relation to Purple Urkle a few generations back…


Oh shit, I didn’t know any of this! Thank you for sharing that!! :pray:


Here’s comes Cormoran swooping in with the knowledge bomb!

With parents of Something x Something Else, sounds like BeagleZ has a nice pack of Something BX1 to hunt through.


I questioned the provenance on that “Urkel” of his when he first posted those, he had a very strange explanation. Sketchy to say the least, most likely not Urkel at all. Just my .02, I hate when people lie about stuff just to be cool :sunglasses:


Well damn. Gonna have to question all the beans that came from him then. 🤦🏼 The last fog dog bean he gave me was supposed to be a fem, but I guess many ended up male. 🤷

The ones from Corey/mark have all been good so far.

Oh well. he’s gone now…


I would be curious about those Fog Dogs from him too, since the ones he gave out right towards the end were part of a group test he was conducting to (subtext between the lines) prove that the Fog Dog he was reselling from Mark was better, or at least as good, as the Fog Dog from Atlas Seeds. As I understand it, he bought all the seeds from Atlas and then passed them out to everyone in the group to do a side-by-side; he immediately proved his point because the seeds from Atlas didn’t even germinate. Of course, he was also giving out free seeds mislabeled to obfuscate the fact that they were random polyhybrids and had started a website where he sold his seeds, with the OG icon and a link to the forums proudly emblazoned across the top of the page, so I think he may have had some ulterior motives… and it’s pretty easy to switch out one seed for another in pictures… :man_shrugging:


I gotta agree :100:%

The one “atlas” seed I received was a male, and it germinated fine. Seems like your right in that he had an agenda. Ugh.


Damn schmarmpit, beautiful work in here! Took me about 4-5 days to catch up on all this as I was burning through my likes like crazy, now I can safely check out what else is going on in OG :grin:


I’m curious to see how you’ll like her, everything you said checks out with what I’ve heard: slow veg, low yield but really special flower, I’ll be interested to see if you think so


Starting to get to where I can sample the TK cut. Do you think it’s the legit cut? I think it might be an S1 or something. I mean the overall flower structure is there, I see the same flowers in the Garland that is half TK BX3… but some things seems a bit off on this one compared to other reports, like higherthought’s

Are you getting any fuel/gas smells out of her in your soil pots? In hydro I’m getting a light lemon kush cleaner smell and then a bunch of straight up burnt rubber. Like the last 60% of the smell is burnt rubber. No fuel/diesel/gas to speak of at all in there, both smell and taste, there isn’t any.

Still not dried and cured yet but comparatively, potency seems to be around the same as my other stuff, SSDD/Mass/MaMilk, etc. No end-all/be-all stuff like she’s hyped out to be. It’s good, but I don’t see her being any better than what I can find from seed… Will hold out on final judgement until I can get her done and dried properly but been wanting to discuss my initial findings :sweat_smile:

Rocket is also thinking it might be an S1 or something too :thinking:


Obviously I can’t say for sure what it is, being just a noob to cuts, but FarmerJoe said this about it:
“Nspecta gave Bodhi this cut a long time ago. That’s where it’s from. This one is definitely TK”. You might be able to talk to him about it on his instagram.

I will say that I don’t get any burnt rubber smells from it. I’m not a fan of that smell and would definitely notice it. I do get some gassy smells but mostly the cleaner and lemon smells.


Very interesting! So should be same thing in all bodhi’s tk crosses then… and you’d think it’d be the same cut nspecta is reversing for $200/pack :thinking: … but that makes me question his talk of this cut being hard to reverse then as she’s already put out a nanner for me at 30 something days in :rofl: She’s also absolutely loaded with Kryptonite beans :yum:

Hmm this must be yet another terpene flip-flop from soil to hydro then. I’ve seen this in a couple different cuts where they smell different in soil than they do in hydro. I am not a fan of the burnt rubber either and noticed it immediately around day 40 of flower as it’s fairly permeating. That scent on there might be skewing my perception a bit for now lol. Hopefully it’ll fade or change to some gas or something. Only at day 55 now so she’s still got awhile to be able to change that out.


Oh wow 55 days, yeah that’s a real early sample I’d say. The real banger nugs I got from her were cut around 77 days. And I totally can believe that different environments play a major role. Like that Higher Thought link, his bud picture doesn’t look at all like what I’ve seen. His is outdoor though, so I expect it to be much leafier like that.


I was planning on stopping my clone hunt by January 2023 but it has instead taken an immediate stop as of this weekend. Sorry to anyone that I said would get cuts in the fall, but that isn’t going to happen now. But I will say it’s pretty damn easy to get whatever cuts you want these days as long as you have cash to throw around and a good quarantine setup. The culprit, as anyone following along could have guessed, hemp russet mites!

I suppose the saying is correct, “play with fire and you’ll get burned”. I’m still trying to trace back exactly where/when it happened. It had to have been a fairly recent development. Both flower tents are completely unaffected, thankfully. I’ll still have a nice big harvest in a few weeks. But the entire veg tent has them, all 20-something moms to some degree. I first noticed it on the MAC1 and Death Star as their leaves were curling and the new growth looked off. Took out the scope and they were completely infested. Those two were the worst off. I then started scoping other moms. Some barely had them, one or two didn’t appear to be infected at all, but I spotted mites on almost everything else.

The lifecycle of a russet mite (from egg to laying new eggs) is maybe 3-4 weeks, possibly even shorter with the high temps of summer. I’m thinking some eggs must have hung onto a recently “cleaned” plant and slowly took over. I would hate to think it started from contaminated soil, or an uncleaned pot. If that’s the case then I’ll need to consider throwing away all my reused soil. But I highly doubt that because the plants in flower are using the same soil as the plants in veg. I will throw away all my nursery pots just to be sure. They can’t live without their host for very long and their eggs are unable to stay dormant for extended periods of time.

I could have probably saved them with lots of time and effort but I was already feeling done with the clones in general, and this was all I needed to trash them all. I had enough experience getting rid of russets many times over and would never want to deal with it again (times 25 moms). No thanks. Actually the process of chucking them all felt REALLY good haha!

I’m going to turn my smaller 3x3 flower tent into a reveg tent and try and save a few cuts that way, mostly the ones I didn’t get to even sample yet like: Blue Dream, Blueberry, Afghan Mango, Urkle. Maybe some others, but probably not. Getting back to my seeds is already getting me so pumped! I forgot how I used to fall asleep at night by rifling through my next run of seed choices in my head every evening lol.

Here’s the new lineup getting dunked ASAP:
Bodhi: Lemon Hashplant V2 (Lemon G x 88G13/HP)
Dynasty: Blue Magoo BX3
JOTI: Blackberry Breath
CSI: Zkittlez S1
G13 Labs: Pineapple Express S1


Wow man that’s fucked! I finally got rid of the aphids. Been a few weeks since I spotted any. Still seeing the occasional hopper that snacks on a leaf but I can live with that. I hope you can pinpoint the source and deal with it accordingly. Good luck


Yeah, I agree. Environment, grow style and terroir (or lack thereof, in the case of hydro grows) play such a huge part in the final result. And that goes for anything grown, not just weed. It’s why grapes grown in certain regions in France produce better wines than the same grapes grown in, like, Napa or wherever. And vice versa. And environment can make those same grapes or weed or whatever grow/smell/taste differently from year to year, even when they’re grown in the same region with the same exact regimen.

It’s why oenophiles will refer to, like,”Oh, ‘97, that was a great year…” Because all of the factors that’re required to grow great grapes just happened to coincide that year. And even though we’re not growing outdoors, there are still all kinds of things going on in the grow room that vary from grow to grow. Unless you’ve got, like, a sealed “laboratory”-type situation, where the environment doesn’t change at all, and your soil mix/hydro solution (and even water) is the same exact every grow, it’s virtually impossible to get identical results every time, especially between different growers who utilize different methods and grow in different environments.


So I’m not alone in this nightly endeavor! Sorry for your loss. Sounds like you are taking it pretty well. Onwards and upwards!


Sorry to hear about that. I am new around here and just caught up with your thread. Great work and love your water only approach. I used to try and save everything but in reality it is much easier to just start over. Looking forward to more stank.